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MLB 2012 Season

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Edited by alocispepraluger102
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Lincecum came through even with a rough start. Giants win, 5-2 over the Dodgers.

I was sorry to read that Billingsly is out for the season with elbow problems. Too bad, the guy was on cruse control and a huge thorn in the Giants' backside all season.

Cain on the mound tonight.

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Feeling extra more bad for the Astros...when I was a kid, if you got an Astros game on Sunday TV, it was, like, one of five or six such chances you'd get all season. So by god, you WATCHED.


Houston’s win Sunday over the woebegone Miami Dolphins generated a 22.2 Nielsen rating with a 44 share on KHOU (Channel 11), which equates to an average audience of 485,127 households....The Texans, however, are not the story of the day. The Astros’ win over the Reds generated the lowest rating, as far as can be determined, in the history of the team’s presence on Fox Sports Houston and its predecessor networks. It generated – if that’s the word – a 0.05 rating, which means it was viewed by an average audience of 1,092 households. It only generated a measurable rating in four quarter-hour periods, and it was never viewed during any 15-minute period by more than 0.18 percent of the area’s 2.1 million TV households.



Give me a sad, it does.

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Pablo Sandoval got four pitches in four ABs? Must be a record of some sort.

Personally, I think he's channeling Pedro Feliz; the undisputed King of swinging at the first pitch.

Ha! They're nothing compared to Yuni Beatencourt.

Apparently, you guys have never heard of Jeff Francouer. ^_^

Misery loves company, I guess.

Point(s) well taken.

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Pablo Sandoval got four pitches in four ABs? Must be a record of some sort.

Personally, I think he's channeling Pedro Feliz; the undisputed King of swinging at the first pitch.

Ha! They're nothing compared to Yuni Beatencourt.

Apparently, you guys have never heard of Jeff Francouer. ^_^

These guys think plate discipline only applies to all you can eat buffets!

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Pablo Sandoval got four pitches in four ABs? Must be a record of some sort.

Personally, I think he's channeling Pedro Feliz; the undisputed King of swinging at the first pitch.

Ha! They're nothing compared to Yuni Beatencourt.

Apparently, you guys have never heard of Jeff Francouer. ^_^

These guys think plate discipline only applies to all you can eat buffets!


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The Brewers and Phillies are both 4 back in the W.C. Race!


Imagine if the Brewers had signed Papalbon, they would likely be battling the Reds for the NL central. Don't know what the Phils could have done, short of be healthy all season...

Even though the Braves likely have one W.C. slot sewn up, they are really having offensive issues the last few weeks. (they won back to back games without scoring via a hit, which must be some sort of record) starting pitching and bullpen have been great.

But...whether you get the "top" W.C. slot or the bottom, it sucks to basically have a one game playoff. And Curt Shilling and I agree(I'm sure he cares deeply about that fact!) :rolleyes: There is a pretty decent chance that there will be the need for a 163rd game before the one game WC playoff. And there is no space on the schedule for one. Anything that will upset Selig...is aok with me! :)

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But...whether you get the "top" W.C. slot or the bottom, it sucks to basically have a one game playoff.

Dude - I'm old enough to recall when there were no playoffs - you either won your league and went to the WS, or else you didn't.

I was more than ok with that, and viewed the whole division/playoff thing with a raised eyebrow. But ok, expansion had made the need for some sort of league-al bifurcation understandable enough. Same thing with the three-division/wildcard split, although..not so much. Give the best-record team a first round bye or some such. The whole "crapshoot" thing bugs me as a guy who likes thrills and all that, but who also believes that bringing too much "chance" into the mix of a championship series changes the meaning of the word "championship". It's like, you can play fairly crappily most of the year and then "get hot" in time to squeak in, and then"stay hot" long enough to "matter", and really, how much arbitrariness is there going to be? Expand the regular season or something...but no $$$ to be had there, at least not as much.

And now, two wild card teams playing one game to see which one will be THE wild card team? I'm kinda like really not into that, not at all. Too much spectacle, and no real; justification for it other than cheap (and cheapening) profit.

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Since we can't wait until next year the Mariners have released their 2013 schedule (okay, actually all teams have) and their home opener is against...the Astros! Yes, we knew the 'stros as an AL West team was coming but boy does it look mighty strange to see them penciled in for early April. Also since seeing the M's lose in person they've gone 15-10. (Thank you, thank you). Who ever would have imagined they'd have a better record than Boston? Well...maybe Dan.

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I think they are leaving out the part about Cheney never forgiving manager Gil Hodges for ruining his arm and shortening his career, making him pitch through a lot of pain. This is before Hodges' sainted days with the Mets.

Whoa...leaving it out they are...not cool...

See http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/06/19/AR2008061902831_5.html

"Cheney hoped that a winter's rest would help. His last major league win came June 9, 1964, against Kansas City. He went to Hodges in the sixth inning and told him the pain was unbearable and that he couldn't continue.

"Hodges said, 'Ah go on out there; you can do it,' " according to Jim Hartley, who interviewed Cheney for Nats News, the newsletter of the Washington Baseball Historical Society.

Cheney finished the game but told Peary he had tears streaming down his face by the end. When Hodges came by his locker to congratulate him, Cheney said, "That's the last win you're going to get out of me, you son of a bitch." His next start against Minnesota lasted three innings."

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But...whether you get the "top" W.C. slot or the bottom, it sucks to basically have a one game playoff.

Dude - I'm old enough to recall when there were no playoffs - you either won your league and went to the WS, or else you didn't.

I was more than ok with that, and viewed the whole division/playoff thing with a raised eyebrow. But ok, expansion had made the need for some sort of league-al bifurcation understandable enough. Same thing with the three-division/wildcard split, although..not so much. Give the best-record team a first round bye or some such. The whole "crapshoot" thing bugs me as a guy who likes thrills and all that, but who also believes that bringing too much "chance" into the mix of a championship series changes the meaning of the word "championship". It's like, you can play fairly crappily most of the year and then "get hot" in time to squeak in, and then"stay hot" long enough to "matter", and really, how much arbitrariness is there going to be? Expand the regular season or something...but no $$$ to be had there, at least not as much.

And now, two wild card teams playing one game to see which one will be THE wild card team? I'm kinda like really not into that, not at all. Too much spectacle, and no real; justification for it other than cheap (and cheapening) profit.

TBH, I get the sense that Selig is moving toward a NHL/NBA style playoff system wherein EVERYBODY makes into the playoffs.

Bad for baseball. Bad for purists. Bad for the competition inherent in a 162 game season.

In short [and with my apologies to Steve Winwood and Traffic]: Bug Selig must die.

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