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A Blog sub-forum?

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I notice that there have been several threads about old and new blogs. Would it not be a good idea to add a Jazz Blogs category? There are more and more of them and many are both interesting (as in "fun") and informative. Most of us visit these sites, so why not dedicate a category to them?

If there was such a thing, I would—for example—know precisely where to tell my fellow members and visitors that I have added to my blog the first of several posts featuring audio reminiscences by Alberta Hunter.


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No, because it isn't just about my blog. There are so many really good jazz and blues blogs out there, so I thought it would be a good idea to have one spot on the Big O where we all could share our discoveries and perhaps discuss what jazz bloggers are posting.

Most bloggers list other blogs and forums that they recommend, so it can work both ways. I will stop thinking about placing an Organissimo link on my blog, and just do it. :)

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