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The Rooster has landed...

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Last week was a flurry of activity getting everything done back in Kansas City (to get our house on the market), but I got here over the weekend, and I am finally here in Washington DC now!

Woke up bright and early Sunday morning, and took a four-mile walk around the neighborhood -- and yesterday I walked down to the White House(!) and back (about 5.5 miles round-trip). I'm trying to begin to get some serious exercise into my routine, before my new routine develops without it. There's a fitness center in our apartment complex too - which I plan to taking advantage of. I've let myself put on the pounds (242 lbs, and I'm only 5'10" - and should be more like 190 or at least 200/210). My hope is, without a car, that I can lose 30 lbs between now and Christmas (that would be 5 lbs a month, a pretty modest goal actually) -- and that by one year from now, I'm down to more like 190/200.

Love the neighborhood (I'm in Columbia Heights), and am starting the arduous process of job hunting -- beginning with finding some volunteer opportunities quickly, so I can begin to network, and at least have something to show for my time here in DC before I actually find that job.

It almost goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway - I'm *really* glad to be back in the same city with my wife. We've been 1,000 miles apart since early October, and although we've had several weeks together, at Thanksgiving, Christmas, half the month of February when I drove the moving truck out here, and when she was back in Kansas City for her brother's wedding in early April -- it's really great to not be living in an empty house any more, and to have someone to spend time and go places with.

I've only been here 4-days, so it still feels like I'm just visiting, but I can't wait to take in so much of what I love about DC -- the museums, performing arts, and my first chance at living in a really big city.

We'll be at Twins Jazz this Saturday night, for part of the Nordic Jazz Festival (a piano trio plus guitar, from Sweden). Sorry I missed the DC jazz fest, but I'd just flown in - and Rooster's arms were still pretty tired. :P

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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It almost goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway - I'm *really* glad to be back in the same city with my wife. We've been 1,000 miles apart since early October, and although we've had several weeks together, at Thanksgiving, Christmas, half the month of February when I drove the moving truck out here, and when she was back in Kansas City for her brother's wedding in early April -- it's really great to not be living in an empty house any more, and to have someone to spend time and go places with.

Congrats on the move. Yeah, it looks like I'll be doing the same general thing, moving in Oct. with the wife and kids to join in mid-Jan. (longish story). However, there's no question I will be getting the better end of the deal, so I will have to be really nice to her after they move back in.

One good thing about the Pacific Northwest is that people are generally more active there, and I might end up biking to work most days (I did in England, but it is only about once a week here in Chicago). Don't think I would commit to walking to work every day, however.

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  • 5 months later...

Been AWOL from the board for a while, and thought I'd better check in. Loving DC, for the most part, though I'm still job-hunting. I've been volunteering at one of my favorite local museums (one I'd really like to work for some day), and also doing kitchen-prep at a local food-kitchen.

I've lost 15 lbs (hopefully 20 lbs by January) since the beginning of September -- by eating less, and 'power-walking' between 5-7 miles most days of the week, and as much as 8-12 miles in a given day about 10 times a month.

In short, I'm loving living in a city with enough great public transportation to go car-free -- though we'll see how much I love it when the worst of winter hits.

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