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Actually it's all in the name of sociology

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"People always ask how are people going to change after having sex," he told AAP.

err...preferably in the bathroom after a shower....if I feel particularly dirty.

Edited by freelancer

It's just another chapter in the Culture Of Celebrity, which in turn is just another chapter in the Monetization Of Everything Human.

Once everything has a price, there is nothing that is ever safely/unquestionably yours, including your body, your mind, or, if you believe in such things, your could/spirit/whatever you care to call it.

And then, callers come a-callin', businessfolk come a-businessfolkin', plunderers come a-plunderin', and their work is made so much easier by the notion that, hey, why not, it's a good deal! Some things you sell, you can get them back. Other things, not so much. When that ceases to be a consideration...

World gone wrong. And getting wronger.


Once everything has a price, there is nothing that is ever safely/unquestionably yours, including your body, your mind, or, if you believe in such things, your could/spirit/whatever you care to call it.

Nonsense - sex has always been for sale. And has never made any difference to anything.



I would beg to differ about it never made a difference to anything...a 25 year old hooker and a 25 year old "selective screwer" are likely to have distinctively different outlooks on life, all the more so by the time they're 35.

Anybody here want their daughter to become a prostitute? Or to sell their virginity to some stranger for 780 K as part of a film that's a "sociological experiment".

"Yeah baby girl, put that ass up for bid, no big deal, and we COULD use the money. Besides, you'll be a STAR!!!"

We gonna have that conversation with our daughters?

Didn't think so.


One of my favorite jokes/tales.

Man to Woman: Would you have sex with me for a million dollars?

Woman: A million dollars? Uh, sure.

Man: How about fifteen bucks?

Woman: What do you think I am, a prostitute?

Man: Actually, we've already established that fact; now we're just haggling over price.


One of my favorite jokes/tales.

Man to Woman: Would you have sex with me for a million dollars?

Woman: A million dollars? Uh, sure.

Man: How about fifteen bucks?

Woman: What do you think I am, a prostitute?

Man: Actually, we've already established that fact; now we're just haggling over price.


Virtue, true virtue, is inconvenient. But it does exist, and all the rationalizing and qualifying that can be mustered only obscures that fact. It doesn't alter it.

I mean, we're all whores in some form or fashion, pretty much all of us. If you do something you really don't believe in for a paycheck, you're a whore, simple as that. C'est la vie But I don't think that any of us would glamorize our whoredom, especially to the point of recruiting others into it.

But there are those who do (and they're everydamnwhere), and the more "attractive" they're positioned, the greater the allure of doing any damn thing for money and fame gets, and sooner or later the notion of "virtue" ends up getting mocked, discarded altogether, or even worst, redefined in such a way as to serve the procurers.

This isn't about sex, not really, it's about what of yourself you insist on keeping, what part you share, what part you let go, and the terms and conditions of how it all works. It applies to the physical and the mental and the spiritual (however you define that).

And the more you can convince people that what is intrinsically theirs is really "no big deal", just a tool, a means to a bigger end, the easier it can be taken from them and put to whatever use the taker has in mind (which usually involves some form of exploitation, guaranteed).

We do not live in an age where building people up & encouraging them to stay strong and rise above is a particularly desired outcome. It's a COME ON DOWN!!!! world today, and the further down you come, the happier everybody is.

World gone wrong.

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