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Stan Kenton: This is an Orchestra!

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Couldn't find the story about Anita getting on the band bus, but there is enough there to indicate that Anita was well, Anita,during her time with the band.

All I can remember is that Anitat got on the bus and said something like, hey guys, here I am, if you can think of anything you haven't tried, let me know and we'll do it. Or words to that effect.

BTW, looked at Carole Easton's Straight Ahead: The Story of Stan Kenton this AM. Not as comprehensive as Sparke's book, and has some errors here and there regarding dates and time-lines, but it's perhaps even more insightful than Sparke's book into Kenton the man, and it's better written too,IMO. It's a page turner and often quite humorous, perhaps unintentionally. Some "true believers" as Jim calls them, have told me that Easton really nailed it.

The ones I met were all upset about how "distateful" it was, that Kenton was a Great Man Being Dragged Through The Mud, and all that. They didn't say that stuff wasn't true, they just said it "couldn't" be true, and I'm all like, look man, whatever, you wanna check out some Interstellar Space? :g

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Alas, it seems it ends badly. I'm into the last chapters now, covering ca 1970. Kenton's health is in decline, but naturally in his mind THIS band is the greatest and the Road Father must shepard the flock. Don't tell me-his 18th marriage, to 19-year-old Consuela from Decca publicity, which the lovebirds KNEW was made hn heaven despite that pesky 89 year age differeoce fails. Kenton is inconsolable, and spends his lasw days at Lester Young's old room at the Alvin drinking Old Kushemacher and staring wistly at a B&W pic of a skeletal Bob Graettinger reflecting off the red ceiling light. Inebriated, he won't see friends, but stays in bed muttering 'why'd he do it? Why...' Wait, that was The Valachi Papers' Disregard and have a BLESSED DAY!!

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Geez, what a snoozer this book turned out to be. I'm not sorry I read it. It whet my appetite to hear some Kenton, so I can't say it wasn't effective. But this writer, to me at least, didn't in the long run have the spark to keep me interested in all the minutae of this band, this arranger, this chart, that tour. Thank goodness there were interviews with the cats or I'd have chucked the droning narrative chapters ago. In fairness, you have to admire Sparke's fan's enthusiasm, research skills, and desire to be comprehensive in giving the history of a band w/a long life. But, damn, this is dry stuff! I can't imagine anything but total ennui as a reaction from anyone but looney musicians like me (though ennui has taken a firm grip by now) or rabid Kenton fans-who must mostly be dead, or, worse, attending the U. of North Texas (; What was the title of that other bio by a woman that someone mentioned was better-written. Thank you, Mr. Sparke. We will be in touch...

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Geez, what a snoozer this book turned out to be. I'm not sorry I read it. It whet my appetite to hear some Kenton, so I can't say it wasn't effective. But this writer, to me at least, didn't in the long run have the spark to keep me interested in all the minutae of this band, this arranger, this chart, that tour. Thank goodness there were interviews with the cats or I'd have chucked the droning narrative chapters ago. In fairness, you have to admire Sparke's fan's enthusiasm, research skills, and desire to be comprehensive in giving the history of a band w/a long life. But, damn, this is dry stuff! I can't imagine anything but total ennui as a reaction from anyone but looney musicians like me (though ennui has taken a firm grip by now) or rabid Kenton fans-who must mostly be dead, or, worse, attending the U. of North Texas (; What was the title of that other bio by a woman that someone mentioned was better-written. Thank you, Mr. Sparke. We will be in touch...

See posts #26 and #27 above.

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