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This book is a pep talk for women who are miserable.  She focuses on getting rid of everything you own which does not spark joy.  She thinks that a tidy home will help eliminate your constipation problem.  And she doubles down on talking to inanimate objects like your apartment and your socks, as if they are people to whom you should be grateful.917EaqoOLlL._SL1500_.jpg

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There is an old adage that a good story involves getting the hero up in a tree, adding some people throwing rocks at him and then managing to get him back down again.  Leigh Brackett was a master of establishing a tense narrative within a few pages and drawing you into the conflict.

This book is very expensive.  I managed to score the other two volumes of her short stories in this series but this one is usually two or three hundred bucks.  Thankfully, all the stories appear to be public domain and can be found on either Gutenberg.org or the Internet Archive digitized volumes of Thrilling Wonder Stories.  Below is the table of contents with where to find the stories. G = Gutenberg.org

-Foreword- by Ray Bradbury
-Introduction- by Harry Turtledove

G -The Blue Behemoth- (Planet Stories, May '43)
G -Thralls of the Endless Night- (Planet Stories, Fll '43)
G -The Jewel of Bas- (Planet Stories, Spr '44)
  -The Veil of Astellar- (Thrilling Wonder Stories, Spr '44)
  https://archive.org/details/Thrilling_Wonder_Stories_v25n03_1944-Spring/page/n49/mode/2up?view=theater  (On a pc, press f11 after you get there for full screen)
G -Terror Out of Space- (Planet Stories, Sum '44)
G -The Vanishing Venusians- (Planet Stories, Spr '45)
G -Lorelei of the Red Mist- (with Ray Bradbury) (Planet Stories, Sum '46)
G -The Moon That Vanished (Thrilling Wonder Stories, Oct '48)
G -The Beast-Jewel of Mars- (Planet Stories, Win '48)
  - Quest of the Starhope- (Thrilling Wonder Stories, Apr '49)
  -The Lake of the Gone Forever- (Thrilling Wonder Stories, Oct '49)
 -The Dancing Girl of Ganymede- (Thrilling Wonder Stories, Feb '50)

-The Science-Fiction Field- by Leigh Brackett (Writer's Digest, Jul '44)


Edited by Stompin at the Savoy
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