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Sherman Hemsley dies at 74

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Last year I ran into an article about what a huge prog rock fan he was. Somehow I never detected that when watching All In The Family or The Jeffersons. Here's Daevid Allen of Gong's encounter with him.

Another article I saw posted today that mentions him listening to Yes, ELP and Nektar among other bands...

Notes From The Edge

I spoke to Sherman on a few occasions when I was running YesWorld, as he somehow got my phone number and asked me to put him in touch with Jon. The following is what I posted to NFTE #213, from February 12, 1999, following one of our conversations (don't know what became of "Festival of Dreams"). High Vibration go on, Sherman, and our hearts go out to his family and friends.

- He gets it all the time. George Jefferson of the '70s TV series "The Jeffersons"...a Yes fan?!? While it's highly unlikely that television character George would be rocking to CTTE, for actor Sherman Hemsley it's something he's enjoyed doing since the album was released in 1972. Before discovering the band Sherman was a keyboardist with a background in jazz, grooving to the likes of Mandrill (whose tune "Universal Rhythms" was an inspiration) and Horace Silver (with his album UNITED STATES of MIND), music that proved influential in introducing him to spirituality and meditation. He soon latched on to progressive rock (he was into Emerson Lake and Palmer prior to Yes: TARKUS is his favorite ELP album), and though his introduction to Yes with FRAGILE was unexceptional due to an abysmal sound system he immediately embraced CTTE. He has been a major fan ever since. (Some Yes vets may recall seeing a TV Guide article on Sherman during "The Jeffersons" heyday; a photo depicted Sherman in a lotus position, and the text described how he embraced spirituality and listened to such "far out sounds" as Nektar...and Yes' TALES FROM TOPOGRAPHIC OCEANS.)

While Sherman continues to act (he'll soon be making an appearance on the ABC series "The Hughleys") he is exploring his own musical side: he is in the process of composing a musical titled "Festival of Dreams" with lyrics written by Yes' own Jon Anderson

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  • 3 months later...

This does not at all surprise me. I saw something similar happen when Alberta Hunter died. Her estate was worth a great deal more (she had accounts in 4 different banks, each with a large balance, and there was around $100,000 in cash under her mattress. I saw the cash and Alberta showed me her bank papers when she told me that I was one of 4 people who each would inherit one of the bank accounts. She also showed me her will, which bore no resemblance to the one that left everything to her pianist, Gerald Cook, and his sister. That will was a rewrite initialed by Alberta toward the end, when she was suffering senility. By the way, Alberta did not like Gerald and she did not know his sister.

I probably should have done something about this, but—being one of the beneficiaries—I thought it would look like greed, so I left it alone. The others in Alberta's original will were Harry Watkins, a wonderful old entertainer whom she had known since 1918 and always referred to as her "brother"; singer Jimmy Daniels, who was also a lifelong friend and with whom she shared one of her apartments; and a distant nephew who lived in the midwest and was the only relative she knew of. None of us received a anything, thanks—in large part—to a crook named William Krasilovsky. This was a slick lawyer who came to Alberta at John Hammond's recommendation—she believed that he had her interest at heart, just as she put her faith in Barney Josephson and John.

I'm sure that this sort of thing as quite common—money has a way of turning even nice people nasty, but there was nothing nice about this cast.

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