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I got Woody Woodpecker from the laugh, but I figured that Walter Lantz was too obscure for even you to suggest!

No, that's correct!

Walter Lantz was featured often enough in the Woody Woodpecker TV shows that a lot of us saw back in the day that I figured that somebody would remember. Guess not!

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A favorite too :wub:

Out of curiosity, I just checked out Anna Karina's bio. I just knew her from the 60's Godard films. Had no idea that she's had a log actng career, plus stints as a director, singer, and writer (sreenwriter and novelist) - and speaks five languages fluently. I'm impressed. She definitely just didn't ride Godard's coattails.

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A favorite too :wub:

Out of curiosity, I just checked out Anna Karina's bio. I just knew her from the 60's Godard films. Had no idea that she's had a log actng career, plus stints as a director, singer, and writer (sreenwriter and novelist) - and speaks five languages fluently. I'm impressed. She definitely just didn't ride Godard's coattails.

She wasn't with him too long!

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A favorite too :wub:

Out of curiosity, I just checked out Anna Karina's bio. I just knew her from the 60's Godard films. Had no idea that she's had a log actng career, plus stints as a director, singer, and writer (sreenwriter and novelist) - and speaks five languages fluently. I'm impressed. She definitely just didn't ride Godard's coattails.

She wasn't with him too long!

Question for Brownie: Did Anna Karina speak French with a Danish accent? I can't hear anything, but then my French isn't too good!

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Question for Brownie: Did Anna Karina speak French with a Danish accent? I can't hear anything, but then my French isn't too good!

Oui!! She had (and still have) a lovely accent, a very slight accent...

She even starred and sang in the musical comedy (with songs by Serge Gainsbourg) 'Anna':


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