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From his NYT obit:

[NYT film critic] Ms. Dargis called Mr. Lumet “one of the last of the great movie moralists.” Yet Mr. Lumet said he was never a crusader for social change. “I don’t think art changes anything,” he said in The Times interview. So why make movies? he was asked.

“It’s a wonderful way to spend your life,” he said.


Tweeted by Michael Moore....

"There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM & ITT & AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, Exxon." -Sidney Lumet's "Network"

RIP, Sidney Lumet.


Tweeted by Michael Moore....

"There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM & ITT & AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, Exxon." -Sidney Lumet's "Network"

RIP, Sidney Lumet.

"Network" truly was a masterpiece, and wow is it timely now. A great director. He'll be missed.



12 Angry Men, one of my all-time favorites.


Thanks, Sidney. Rest in peace.

Yes, that's a great one. My other favorites by him are Dog Day Afternoon, Fail Safe, The Pawnbroker, and Long Day's Journey Into Night.


Yes. I found the film really depressing but it was made with amazing strength and agility.

Are those the hallmarks of a 22-year old filmmaker? And what was the film anyway?

Very recently I got the Before the Devil Knows You're Dead DVD, super cheap at Big Lots. Like $4, and part of a two-DVD package with some really awful B-movie included. A tremendous final effort for a tremendously talented filmmaker.


Uhhh.. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead. My point just being that it certainly doesn't look like it was made by a man in his 80s. And doesn't in any way seem like a farewell.


I'm terribly sorry Joe I read an extra "before" before the before in "Before the Devil Knows Your Dead". :g

Don't know I'd call it the work of a 22 year old, I thought it was the work of a guy at the top of his game. After the movie I didn't really think it was that depressing so much as "how the hell did two decent parents end up with such rotten sons?"

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