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Fasstrack, in NYC, if that asshole cop doesn't show up for the court hearing, will the judge automatically dismiss the charges?

He'd never miss another opportunity to break balls.

Anyway, I'm getting ready for my music to be presented at 4 at Smalls, and want to think better thoughts. Check in with y'all later.........

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Posted (edited)

See my comment in the post right above yours!

The problem with your comment is that there are plenty of people with high IQs who are stupid and full of unjustified machismo.

Not in New York. Here, what you see is what you get.

I've lived in NY all my 56 years and I've met plenty of stupid people with high IQs, especially at NYU, Columbia and the "financial services" sector.

Edited by Pete C

See my comment in the post right above yours!

The problem with your comment is that there are plenty of people with high IQs who are stupid and full of unjustified machismo.

Not in New York. Here, what you see is what you get.

I've lived in NY all my 56 years and I've met plenty of stupid people with high IQs, especially at NYU, Columbia and the "financial services" sector.

So have I. How many "intelligent" cops do you know, though??? All I'm saying is that low IQ pretty much guarantees stupidity. Most cops I've met have serious Napoleon complexes. I realize that the job is tough, but it's a job choice. There is no excuse for taking out their anger about making such a choice on the general public, which is mostly composed of good, hard-working, honest people.

Mr. Fass' story is certainly not a new one. How many times have you been stopped for a traffic violation, and been treated like you had just committed a murder??? Probably too many to count.


Unsurprising. It's the pigs vs. the citizens again in NYC. I speak from experience. They really don't care about anybody's rights. Only that they get the paperwork right, record favorable data which compliments their bosses, and get out of town to family each day; god knows society forced them to choose this life, that seems to be the rationale for so much bad behavior. All take, no give, the worst class of entitled public servant we have in New York, and we have a few.


i surely sympathize with Mr. Fass but it seems he made a very big mistake by initially indicating that he wouldn't let his guitar case be examined. when you walk into any government facility and go through security, you are waving a big "red flag" by not cooperating. we already know that most of these guys in these jobs are morons and just looking for trouble. that's a given.


i surely sympathize with Mr. Fass but it seems he made a very big mistake by initially indicating that he wouldn't let his guitar case be examined. when you walk into any government facility and go through security, you are waving a big "red flag" by not cooperating. we already know that most of these guys in these jobs are morons and just looking for trouble. that's a given.

My thoughts exactly. Before I retired I represented my employer (a government agency) in a zillion court cases all over the country and at almost every court I had to go through security, with officers checking everything I had with me. Refusal would surely have led to problems, morons or no morons. Not cooperating is asking for trouble.


i surely sympathize with Mr. Fass but it seems he made a very big mistake by initially indicating that he wouldn't let his guitar case be examined. when you walk into any government facility and go through security, you are waving a big "red flag" by not cooperating. we already know that most of these guys in these jobs are morons and just looking for trouble. that's a given.

My thoughts exactly. Before I retired I represented my employer (a government agency) in a zillion court cases all over the country and at almost every court I had to go through security, with officers checking everything I had with me. Refusal would surely have led to problems, morons or no morons. Not cooperating is asking for trouble.

Regardless of the cop's intelligence or attitude about his job, I can perhaps see why he got upset. He doesn't know if any one individual is intent on doing damage of some sort or not. Especially one who - self-admittedly - was angry when he walked in the door, was opposed to being searched and who then returns to the scene after being told to leave.

While you may be absolutely no threat, you may not have come across that way. It's difficult to say, just hearing your side of the story.

Posted (edited)

this cop felt he was being dissed, not threatened - which right away tells me he is in the wrong job. Years ago a cop on the New Haven force told me, the one thing you have to learn on that job is, no matter what anyone says to you, don't take it personally. Otherwise, he told me, you're in the wrong line of work.

Edited by AllenLowe
Posted (edited)

i surely sympathize with Mr. Fass but it seems he made a very big mistake by initially indicating that he wouldn't let his guitar case be examined. when you walk into any government facility and go through security, you are waving a big "red flag" by not cooperating. we already know that most of these guys in these jobs are morons and just looking for trouble. that's a given.

I could have handled it better for sure, Valerie. I said that a few times here.

Most people are in the wrong line of work.

I feel your pain. I just did a door gig.... Edited by fasstrack

I got the CCRB notification of my case today. It refers to the 'Office of the Chief of the Department' then abbreviates it---honest injun'---OCD.

It mispelled my name as Sass, (could that be more ironic if you've followed this?) but did get the gist of my complaint right. So we'll see..........

