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2011 MLB Season

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Inner Fully Mounted Colby Lee hits a double, then takes the mound and turns into ScaryBad Colby Lee just - like - that. Six innings of Zen, then 2/3 inning of Suck. Unbelievable. But for those six innings, geez...yeah, THAT Colby Lewis, please!

Dammit does his job, as does Mister (Aim High) Mark Lowe, and the always entertaining/"entertaining" Neftali Feliz, who's rapidly developing the ability to be Good Colby & Bad Colby, not just in one inning, but in one at bat. Mentorship of the unexpected kind!

But answer me this - who the hell in their right mind sends tying run, but not fleet of foot, Carlos Lee from first on a 1-out, 3-2 count in the bottom of the ninth with Feliz on the mound. The game-ending strike 'em out - throw 'em out was over almost before Lee came into camera range. Oh well, that's the Astros' problem & I thank them for having it. I'm just sayin'...DAMN.

And now them Angels startin' to play some ball, so...here we go.

Edited by JSngry
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The imminent return of Derek Jeter becomes more intriguing by the day. While the Captain has been laid up, the Yankees have been on a bit of a roll. In place of Jeter, Billy Gardner and Nick Swisher have handled the top spot more than adequately. So, you have to ask yourself, how disruptive is THE RETURN going to be? Girardi has already said Jeter will be leading off. If he stumbles in that role, and considering how he's performed so far this season, that's almost a foregone conclusion, what do you do? Unless he suddenly morphs into the Jeter of old, this could become fairly contentious in short order. What bothers me most is that Jeter has shown no interest in compromising. It's all about him. What's best for the team? Not my problem. Good clubs have stumbled over lesser issues than this.

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Mets are on an incredible offensive tear:52 runs in the last 4 games, with only three HRs!

They'll probably be cooled off by Verlander tomorrow.

The Mets gave up 5 HRs yesterday, hit none and still won 16-9. That is very odd.

Man does not live by HR alone. It seems that the more the game evolves, more and more people think that the HR is the be all and end all. I'll take a player like Reyes over any HR hitter ANYDAY!!!

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What bothers me most is that Jeter has shown no interest in compromising. It's all about him. What's best for the team? Not my problem. Good clubs have stumbled over lesser issues than this.

There are those who would argue that this makes him the ideal embodiment of The Yankee Ideal as it pertains to the franchise relative to the rest of baseball,

I'm not one of them, but there are those who would say it!

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Great players often bring great egos along as part of their baggage. The Orioles had similar problems with Cal Ripken in his declining years. When Gardner got off to a slow start this year, it was easy for Girardi to justify keeping Jeter at leadoff; that's no longer the case. Unfortunately, I don't have too much faith that Girardi will do what needs to be done--this year, anyway.

Dave, Nick Swisher's really come around, eh? Posada, too... quite a June NY managed to put together, especially considering that Colon's been out and two of the primary relievers have been out of commission as well. Dave Robertson's looking All-Star worthy right now. Colon back on Saturday against the Mets, though I actually hope he doesn't get on base in any of his at-bats. :unsure:

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Great players often bring great egos along as part of their baggage. The Orioles had similar problems with Cal Ripken in his declining years. When Gardner got off to a slow start this year, it was easy for Girardi to justify keeping Jeter at leadoff; that's no longer the case. Unfortunately, I don't have too much faith that Girardi will do what needs to be done--this year, anyway.

Dave, Nick Swisher's really come around, eh? Posada, too... quite a June NY managed to put together, especially considering that Colon's been out and two of the primary relievers have been out of commission as well. Dave Robertson's looking All-Star worthy right now. Colon back on Saturday against the Mets, though I actually hope he doesn't get on base in any of his at-bats. :unsure:

I figure the only way Jeter moves out of the lead-off spot is when he tells Girardi he's ready to go. To my knowledge, I don't think he's ever admitted he's struggling. Truly unfortunate, but such is the coin of his realm. Two thumbs up for Posada and Swisher. Both have come around nicely after disastrous starts. It would be nice to see Posada to out on a high note and even if the Yanks choose not to sign Swisher beyond this year, it would position him well in the F.A. market. If the Yanks can put together a July that matches their June, I'm going to start getting psyched about the post season.

Oh, BTW, don't worry about Colon getting on base. I've taken it upon myself to notify the geology departments at all major universities in the area that they should recalibrate their seismographs beginning at 4:10 PM (ET) this coming Saturday.

Edited by Dave James
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Great players often bring great egos along as part of their baggage. The Orioles had similar problems with Cal Ripken in his declining years. When Gardner got off to a slow start this year, it was easy for Girardi to justify keeping Jeter at leadoff; that's no longer the case. Unfortunately, I don't have too much faith that Girardi will do what needs to be done--this year, anyway.

Dave, Nick Swisher's really come around, eh? Posada, too... quite a June NY managed to put together, especially considering that Colon's been out and two of the primary relievers have been out of commission as well. Dave Robertson's looking All-Star worthy right now. Colon back on Saturday against the Mets, though I actually hope he doesn't get on base in any of his at-bats. :unsure:

I figure the only way Jeter moves out of the lead-off spot is when he tells Girardi he's ready to go. To my knowledge, I don't think he's ever admitted he's struggling. Truly unfortunate, but such is the coin of his realm. Two thumbs up for Posada and Swisher. Both have come around nicely after disastrous starts. It would be nice to see Posada to out on a high note and even if the Yanks choose not to sign Swisher beyond this year, it would position him well in the F.A. market. If the Yanks can put together a July that matches their June, I'm going to start getting psyched about the post season.

