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I was just out working in the yard here in upstate New York and it dawned on me that there aren't any acorns this year. My yard has a few massive oaks and I literally have bushels full each year. I don't miss them because it made raking easier, but it is sure to have implications with our extensive populations of squirrels with there being a potential for a ripple effect through the ecosystem/food chain.

What caused this and what does it mean....I googled it and didn't come up with anything definitive.

Any ideas?


We've got oak trees in our yard here and there's acorns aplenty...think it might have something to do with the rains/flooding, or did you guys not get that?

I'd wonder too...acorns are the tree's mechanism of reproducing, so if it's deciding to not reproduce, I'd have to wonder why not...



Judging by the copiosity of the acorns in my yrad (and they hurt like hell when walking on them barefoot), there will be a 2012 in Texas.

Wheter that's a blessing or a curse, I don't know.


It's just one of those years, no sign of doom other than the squirrels may have to turn to cannibalism. ;)

What can I do to encourage this? These damn squirrells are getting a little too many and a little too comfortable in these parts. Plus, when they look at you with those crazyass squirell eyes, it makes me want to go buy a .22 and go postal on their furry rodent asses.

I've got quite enough squirrels, thank you.


It's just one of those years, no sign of doom other than the squirrels may have to turn to cannibalism. ;)

What can I do to encourage this?

Not really sure, but squirrels do indeed occasionally munch on each other. There are recorded instances of:

1) The parent eating the dead child. This is fairly common rodent behavior.

2) Males raiding nests of other squirrels to eat their young. Aside from the yummy protein & calcium it's a good way to keep your DNA on top in the neighborhood.

3) Squirrels seen carrying dead adults and then dining on them.

There might be youtube videos or them murdering each other, I foolishly didn't check before replying. Because most biologists enjoy a nice trip to Costa Rica and the like squirrels haven't been as heavily studied as some of the more exotic species on the planet. I think that's changing. Maybe some good out the recession will be more knowledge about the habits of campus squirrels. :lol:


It's just one of those years, no sign of doom other than the squirrels may have to turn to cannibalism. ;)

See this link for information about acorn production.

*edited to change the link to show the chart.

What an informative site, thanks!

After the bumper crop of acorns the past few years, perhaps they're just cooling their jets for another season.

Works for me.

Based on what you all are saying, I'll have to keep a clos eye on the squirrels as their ranks thin both figuratively and literally.


...I'd wonder too...acorns are the tree's mechanism of reproducing, so if it's deciding to not reproduce, I'd have to wonder why not...

That's it! No federal funding for Planned Parenthood!! They're everywhere!!! :crazy:

Posted (edited)

There are over 500 different kinds of oak trees. The kind we have down here in this part of Texas are called "Texas Live Oaks". They are found more in dry climates than regular Live Oaks (and Oaks in general), I think. Don't have the larger leafs like other types of oaks, too.

Mine have been dropping acorns like crazy this year, but it doesn't do it every year like that. I was told it's because of the drought conditions down here.

Edited by Aggie87
Posted (edited)

How about federal funding for squirrel killing. Put me down for some of that, please.

You got what it takes?


Well do ya, punk?


My old man hated squirrels, as they ate his prize bulbs. He had a squirrel trap - a wire mesh cage, placed on a shelf round the back of the shed. One afternoon I came home from college and was mooching in the garden when I heard a scrabbling noise from behind the shed. There was a squirrel in the trap, and believe me, close up, that thing was seriously wild. It had managed to bite off one of the bars of the trap and was going mental, running around in circles in this cage, hissing and foaming at the mouth. I did the decent thing and let it out, not before donning a pair of thick leather gauntlets in case it went for me.

The old man wasn't pleased at my mercy mission - called me "St Francis of Afuckinssisi" for a day or two....

Edited by rdavenport

"St Francis of Afuckinssisi"..

:g :g :g :g :g

I'm telling you - a squirrel here and there is cute. But you get too many of them together, and they start thinking that everything is theirs. They'll gnaw their way into your attic, chew you wires, clim up in your trees and stare you down when you com out your door, they're just EVIL little fuckers.

No me gusto las ardillas!!!!!


"St Francis of Afuckinssisi"..

:g :g :g :g :g

I'm telling you - a squirrel here and there is cute. But you get too many of them together, and they start thinking that everything is theirs. They'll gnaw their way into your attic, chew you wires, clim up in your trees and stare you down when you com out your door, they're just EVIL little fuckers.

No me gusto las ardillas!!!!!

They DO stare you down! My wife and children are suckers for them when they see one skipping across the top of our fence, a sprig of holly in it's jaws.

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