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hey deus, when does your day start? IOW how come you're only listed as having your birthday at 7 in the evening (GMT+1)? You're not pulling out leg are you? Anyhow, here's another cake. 16 candles of course


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Die Weisheit, die von Gott kommt, ist »ohne Heuchelei«. Gott täuscht niemanden. Er ist durch und durch klar und wahr (Jak. 1,17). Er ist die Wahrheit in Person.

Aber er dosiert sie so, dass sie einen Menschen nicht niederschlägt, sondern aufrichtet. Das ist Weisheit. (Vgl. Röm. 12,9; 1. Tim. 1,5.) Der Lohn der göttlichen Weisheit ist das Geschenk der Gerechtigkeit (V.18). 3,18 Nur wer selber Frieden schafft, wird erfahren, daß seine Gerechtigkeit und Friedfertigkeit Früchte tragen.


We should be grateful to deus for this thread:

1. Any gift from God is welcome

2. It's a great opportunity to get rid of all those virtual birthday cakes you have been assembling over the years

3. He demonstrates just how fast one can grow up, if only the will is strong enough

4. He gives us all an opportunity to increase our post counts without wrecking our brains

5. It is a welcome reliefe from discussing all that overtly complicated music that's the subject of the other threads

6. We all can feel wise and - well, I wouldn't say "old", it sounds so ugly

7. It makes him feel so young

8. He showed us an entirely new application for this particular feature of a forum

Hell, why didn't I post one argument at a time ....


no trickery this time I gather maren. good. that probably makes up for a lot. just don't go around stealing my cakes from the web willya! we can forge a companionship if you wish. I'll write from couw&maren with love with each new cake and you do the same. deal?

(hey, I KNOW cakes are getting rarer by the year, give me a break willya!)


  couw said:
I'll write from couw&maren with love with each new cake and you do the same. deal?

Deal! Except I'll leave your name off if I think you may suspect forgery! (My religious beliefs tell me that God appreciates the intent to honor him, regardless of the skill of the praiser -- "pa-rum-pum-pum-pum" and all...)


mikeweil,Feb 8 2004, 11:44 PM ....

1. Any gift from God is welcome

Sorry, you got something wrong there. That's not how it works. It's my birthday, NOT yours! It is actually exactly that misconception which is going to bury Christianity one day: "God has to give me presents."

God says: "Bullshit!"

2. It's a great opportunity to get rid of all those virtual birthday cakes you have been assembling over the years.

Definitely the way to go. "Hey, let's give unto God all the old mouldy cakes I have flying around the house". Way to go. That'll get your pearly gates' count up for sure!

3. He demonstrates just how fast one can grow up, if only the will is strong enough.

Yeah, but the flesh ... the flesh. And talking about stretch marks. Man, the amount of lotion I have to slap on each and every day. We're talking fortunes here.

4. He gives us all an opportunity to increase our post counts without wrecking our brains.

This board has other gods in charge ... although they are, of course, lesser gods which you can just go ahead and worship.

Try it.

5. It is a welcome relief from discussing all that overtly complicated music that's the subject of the other threads.

Oh, just what we need. Takes 6 1/2 days to create the stuff (left me 1/2 a day for women and tobacco) and you think it's overly complicated. I guess you have no problems with women and tobacco addiction?

6. We all can feel wise and  - well, I wouldn't say "old", it sounds so ugly.

Old is not ugly. Ask 62% of the German population. Now that I come to think of it, give it the old acid test. Stand on the next market square, shout "OLD IS UGLY!" ... and report the result back to me. On second thought, I think you will probably be able to report the result directly back to me. I'll be waiting at the gate.

7. It  makes him feel so young.

You just don't get it, do you? I say "young"and I am. I simply don't need to waste any precious time worrying. Leaves me plenty of time to worry about other things, like jazz fans on jazz forums.

8. He showed us an entirely new application for this particular feature of a forum.

Yep, I think we need to rewrite the book of books: "1st commandment: Thou shalt abuse jazz forums. Though shalt not get a life. Nope, not at all."

Hell, why didn't I post one argument at a time ....

That winged serpent hanging around here again? Man, THAT guy is a nuisance, believe you me.

I'm off to be 17.



  couw said:
no trickery this time I gather maren. good. that probably makes up for a lot. just don't go around stealing my cakes from the web willya! we can forge a companionship if you wish. I'll write from couw&maren with love with each new cake and you do the same. deal?

(hey, I KNOW cakes are getting rarer by the year, give me a break willya!)

couw, my devoted follower,

don't be lazy. Not after all that effort.

Be a little more Puritan already.


  deus62 said:
  maren said:
"pa-rum-pum-pum-pum" and all...


you had everything going for you and you just HAD to screw it up.

Try again.

[edited for divine typo]

Yes, Sir.

Sorry, Sir.

Happy 17th Birthday, Sir.



  deus62 said:
mikeweil,Feb 8 2004, 11:44 PM ....

7. It  makes him feel so young.

You just don't get it, do you? I say "young"and I am. I simply don't need to waste any precious time worrying. Leaves me plenty of time to worry about other things, like jazz fans on jazz forums.

I may not get this, but I got you never heard the jazz standard I was referring too, so you're not jazz God, that's for sure :o


  mikeweil said:
  deus62 said:
mikeweil,Feb 8 2004, 11:44 PM ....

7. It  makes him feel so young.

You just don't get it, do you? I say "young"and I am. I simply don't need to waste any precious time worrying. Leaves me plenty of time to worry about other things, like jazz fans on jazz forums.

I may not get this, but I got you never heard the jazz standard I was referring too, so you're not jazz God, that's for sure :o

ouch! I sense wrath...


  couw said:
  mikeweil said:
  deus62 said:
mikeweil,Feb 8 2004, 11:44 PM ....

7. It  makes him feel so young.

You just don't get it, do you? I say "young"and I am. I simply don't need to waste any precious time worrying. Leaves me plenty of time to worry about other things, like jazz fans on jazz forums.

I may not get this, but I got you never heard the jazz standard I was referring too, so you're not jazz God, that's for sure :o

ouch! I sense wrath...

Well, I never wanted to be anything but a king ;) , but now teaching a god is a whole new experience...

You make me feel so young

You make me feel like spring has sprung

Every time I see you grin

I'm such a happy individual

The moment that you speak

I want to go and play hide-and-seek

I want to go and bounce the moon

Just like a toy balloon

You and I, are just like a couple of tots

Running across the meadow

Picking up lots of forget-me-nots

You make me feel so young

You make me feel there are songs to be sung

Bells to be rung, and a wonderful fling to be flung

And even when I'm old and gray

I'm gonna feel the way I do today

'Cause you make me feel so young

ubu :g


@mikeweil: [incl. wrath, as requested by couw] Being a jazz god is a rather limiting experience [as your assumption shows]. ;)

@king ubu: So, what did it feel like? Was it good for you?

@couw & maren: Thanks for the big one!


P.S.: I think it's time we have an extended birthday party. Suggestions?

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