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So you didn't give her the chance to act on a superior suggestion because you assumed that she was a bitch?

I mean, maybe she was, but...you gotta play nice with the ladies if you want them to soften up.

One spin of that Roy Head record for you!


I'm just saying, and this might be an age-difference thing, but between working with a lot of women singers over the years and working in a workplace where the boss(es) is/are probably more likely than not to be a woman, the one thing I've learned is that a kind word and a smile is always worth a try or three. Not just with women, but especially with women, and not with all women, but certainly more than not. Try a little tenderness, etc.

Work tends to make people not smile, if you know what I mean, so turning that around is the first thing to do when faced with a need to change the direction of an interaction. Usually.

Of course, bitches and assholes will always be amongst us, but I like to confirm the permanence of the condition instead of assuming it.


So you didn't give her the chance to act on a superior suggestion because you assumed that she was a bitch?

I mean, maybe she was, but...you gotta play nice with the ladies if you want them to soften up.

One spin of that Roy Head record for you!

But that superior suggestion didn't occur to me until I was on my way home. Also, her "But I can't have you setting off other alarms" was such a sideswipe that for the remainder of our brief encounter I was in effect upside down.


Oh well, you spaced and she didn't think. Mutual failure, none of it malevolent in intent, I'm sure. Such is life, and not just in the big city.

The burden here should not be on the consumer (Larry), it should be on the provider (the librarian). For better or for worse, the world is full of folks for whom B immutably follows A. End of report.


Nah, you're not the butt. People are.

The superior human, such as Paladin, thinks ahead and attempts to graciously prevent stupidity before it happens.

Ain't too many superior humans in the world, especially on a consistent basis. And doing mind-numbing work day in and day out don't help matters any, ya' know?

I want to be like Paladin, but I usually end up being the yang idiot to the other guy's yin idiot.

Happens every day. Every damn day.

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