Oh, BTW, don't worry about Colon getting on base. I've taken it upon myself to notify the geology departments at all major universities in the area that they should recalibrate their seismographs beginning at 4:10 PM (ET) this coming Saturday.

No major universities on that island!

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Cole Hamels out of today's game against the Bosox after only 4 IP--took an Adrian Gonzalez line-drive off his right (non-pitching) hand.

Lucky break for the Red Sox. Lucky non-break for the Fightin's. X-rays negative. Said he would make his next start.

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Yankees are 36-28 prior to Jeter going on the DL. 12-3 since.

Quite a few years ago when Phil Rizzuto announced the Yankee games, he told a true funny story about his last year in pinstripes. George Weiss, the Yankee GM, called Rizzuto into his office one day ostensibly to ask his advice about which player should be dropped from the team in order to make room for someone the Yanks wished to call up. As the discussion advanced about the pros and cons of releasing one player or another, Rizzuto was steered craftily by Weiss to the conclusion that indeed it made sense that Rizzuto himself was the one who should be released. Rizzuto concluded the story in a humorous way by saying that as he drove home from the Stadium to New Jersey, he felt like stopping the car in the middle of the George Washington Bridge in order to jump off.

I tell this because I think it would be very wise for Yankee manager Girardi to call Jeter into his office, not for the serious purpose described above, but simply to get him to see the logic that he should no longer be the lead-off hitter, rather he should assume a much lower position in the batting order, even the ninth now manned by Nunez. We shall see if the team captain can truly rise by lowering himself.

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You know who should the greeter at The 3000 Hits Club?

Not Roberto Clemente, because he's in the club, dig? Hangin' at the bar, fending off advances from shapely baseball babes, trying to book a flight out of town at 2AM (but being very careful about who his pilot is), shooting pool while on the Bluetooth with his agent, you know, the stuff that always goes on in those exclusive clubs. No way RC stands outside this club of which he's a member. That's undignified and also a violation of the club charter (it's a matter of public record, just look for it!).

No, if you want a for-real greeter, you gotta have somebody with curb appeal, somebody to draw you up and make you want to come in, but somebody who's not an actual member. Somebody who you'd not mind being, just not as much as the people who you'd really like to be, like the people who are already members in the club. Somebody you can envy and look down on at the same time.

Of such things clubs are made.

For The 3000 Hits Club, who better than....

Sam Rice!


2087, an unlucky 13 away from membership, a perfect topic of conversation for the numerically & statistically obsessed, qualities which are found in baseball fans at a rate which is far out of the proportion found to that found in the civilian population.

And he looks good in a tie!


By all accounts, a nice, affable man who would be able to pleasantly keep the riff-raff out but still discretely pull the rope aside for people like Frank Robinson & Ted Williams. Plus, he's proven that he can keep a secret, an invaluable quality in dealings with and around professional athletes.

So whaddya' say, dig the old guy up, send him off to Disney & have them reanimate him, put him outside, at the door, leave Roberto his dignity, and laissez les bontemps rouler!!!


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Some quotes from Baseball Diamonds, edited by W.P. Kinsella:

Baseball is more like a novel than like a war. It is like an ongoing hundred year work of art, peopled with thousands of characters, full of improbable events, anecdotes, folklore and numbers. - Luke Salisbury

I think a baseball diamond must be the most beautiful thing in the world. It's so honest and precise. And we play on it. Every star gets humbled. Every mediocre player has a great moment. - Jim Lefebvre

Baseball is a kid's game that grownups only tend to screw up. - Bob Lemon

If my uniform doesn't get dirty, I haven't done anything in the baseball game. - Rickey Henderson

It's easy to stay in the major leagues for 7 and a half years when you hit .300. But when you hit .216 like me, it's really an accomplishment. - Joe Lahoud

(In reality, Joe Lahoud played for parts of 11 years in the majors and hit .223. Still, really an accomplishment.)

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Great quote from Durocher! True too.

First Columbian District win for the Davey Johnson regime, at home 2-1 over Pirates. First walk off winning hit for Matt Stairs, who has been a terrible disappointment this season overall.

Excited about going to a true double header tomorrow (single admission, no clearing out the stadium between games!).

Edited by Neal Pomea
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Why is Emmanuel Burriss allowed to exist?

He boots a routine double play ball [a ball my dead grandmother could have caught] and nearly loses the game after Wilson, our pretend closer, can't find the strike zone.

If it wasn't for the two walks by Tiger pitchers, we'd still be playing this game.

Grrrrrr :angry:

Giants Baseball: Torture!

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Rumors of his demise were definitely put on hold tonight - perfect for four, hitless for 4.2, a strong sixth, and finally out after 7.2. Great velocity, great location, great mvement on the slider, starting to mix in the change...he's still not up for a full nonstop season yet, but the tools have not deserted him, which was what everybody was waiting to see after his last three starts. No, they ae still there, and they are still strong. The challenge now is how to best conserve and deploy there for the next 78 (at least) games.

Ogando got the juice & Ogando got the work ethic, so,,,Ogando got the......


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