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Police arrest 11-year-old over 'inappropriate' stick figure


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I don't think anybody is denying parents have a responsibility to rear their children. Not sure why anyone would disagree with that in general.

Schools aren't entitled a free pass for anything though - there are certainly suspect teachers (of both genders) who have sex with their students, teachers that are coasting and not really teaching, and other things.

On the whole they try to do what's right, just as parents do... on the whole.

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OK, but when a kid does something contrary to school policy and the school deals with it the only way it is allowed to, by law, why is the school the bad guy?

What I was saying is parents all too often take the path of least resistance and foist blame on the schools. In this case, the parents are doing what they can but let's be honest here: The suggestion to draw does not include being vulgar, am I right? I have kids with multiple medical issues for which the must take medication. Even kids like this know right from wrong. That is where the parents come in, yes?

If you read what I wrote, I said that I think the educators did the right thing as well, except maybe calling the police. However, I admitted that perhaps calling the police is something they have to do by law. I don't know.

I place the blame for the situation getting totally out of hand on the police.

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I don't think anybody is denying parents have a responsibility to rear their children. Not sure why anyone would disagree with that in general.

Schools aren't entitled a free pass for anything though - there are certainly suspect teachers (of both genders) who have sex with their students, teachers that are coasting and not really teaching, and other things.

On the whole they try to do what's right, just as parents do... on the whole.

Nobody is saying schools [or anyone else for that matter] deserve a free pass. But the law/school board policy is what we must follow. Period. There is no wiggle room here.

I will suggest to you that there are doctors, lawyers, businessmen, military personnel and [pick a career] who engage in the same shoddy practices and/or are incompetent, too. But, on the whole, do what's right.

What I don’t get is why teachers [and police in this case] are supposed to be perfect when we are just as human and just as fallible as anybody else. Or why the blame game fires up anytime something like this no-win situation comes to light. Schools are only doing what the law and the taxpayers demand in cases like this.

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Last October, he drew stick figures of himself with a gun, pointed at four other stick figures with the words “teacher must die.”

And if this kid came to school the next day and blew his teacher's brains out you all would be saying, "Why in the hell didn't somebody do something before it happened?" With all due respect, you can't have it both ways, guys.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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My friends and I used to have battles drawing stick figures of each other being forced to go through elaborate "torture chambers."

Later I would draw fairly accurate likenesses of my teachers, purposely exaggerating features to get laughs out of my classmates. Can't count the number of times I got in trouble for that. However, I never drew any murderous threats against my teachers... :ph34r::unsure:

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It really is a different world now.

I really is. I was in charge of a K-8 school, and it was an amazing experience, the legalities involved were something else. Just sending a kid home, you had to physically see a kid be with the parent / assigned person, and if it was someone different, you had to call the parent to confirm that, yes, this person had permission to pick the child up. Kid wants to walk home? sign a release, or he can't. Want to hang around school afterward? Pay for aftercare or get off the property. It was a whole different ballgame from when I was a kid.

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It really is a different world now.

I really is. I was in charge of a K-8 school, and it was an amazing experience, the legalities involved were something else. Just sending a kid home, you had to physically see a kid be with the parent / assigned person, and if it was someone different, you had to call the parent to confirm that, yes, this person had permission to pick the child up. Kid wants to walk home? sign a release, or he can't. Want to hang around school afterward? Pay for aftercare or get off the property. It was a whole different ballgame from when I was a kid.

For me as well, Matthew.

I also remember the door to our house was never locked, too. I tell that to my students and they look at me like I had lobsters crawling out of my ears.

The biggest worry we kids had was to never take candy from strangers, but nobody thought twice about a truck parked in the school lot with a rifle in the gun rack. WAY different world now.

My friends and I used to have battles drawing stick figures of each other being forced to go through elaborate "torture chambers."

Later I would draw fairly accurate likenesses of my teachers, purposely exaggerating features to get laughs out of my classmates. Can't count the number of times I got in trouble for that. However, I never drew any murderous threats against my teachers... :ph34r::unsure:

Exactly, Noj.

Making fun of the teacher is one thing, saying "teacher must die" is a whole different deal.

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It really is a different world now.

Yeah, in the old days, you could take out your hostilities & other anti-social tendencies by killing people's souls as you went through life.

But now that most people are already dead of soul by the time they're, what...16?, that option's pretty much off the table.

It's Still Morning In America!

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