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One more series, once more full of weird choices and odd combinations ... at least there still seem to be what, 0.2 people at Universal Germany working in the jazz department?

Why pick the weakest two albums (Creed botched them) of Anita O'Day's great Verve years? Why not do Hawkins right and bring us a 2CD set including the bonus tracks of the previous CD reissues? (Remember, the Impulse 2-on-1 series did included a few 2CD sets ... no bonus material there, just two albums longer than 80 minutes ... but still!) ...

Anyway, how are the albums on the Hodges, Brookmeyer and Winding discs?

How's the Tormé that's not Shubert Alley (which I have and love)?


How did Creed botch the O'Day - Three Sounds LP? Its just the trio and her, with Roy Eldredge sitting in on a tune or two. Personally I can't tolerate her voice but I'm thankful for the handful of pure trio tracks.


Anyone who hasn't got the Ammons/Stitt twofers ought to have them. 'Soul summit' is marginally better but both twofers come from Jug's best period, between his two prison sentences.

What about the Jimmy Smith - Bashin'/Hobo flats? That's one I want: 'Hobo flats' has only come out on CD on the Oliver Nelson Mosaic, I think. And it's a VERY sensible coupling.


  On 10/21/2012 at 12:41 AM, king ubu said:
Why not do Hawkins right and bring us a 2CD set including the bonus tracks of the previous CD reissues?

What's wrong lad? Would you say that, not having any of this disc, I shouldn't buy it? I'm minded to.



Dan, I guess I'm talking mostly of the Tjader album - but the Three Sounds is still just okay, rather than good to great (which most of her other Verve albums are!).

MG: I guess if you don't know the Hawkins material, the new reissue will be great ... but still, what I find sad about these reissues (same goes for the LPR/Originals series) is that previously available bonus material will be gone for good. It would have been around, and putting it onto the discs wouldn't cost much ... and twofers are quite far from "original album" reissues anway, so why not go all the way and included the previously available bonus material as well?

Anyway, for newbies, there's plenty of good stuff here, the JOS, the Hammond, the Ammons/Stitt, the George Russell, the Getz, the Kirk, the Mulligan, the Golson, the Jazztet ... the Brown, Soul Summit an OPs are good as well.

Still, this is kind of a not-happening series for me, sorry to say.


Hey, I'll take it. Those George Russells are a huge deal. The OJCs just went for over $30 each on eBay. I passed them over 100 times and was biding my time until Fresh Sound stepped in. Glad I can get them legit.

Though, yes if I could bitch about one thing, why not pair Reeds & Deeds with Gifts & Messages, the other RK Mercury small group album that's never been available on a standalone CD in Europe/US (or ever-- not sure about Japan)?


  On 10/21/2012 at 1:13 PM, colinmce said:

Hey, I'll take it. Those George Russells are a huge deal. The OJCs just went for over $30 each on eBay. I passed them over 100 times and was biding my time until Fresh Sound stepped in. Glad I can get them legit.

Though, yes if I could bitch about one thing, why not pair Reeds & Deeds with Gifts & Messages, the other RK Mercury small group album that's never been available on a standalone CD in Europe/US (or ever-- not sure about Japan)?

Yep, and the bonus material from the VME of "Domino" was pretty worthwhile, too! I got the VME even though I've got the big Kirk box.

  On 10/21/2012 at 3:44 PM, colinmce said:

Oh, and MG: Hobo Flats came out in the Verve LPR series ca. 2008.


Yes ... I had to look it up as well since I wasn't sure. Got the Nelson Mosaic though, so I won't need it.

One more (last?) bit of bitching: the Rich/Krupa ... now the bonus album is actually the continuation (kind of) of Krupa & Rich, yes? Not of the "Drum Battle" (which is worthwhile for fans of Willie Smith! ... and was part of the Verve By Request series). Seems a bit of an odd combination, not unlike plenty of the Impulse 2-on-1 discs were ... anyway, is that bonus album worth getting the twofer for? I'm a bit hesitant judging on the line-up.


  On 10/21/2012 at 3:44 PM, colinmce said:

Oh, and MG: Hobo Flats came out in the Verve LPR series ca. 2008.


Oh, I didn't know that. So maybe it would be worthwhile my shopping around to see whether the new twofer is cheaper than a copy of the solo CD. Thanks.



  On 10/21/2012 at 6:16 PM, The Magnificent Goldberg said:

  On 10/21/2012 at 3:44 PM, colinmce said:

Oh, and MG: Hobo Flats came out in the Verve LPR series ca. 2008.


Oh, I didn't know that. So maybe it would be worthwhile my shopping around to see whether the new twofer is cheaper than a copy of the solo CD. Thanks.


Probably the new ones will be cheaper (on amazon.de it's € 8.99 vs. € 21.99 - the latter being ridiculous for a Verve Originals disc, of course).


That the Universal people, especially those in Germany, are not that knowledgeable about jazz was confirmed to me by a local CD department manager who is in the business for 30+ years - I, too, can think of more sensible combinations and all, but to reissue stuff that is out of print is okay. Sometimes there is a disc that's still missing in someone's collection, even more for the so-called newbies, considering today's market that's all we will get, I'm afraid.

We should all give up our jobs, throw our money together and start the perfect reissue label. We'll all be broke after a year or two, but who cares ...


Yeah, actually I guess we ought to be glad to see any activies besides the Spanish and UK ones that are too often lacking soundwise ... but then again I still think evading the often moronic (and certainly marketing-department-dictated) reissue policies would have helped the labels to sell more while they still could have. Now, it seems to be too late, alas. But I'm stocked up on "classics" for (at least) half a lifetime, and there's still plenty of smaller labels releasing great music to keep us busy.


Like I said, it's all worth it to get those Russells. I can't believe I passed those over time and again for years before it was all of a sudden too late. Now Ezzthetic and The Outer View won't be so lonely on the shelf. :)


  On 10/22/2012 at 2:45 PM, felser said:

What's a good source for ordering these in the USA? I'm not finding them on Amazon.

try grooves-inc (switzerland)

I think they have them for 6.99 euros

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