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Update: No attorney will return my call, including Legal Aid. Ditto the great champion of jazz musicians (and once a hero) Nat Hentoff. I mention the latter only b/c he told me he was 'really interested in this' and to 'fax him the details'. I did immediately. 2nd follow-up today. We'll see if I get a callback, but I ain't holding my breath. For the record, I guess there's no harm in mentioning now that the first person I contacted when I got out of 'stir' was Stanley Crouch. He immediately called the daily News city editor. Said editor didn't follow up, but that's not Stanley's fault. In the 5 or so years we've known each other he's been nothing but a gentleman---and a true friend.

I would like a happy ending to the story not only for myself, but all the poor and homeless crapped on daily in this country. If we only would make enough noise the assholes and meanies----and there are slews, I see it daily from my vantage point, just slews of losers who feel validated finding someone even weaker and treating them like a dog----would lose and the smirks finally be off their faces. For the record I've seen plenty of compassion and kindness, too. But what ain't broke doesn't need fixing.

When I get on my feet----I'm thinking more and more this----since the music business is such crap and beats up on so many good and talented people I would like to use my gifts to advocate for people in the position I am now in. They need music, support and (mostly tough) love, not to be kicked in the ass daily by mean pricks. Maybe I can help a little bit, maybe not. But my mind is made up to try.

Edited by fasstrack

in the old country the Jewish community had little Welfare Societies. Right now this country is really f'd up. So many people in terrible trouble. If I could I'd move to Denmark.

I'd be happy upstate. Even Westchester, where I was. NYC has no heart anymore. Bloomberg, You drove the final nail in the coffin of the city I love. Hope you're happy, scumbag.


in the old country the Jewish community had little Welfare Societies. Right now this country is really f'd up. So many people in terrible trouble. If I could I'd move to Denmark.

I'd be happy upstate. Even Westchester, where I was. NYC has no heart anymore. Bloomberg, You drove the final nail in the coffin of the city I love. Hope you're happy, scumbag.

Westchester is no longer what is was. It's now filled with people from the Bronx who have a sad sense of self-entitlement! I call it NYC North.


in the old country the Jewish community had little Welfare Societies. Right now this country is really f'd up. So many people in terrible trouble. If I could I'd move to Denmark.

I'd be happy upstate. Even Westchester, where I was. NYC has no heart anymore. Bloomberg, You drove the final nail in the coffin of the city I love. Hope you're happy, scumbag.

Westchester is no longer what is was. It's now filled with people from the Bronx who have a sad sense of self-entitlement! I call it NYC North.

I'm from the Bronx. Watch that mouth, er, typing finger. Actually, I'm not sure whether Riverdale qualifies. When I moved there in '95 I ordered mailing labels from a local printer. He asked with a straight face if I wanted Riverdale, NY or Bronx, NY on them.

I answered with a straight face (and a creeping sense of snottiness)' Riverdale'.

Write a protest song, record a video and put it up on youtube.com It worked for Dave Carroll (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo).

Believe me, if you do this and it goes viral, you'll be on Ellen next week.

I thought only women got to be 'on Ellen'.....

My singing sucks. I'd have to hire a singer and I have no dough. I'd rather sue the SOB. Get a lawyer annoying enough so they'd pay to make us both go away.

Write a protest song, record a video and put it up on youtube.com It worked for Dave Carroll (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo).

Believe me, if you do this and it goes viral, you'll be on Ellen next week.

I thought only women got to be 'on Ellen'.....

My singing sucks. I'd have to hire a singer and I have no dough. I'd rather sue the SOB. Get a lawyer annoying enough so they'd pay to make us both go away.


I was being over the top, but I think you got my drift, Joel. All I'm saying is that Westchester is no longer that tony little community (where people behave properly) it once was. Believe it or not, I now feel much more relaxed driving in the boroughs than I do here. Most of the time, after a "relaxing" cruise through Westchester, I feel like I need a drink!


I was being over the top, but I think you got my drift, Joel. All I'm saying is that Westchester is no longer that tony little community (where people behave properly) it once was. Believe it or not, I now feel much more relaxed driving in the boroughs than I do here. Most of the time, after a "relaxing" cruise through Westchester, I feel like I need a drink!

I hear you. Still, I'd kill to live in Hastings. Almost made it a few years back---got as far as N. Yonkers. Now the dream has shifted to Woodstock or Ithaca---a smaller community that values its artists and maybe I could teach, play, and commute for the few NY gigs I have. I just have seen the city go downhill, especially under Bloomberg. He wants the exodus of the middle class and working poor, and IMO has engineered it. So I'd like to comply, if only for my own happiness.

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