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I've just got my mits on another couple of ESP titles which I didn't have before - Albert Ayler's (et al.) 'New York Ear and Eye Control' and Charles Tyler's 'Ensemble'.

I really enjoy what I have on this label (which is admittedly not much: those two;

Sunny Murray's 'Sunny Murray';

Marion Brown: 'Why Not?'

Ayler's 'Spiritual Unity'

and maybe a couple of others I can't think of...

I think the music is occasionally a little 'hit and miss', but I really enjoy the feel of the stuff. Of course, I realise that that is a hopeless praise for *great* albums like 'Spiritual Unity'...

But does anyone else have any particular favourites from this catalogue?


There's plenty of gems in the ESP-DISK catalog. The other Charles Tyler session EASTERN MAN ALONE is excellent as is the other Marion Brown. In addition I'd recommend the following:

Noah Howard - Live at Judson Hall

Frank Wright Trio

Henry Grimes - The Call

New York Art Quartet

Frank Lowe - Black Beings


Other ESP albums well worth investigating:

- Giuseppi Logan Quartet

- Albert Ayler 'Spirits Rejoice', 'Bells',

- Sun Ra 'The Heliocentric World' volumes 1 and 2,

- Paul Bley 'Barrage'

- Patty Waters Sings

- Sunny Murray


Thanks for all the responses!

I am really getting into this Charles Tyler. It's really effective having the 'cello and the bass. I'm not sure I've really *got* Joel Friedman's playing yet, but it's something new, and I'm getting there! But Tyler has an almost alarming intensity in his playing. Got to be in the right mood to put the disc on, but wow..!

p.s. would one of the Ayler albums with Tyler be a good place to go from here (as well as that other Tyler ESP)?




The best Albert Ayler are on ESP.

(It's what I discover when I buy the Japan printing of the ESP at the end of the seventies.

With the original you couldn't hear the music because the printing was so terrible).

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