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DVD of event to be permanently archived at the National Jazz Museum in

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Two Guitars, a Bass, and a Locke, A DVD of a 2002 Mercy College Black History Month event of a concert and Q&A will soon be permanently housed at the National Jazz Museum in Harlem. A highlight of the recording (which was made by a student and is of less-than-optimum video and audio quality)is several short, plain-spoken, and sage speeches on jazz, jazz musicians, neighborhoods, music education, and more by the late Eddie Locke. (I, as bandleader, asked Eddie to address the students, who really needed to learn about their history and culture and would be getting it from someone a big part of both). The other players are James Chirillo, Joel Fass guitars; John Beal, bass.

The concert itself was fun, nothing unusual for workaday jazzers, good feeling, short rehearsal. (I thought we spanked Topsy pretty hard). There is a Q&A of us all by event initiator Linda McKinzie-Daugherty

Details and location, hours, etc. of the Museum (plus a complete audio version of Topsy---James Chirillo is first guitar soloist) can be found here:

www.myspace.com/joelfass Go to events.

I've been to the Museum and love it. Curator Loren Schoenberg is a real friend of and advocate for jazz. He also has known all of us for years and will be especially thrilled to have this oral history from his friend Eddie Locke.

(don't know why the web page didn't hyperlink....copy&paste, I guess. Sorry)

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  • 2 weeks later...

And so your dumb narrator (the duller cousin to Randy Newman's 'unreliable' narrator') finally gets off his patoot (after a Keystone Kop caper or two whereien Chirillo and I both lost the original)to deliver said artifact and go down (as a supernumerary) in history.......Right now. After breakfast. And lots. of. coffee. (why. am. I. writing. like. william. shatner. talks.?)

It's off to Harlem, then.........

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