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Send a PM to the Board Admin. Be sure to include the topic title in the message header. Also include the forum and topic numbers, which can be found in the URL of each thread.


The only way to get a topic deleted is to wait for the end of the world. Then, hopefully, the entire content of the internet will be deleted. Unless it has all been backed up on servers located in other galaxies, of course, in which case...

Hm. A bit like the Mosaic storage problem.


If you start bad enough topics (as I have been known to do) they tend to delete themselves. I think B-3er plays Kevorkian to threads that drop with few replies... :g:alien::blink: :rsmile: :eye:


The only way to get a topic deleted is to wait for the end of the world. Then, hopefully, the entire content of the internet will be deleted. Unless it has all been backed up on servers located in other galaxies, of course, in which case...

Hm. A bit like the Mosaic storage problem.

That'll be only a few billion years away...


The only way to get a topic deleted is to wait for the end of the world. Then, hopefully, the entire content of the internet will be deleted. Unless it has all been backed up on servers located in other galaxies, of course, in which case...

There is a shortcut: Just type a message with the content "42" (without quotation marks) at the end of the thread.

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