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Wendy's changes its burger

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As I get older, I taste the salt more and like it less. On anything/everything. Go figure.

Same here. I knew it was over when I realized I loved salt-free potato chips...

fast food workers from other joints have told me many times that wendy's was their fastfood burger of choice--they were made from fresh beef and they were real.

.i'm betting the 99cent jr. bacon cheeseburger will be history, too.

i'll try one in a day or two, but i'm not expecting much, and i am expecting bad tasting burgers with greater profit margins, no matter what their promos say.

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a friend, mike, writes:::

Personally, I used to like Wendy's over McDonalds. These days I'm not real keen on any of the fast food burger places. The food just doesn;t taste that good to me. Mind you I have no problem biting into a high fat juicy burger. But I can't stand McDonalds burgers anymore. I hope all that research and cost Wendy's did for their new burger pays off but I have my doubts. I can go to Subway and get a double meat double cheese foot long for about $7.50 and its really good and enough for both my wife and I.

Many, many years ago when I was in in high school I trained for the first McDonalds in Peoria. I recall a bunch of execs coming down from Chicago to train us how to grill the burgers, etc. I suspect one of the execs could have been Ray Kroc as his office was located in Chicago. But I was just a high school kid who wanted to make $1.00 an hour working part time. All I remember is these guys wore suits and ties. In those days McDonalds brought in fresh beef and fresh potatos. The fresh potatos were peeled, sliced, blanched, and then deep fried and then of course salted. Delicious! The fresh beef patties of course were grilled and the buns were warmed and made crispy on the grill - delicious! The burgers were only served one way with mustard, ketchup, pickle and onion. The milk shakes were still made on the old type multi mixer machines (Ray Kroc sold these type machines in California and this how he discovered the two farmers with the burger stand known as McDonald Bros). I was trained to wait on the customers at the window. We were trained to memorize the prices and totals in our head. The first day of the grand opening people were at least 20 people lined up in each of the two windows to see what a 15 cent hamburger tasted like. In those days the customers were outside as there was no inside waiting area or customer facilities inside. Hamburgers were 15 cents, cheeseburgers were 19 cents, milk shakes 20 cents, soft drinks 10 cents, french fries 10 cents, and as I recall hot chocalate was 12 cents. The customers loved the burgers and fries!


Edited by alocispepraluger102
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Yellow dye in the pickles. Yellow dye in the cheese. Probably in the "butter" too, which most likely isn't real butter. Has the patty been bleached with ammonia like other fast-food hamburgers (in order to protect against ecoli and salmonella)? Yum!

Fast food is gross. On our last long road trip, which was mostly in the Great Plains, I was so sick of fast food I actually didn't eat all day until we had dinner at the venue each night. In states like Nebraska, Iowa, etc. there is literally nothing else to eat on the road unless you have time to sit down for 1 to 2 hours and get a real meal. Nothing even decent like a Panera. It was hell.

I'll never eat at Wendy's again; that stuff is nasty.

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I hope they made it just a tad less salty.

Oh hell no.

Give me the salt [add pepper], pickles, mustard and a BIG order of their fries.

I wish Wendy's would do a chili burger; ala, Tommy's World Famous.

Yeah, Buddy! I'd be there at least once a week!


Edited by GoodSpeak
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Don't all major fast food chains carry salads these days?

Yes, and they are about as good as you'd imagine a fast food salad to be. That's what I was eating for the first two weeks of the tour. For the last, I just couldn't do it anymore. :) So I usually ate a banana from whatever hotel we were in the previous night for breakfast, some peanuts for a lunch snack (good protein) and then wait until after load-in and soundcheck to eat dinner at the venue. The trials and tribulations of the road!

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