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Guest Bill Barton

Uh, and this is apropos to the Artists' section in Music Discussion? WTF?


I had forgotten about the Golden Throats compilation. I never heard it, but I remember that it looked scary! As I recall, it had Jack Webb singing Try a Little Tenderness, and Shatner doing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Oh, the humanity!

As I recall, Rhino put out a Volume 2 as well.


so what say you mods? isn't it time to move this thread back to the "Artists" section?


That would only sully Shatner by associating him with mere "artists." I say we start a "Living Legend" sub-forum.


I...don't understand...why people are...knocking on...William....Shatner...

(It sounds better when I do it. I am renowned for my dead-on Shatner impression...)

Why? I thought I did a damn good job myself.


so what say you mods? isn't it time to move this thread back to the "Artists" section?


No special requests from you until you finish the tasks at hand (ie... clean out the gutters & fill in all the cracks in the driveway with some asphalt sealer). wagging-finger-photo-co-stangelas-ursulineredepartment-blogspot-com.jpg

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