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Here in the US, the library of congress keeps copies of copyrighted material. But how much of the early jazz do they have? How much of this music has gone the way of the dodo bird?

How do other countries keep the tradition of their art forms from being lost to future generations?


Here in the US, the library of congress keeps copies of copyrighted material. But how much of the early jazz do they have? How much of this music has gone the way of the dodo bird?

How do other countries keep the tradition of their art forms from being lost to future generations?

They probably have not everything, but they have something that we dont have - I did some search at his site...

When it is talk about other countries and when it is jazz concerned, things varies from country to country, at least in Europe. I was amazed how did they were carefull in issuing historic records of jazz in Hungary; I've also heard the same is with Czechs, and probably with many more people around the world.


Here in the US, the library of congress keeps copies of copyrighted material. But how much of the early jazz do they have? How much of this music has gone the way of the dodo bird?

How do other countries keep the tradition of their art forms from being lost to future generations?

They probably have not everything, but they have something that we dont have - I did some search at his site...

When it is talk about other countries and when it is jazz concerned, things varies from country to country, at least in Europe. I was amazed how did they were carefull in issuing historic records of jazz in Hungary; I've also heard the same is with Czechs, and probably with many more people around the world.

I wonder about the traditional folk music of European Countries. Are these recording getting lost, or they do a better job then the US? Jazz is America's one true atr form and it seems like great treasures can be lost forever.


The LC Copyright Office will have copyright entries for compositions, etc., but LC itself is not an official -- legally mandated -- repository, unlike the British Library.


I wish I could offer a better response than "someone I know said", but that's the best I can do: supposedly a lot of stuff has been lost/discarded/etc. as well. Whether or not this applies to the category of jazz recordings or not I don't know...


I wish I could offer a better response than "someone I know said", but that's the best I can do: supposedly a lot of stuff has been lost/discarded/etc. as well. Whether or not this applies to the category of jazz recordings or not I don't know...

My assumption is that they are not deaccessionaing sound recordings, at least not for a lack of space. As I type, they are packing up holdings in Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound to a new repository in Culpepper, VA. This new facility will also be home to the new A/V preservation lab.


I wish I could offer a better response than "someone I know said", but that's the best I can do: supposedly a lot of stuff has been lost/discarded/etc. as well. Whether or not this applies to the category of jazz recordings or not I don't know...

This may not be much of a better source, but here goes anyway...

As a wee lad during my College years, I happened to be in Washington D.C. around the same time that I was beginning a college honors project, that was to be about Sun Ra. The project never got off the ground (never really knew what I wanted to do with the project, and never did figure it out), but I do remember going to the Library of Congress while I was there, and to see what Ra recordings and other holdings they had.

Frankly, this was about 10 years ago (circa 1992, if I remember right), and the only Ra titles I remember having them pull out for me were one of the Ra documentaries (probably "A Joyful Noise", but it might have been the other one, "Mystery, Mr. Ra"). They had the Ra doc on film (16mm??), and I remember watching it at a viewing station only big enough for one or maybe two people to watch the image, which was maybe 4 or 5 inches in size. And the other Ra item I had them pull out was an LP with Ra's meeting with John Cage at Coney Island (from the very early 80's, if I remember right). Turned out to be all Cage on one side, singing random vowels (sheesh!!) -- and Ra on the other side, playing a small cheezy keyboard – and not really doing much of any value, as I recall, just a bunch of noodling, mostly.

Anyway, I don't specifically remember what the Library of Congress had, or what they didn't have - when it came to their Sun Ra holdings --- other than I suspect that they must have not had very much, or otherwise I would have had them pull out more stuff for me to listen to, other than just those two items.

Like I said, this isn't much of a better source - from a kid (me!) who barely knew anything about jazz at the time, and whose memory is foggy as hell, now, 10+ years later. But logically, if they had had more stuff, I would have stuck around for more than just the two hours I was there.

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