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Computer Gurus: internet problems

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Hey all, I am having problems today.

When I go to Google, it says that the certificate has not been renewed. When I have gone to both Amazon and PayPal, the page shows up as texted links rather than the usual interface. There have been two pages I have frequently visited in the past that I have been re-routed to pandadomain, apparently a default page for unknown URLs.

Is the problem with me and my browser, or do you think that something else is up?

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That sounds like an actual virus in your router, I've seen that a few times.

You need to reset your router to factory defaults (there should be a reset switch somewhere on it, probably have to use a push pin to get to it, they are recessed) and setup your network from scratch. New name. New network password.

Then clear out all cookies, temporary internet files and anything like that on the computer. I would also recommend clearing out all history, saved passwords and auto-fill text. If you are using a PC, run anti-virus.

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I've just finished running my anti-virus programming with a full scan. It took an hour and 20 minutes, and found nothing.

I'm using an old desktop computer, a PC with Windows XP. Do I have a router?

What kind of internet connection do you have? DSL? Cable?

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Did you get to Organissimo.org/forum with no problems? Then I'm not sure it's due to malware. If you have an old computer, you might be running out of memory; that can do all sorts of weird things. Reboot, clean out your cache, see what happens. Also, which browser do you use? IE6 is extremely buggy at this point; try switching to Firefox or Google Chrome.

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Shawn, I'm with TimeWarner Cable.

Dave, Malwarebytes is my program!

mjzee, I have no problem with the organissimo site. I use Firefox 3.16. I tried Firefox 4 for a day, and found that it made my mouse jump, so I switched back to 3.16.

How do I clean out my cache? I have only 500 meg of memory, and the suggestion that it is a memory problem has the ring of truth.

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I have a Mac, so the actual location might vary on a PC, but do something like Preferences... then Advanced... then under Network there's a button to clear your cache. You might also consider adding RAM to your desktop. It's probably dirt cheap, and easy to do yourself.

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All I could find about clearing my cache is to do it with Disk Cleanup, which by coincidence I did this afternoon after I defragged the disk. Any other suggestions?

By the way, I went to see about getting more memory in February, but it turns out that they don't make that kind of memory for my nine-year old computer anymore, and what can be found is quite expensive.

I went to Amazon again and the problem still exists. By the way, it does not exist on most Amazon pages, only on the first one and the cart/ordering pages.

Dave, I don't think that I have a router. I have a tabletop modem, if that means anything.

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There's a pretty good chance that you're running out of memory. Because you only have 500 MB of system RAM, it is using quite a bit of your hard drive for running programs. Back in the days of your PC, I found that if you got down to less than 2 GB of hard drive space remaining, all kinds of problems start up.

Find out how much space is left on your hard drive. To do this, click the right mouse button as you hover over the "Start" button. In the pop up menu, click "Explore". On the left side, there should be a little plus sign + next to "My Computer". Click it. You should see any number of hard drive partitions under "My Computer". I'm hoping there is just one and it's labeled C:. Hover over C: (it should turn blue) and click the right mouse button. Click Properties. Check how much space is left. Also click the Tools tab, and click "Defragment Now" to see how fragmented it is.

Some things I would do...

Go to www.download.com and download/install CCleaner. This tool will free up space where you might never think to look. I usually run this every few weeks.

Hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete and bring up the Task Manager. Check the Processes tab and see how many processes are running. Remember that every one of those running processes are taking up precious memory. If there are a lot of them that you recognize as junk programs, you can stop them from running at Start-up, but it involves editing your registry, not for the faint at heart. Let me know if you need to do this.

EDIT: Let us know what model PC you have. I may have some old RAM sticks laying around that might fit. Also, you need to know if you have any open memory slots.

Edited by Kevin Bresnahan
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Thanks Kevin! I'll do all that after I have another cup of coffee.

aparxa, I just tried my IE browser, and it too said that the website I went to had a problem with the security certificate. So apparently the browser is not the issue.

Kevin, I cleaned and defragged the disk yesterday. Although there was plenty of disk space available, it said that I needed to defrag it.

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Now I have looked at Task Manager, and see that I am running 11, 7 of which I don't recognize.

EEvent Manager.exe is 7912 K.

caissdt.exe is 8068 K.

The other five are less than 5000 K. Should I be thinking of deleting these?


Kevin, thanks for the offer. I took my unit in to be repaired in February. (I'll never go back to that guy again, but that's another story.) He showed me that modern memory sticks have one gap in the teeth, and that my unit (motherboard?) takes memory sticks with two gaps. He said that these come only in 250 meg and 500 meg sizes, and that because there is so little call for them now they are very expensive. I believe I have two memory slots open, as I am using two 250 meg memory sticks.

I got my unit in 2002. It is a white box assembled by the store in Atlanta.

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I was just thinking about something that might be happening here...

If you're using Internet Explorer to browse the web, click on Tools->Internet Options. Click the Security tab. See if the security level got changed to something higher than "Medium" or maybe even Custom. If it did, it might have upped the protection levels to block sights with outdated security certificates. Some Windows Updates do this by default. Change it back to Medium and see if this works.

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Now I have looked at Task Manager, and see that I am running 11, 7 of which I don't recognize.

EEvent Manager.exe is 7912 K.

caissdt.exe is 8068 K.

The other five are less than 5000 K. Should I be thinking of deleting these?

Never delete something that you do not exactly know what it is there for. They might be essential to your operating system. Try to get information about the purpose of these tasks first. Windows has quite a few things running in the background you may never use, but deleting them may damage your system, and getting replacement files is the more difficult the older your system is.

Last time I deleted some of these I faced the fact that my burner was no longer recognized as such, and my sound card was silenced. It's all back working, but it took some time and effort.

Edited by mikeweil
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It keeps getting crazier. My Firefox gave me a blank screen at hotmail.com, so I tried IE. IE said that the hotmail site and every click within it did not have a security certificate. I plowed ahead, and every time I clicked to some usual bookmarked websites linked in my emails, I again got the same warning.

Kevin, I just checked following your suggestion, and the IE security is set at medium.

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Have you considered backing up all your relevant data and just getting a new computer? Unless that's just not financially possible, it sounds like it's time, in all honesty. The ones today got mega big everything (including monitors!) & Windows 7 really does work better than XP.

In the meantime, it seems as if your browsers are having issues with site's security certificates... highly unlikely that they're all bad...it might be worth the effort to uninstall/reinstall each browser...or not. I'mhardly a guru, but I've plowed my way through enough things to have an at least halfassed opinion! ;)

Tell you what, though - for me, computers are like transmissions on cars. Comes a point where I'd just as soon go ahead an buy new than I would fix old.

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