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It's nice how the ship righted itself into a righteous blues chat we all can learn from. Next time I'll be more patient and not butt in. For now (grabs noserag, sobs tears of joy) I'M SOOO PROUD OF YIZ!!! Old people. We get emotional...(;

It's nice how the ship righted itself into a righteous blues chat we all can learn from. Next time I'll be more patient and not butt in. For now (grabs noserag, sobs tears of joy) I'M SOOO PROUD OF YIZ!!! Old people. We get emotional...(;

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T-Bone Waler, John Lee Hooker and Jimi Hendrix are my blues guys. Never have been big on Bloomfield (I know that's a fighting phrase here, but it's just what it is).


There's a lot of Wynton-bashing going on here and other sites. I find it unbecoming, sometimes jealousy-driven and cowardly, almost always done by way lesser musicians, not to mention less accomplished in life. I will always point this out when I see it.

Wellsir, I genuinely find almost all of Wynton's music to be one degree or another of insufferable, as well as feeling that he's done jazz a lot more harm than good over the last 30 years. And I, too, will always point this out when I see it. (well, almo0st always, because I don't have that much time or tolerance for bad music and/or counter-productive business measures). So it sounds like we can both be pointing out things for a good long while to come.

I'm glad he got Tommy Turrentine a trumpet, though. Did he get him some gigs to go with it? Some doctor's appointments, too, maybe? That would have been extra nice!

Posted (edited)

There's a lot of Wynton-bashing going on here and other sites. I find it unbecoming, sometimes jealousy-driven and cowardly, almost always done by way lesser musicians, not to mention less accomplished in life. I will always point this out when I see it. Anyone who doesn't like it can rebut or ignore me. In plain English, tough shit if I rained on your cozy little anti-Wynton picnic but knocking the top dog's too facile and unclassy. Do I love every note he plays or his youthful utterances? I do not. I love way less people who should know better doing this here BS. Like Mammy Yokum I has spoken.

Your opinion of Wynton may not be the same as most people's here, but it is valid for you. But just because it's your opinion, doesn't make it universally true for everyone. They are just as entitled to their opinion as you are.

You don't have the right (IMO) to tell them they're wrong, nor to insult other board members by calling them jealous, cowardly, unclassy, lesser musicians, or less accomplished in life. How on earth would you know any of that??

For many people Wynton is simply not the "top dog" of anything. That's an equally valid viewpoint as yours.

Edited by Aggie87

Aggie: I was speaking very specifically AND namf namer. If the shoe doesn't fit why worry? But if it does... Anyway I didn't start the thread, just reacted and called it like I saw it. Last I looked minority opinions were allowed in the US and desirable for healthy debate. People have often pointed out my many fkaws. When right they did me a big favor. I confronted the people I thought wrong directly by name. Jin can handle it and is always gracious and good-humored. Chuck is a big boy and a big friend to jazz. He's gotten in my face before. I lived and I wager he will too. I hide from nobody anonymously on the web, me, Joel Fass of Brooklyn, NY. Nor do I ask anyone to take my truth for their own. But I see on the web lots of 'brave' chin music, critical of noted people, usually anonymously posted when the person in question cannot defend him or herself. Good and kind sir, I ask you: what is Not Cowardly about that?


Once again I seem to be one of the bad guys.

Starting to feel comfort in this guise.

Someone who spends more time finding sustenance of various sorts on this forum than just about anyone else, spends quite a lot of that time diminishing the enjoyment of others in participating ... and finds comfort in it.

Says it all, really.

I've grown to worry that if I start a topic is this guy gonna zing me again?

Yes, I hear you. So I don't.


Shit. Sorry about all the typos. But I'm operating on a cell phone. And very few brain cells. Anyway, would someone be willing to write a respectful protest letter to WM and sign it? An open letter to Downbeat? NYT? I would respect that. FWIW the first times I met both Wynton and Stanley Crouch, that other O fave, I told them to their faces, and I quote 'I talked a lot of shit about you'. Wynton's reaction: a smile and 'that's cool' He talked plenty of shit in his day too, but had to respect a guy for telling him to his face. Stanley's exact words: 'I guess ynu called 'em like you saw 'em. Exactly. That's why I like him and vice-versa. If jazz musicians and supporters are a family, and I believe we are, if you have a beef and tell the family member to their face the beef they may hate or resent you temporarily or even permanently. But they'd HAVE to respect you. Speaking of truth: I met WM twice. I doubt he'd remember me except by face. Stanley and I are friendly and like each other. And O rocks! Word!


Chuck: you gave your opinion of me and I of you. Saying I feed on this place to the detrhment of others you speak for yourself, and poorly. And consistently, unforunately for me. I was being polite before, but I find your comments on this board and in particular toward me an obnoxious, negative, above-it-all bore. So as not to bore everyone else I hereby will do what I should have long ago: ignore you and the dark cloud you seem to enjoy bringing my way. It's not worth the aggravation. And I apologize deeply to everyone else for having to view such stupidity.


There was a small mix-up above - what happened (I think) was the guy with the drumsticks was talking about the guy with the bass and agreeing with the guy with the guitar but the guy with the guitar thought it was the guy with the bass talking about him?


Yeah- I'm cmfused. And tired. And limited to a cell sn I can't see the board. So if I misattribute it's b/c I can't see the whole board or scroll down enough to answer directly. So I guess more than one apology is due. Yeah, to Chuck too. Aw, hell, the Irish too. That's HEDLEY Lamarr...I'm still unsure who wrote that I feed off the board to the detriment of others' happiness or they even meant me, but they sure did one hell of a job making SOMEBODY feel like dogshit. This is getting confusing and off-topic. I wonder what good will come from it. Allen and a few others deserve kudos for resisting the mudbath and having an actual meaningful discussion. I may have come on strong but no point repeated why my hackles were raised. Old news and let's go forward, not back. Now, er, where were we asshole, er, I mean Chuck...(; (is he laughing or going for the tomahawk?)


Yeah- I'm cmfused. And tired. And limited to a cell sn I can't see the board. So if I misattribute it's b/c I can't see the whole board or scroll down enough to answer directly. So I guess more than one apology is due. Yeah, to Chuck too. Aw, hell, the Irish too. That's HEDLEY Lamarr...I'm still unsure who wrote that I feed off the board to the detriment of others' happiness or they even meant me, but they sure did one hell of a job making SOMEBODY feel like dogshit. This is getting confusing and off-topic. I wonder what good will come from it. Allen and a few others deserve kudos for resisting the mudbath and having an actual meaningful discussion. I may have come on strong but no point repeated why my hackles were raised. Old news and let's go forward, not back. Now, er, where were we asshole, er, I mean Chuck...(; (is he laughing or going for the tomahawk?)

I drive for a living too. Sometimes it leaves me exhausted and confused too.

Sleep is the best at times like these.


Feelin' ya, dog. Would that I COULD sleep what with 13-hour shifts and everything else I gotta do, including show my mug on the scene and keep my phoney-baloney chops. I'm sure you can relate. Brin4ng it back to the theme of it being good if a musician or any person makes it. It gives me hope. So let's stick together. And beat up the f-ing Irish.

The Foremost Authority...

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