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Happy Birthday Dexter Gordon!


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Today is Dexter G's birthday, and I wanted to start a little thread to commemorate him. Easily in my top five favorite Tenors of all time, his music makes me incredibly happy in this bleak and absurd world. I've always found his playing so lyrical, sexy, and but never showboaty. Anyone else feel like celebrating?


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I liked him from the first moment on. Together with Diz, Max,he was one of the few key figures of bop who were still alive and active in the 70´s.

Most of the Dexter on record was available on the Steeplechase label, all those great nites from Montmatre of the 60´s and early 70´.

So, I somehow "grew up" listening to Dexter. Me and some of my youth friends. Always looking at tour schedules, festivals, etc. just to catch him live.

I love every aspect of his playing, his sound, his laid back phrasing, the way he developes his solos, just everything.

Even my wife - not a jazz fan - can listen to some of his music, and she always said he has such a nice smile, even when he was quite old he had that kind of boyish smile.

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'Our Man In Paris' really turned my head around. One of the first straight jazz albums I borrowed from the local library. He just sounded so in control and so full of a love of life and sexy!.His playing on 'Don't Worry About Me' from the 'Blows Hot and Cool' album sends shivers down my spine. Great stage prescence too. Happy Birthday LTD!

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