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What was Monk's last recording?


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I know that I attended his last concert which occurred in March 1976, but for the life of me I cannot recall if it was at Town Hall or Carnegie Hall. I do recall that the concert was billed as a tribute to Monk and that Barry Harris in all probablility would be the pianist, with an outside chance that Monk would show up and play. Well, Monk did show and while the audience was quite appreciative that he did indeed appear, his soloing was quite sparse and pretty much uneventful. BTW, Paul Jeffrey was on tenor and I believe that Lonnie Hillyer was on trumpet as well. Unless, someone in the audience made a surreptitious copy, I'm afraid this last concert is irretrievably lost.

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1976 was probably his last gig officially, but apparently he sat in with Blakey at the Vanguard a year or two later.


This in itself is worth the risk of a first use of a time machine to see. So somewhere around 1978 he was able to pop out of his bedroom and stomach going out and play one more time.

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I own that 2 CD set of Monk´s Last Recordings and mentioned it on another topic about Monk, I think it was about Monk´s horn players, where I described my impressions about Paul Jeffrey.

If anyone has questions about that music, ask me since I´ve been listening to it over and over again.

In general, the Lincoln Center set is worse recorded than the 1972 Vanguard set, and I guess the group is more in action on the Vanguard stuff.

Of course Monk is also beautiful on the Giants of Jazz stuff and it´s a rare occasion to hear him play on Dizzy´s tunes like "Tour de Force" and "Woody´n You". Revealing is also a DVD about the Giants from 1971. Monk really plays his stuff, but if you look at him you think something has hurt that man very much, it´s like he got that vacant look, though he really "blows" on Tour de Force, is beautiful on Round Midnite and does great comping for all the other musicians involved.

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I know that I attended his last concert which occurred in March 1976, but for the life of me I cannot recall if it was at Town Hall or Carnegie Hall. I do recall that the concert was billed as a tribute to Monk and that Barry Harris in all probablility would be the pianist, with an outside chance that Monk would show up and play. Well, Monk did show and while the audience was quite appreciative that he did indeed appear, his soloing was quite sparse and pretty much uneventful. BTW, Paul Jeffrey was on tenor and I believe that Lonnie Hillyer was on trumpet as well. Unless, someone in the audience made a surreptitious copy, I'm afraid this last concert is irretrievably lost.

see pages 442 & 443 of Robin Kelley's recent book (casebound edition)

March 26, 1976, Carnegie Hall - quintet - Paul Jeffrey (ts), Toot (dm), Larry Ridley (b) & Lonnie Hillyer (tp)

according to RK his actual final concert was June 30, 1976, Carnegie Hall with his regular quartet & sharing the bill with Dizzy Gillespie

Edited by romualdo
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The thing about sitting in with Blakey at the Vanguard is apparently common knowledge in the NYC music circles - I heard it from a former Messenger (but not one who was in the band at the time). I'm surprised that the story would not have been on RK's radar screen, if only for him to possibly refute after studious research.

Looking at Mike Fitzgerald's Blakey chronology, this was the week of December 27, 1977-January 1, 1978 - my source also confirmed that Curtis Fuller was there.

Odd that this seems to have been Blakey's last gig at the Vanguard - the Gordons never hired him in the 80s???

I will assume it it true unless someone refutes it later. If I were to research this, I would start by talking to Valery Ponomarev, Bobby Watson, David Schnitter and Curtis Fuller. I'm sure they would remember.


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Well even if all the books say that Monk´s last apearance in public was sometimes after the last carnegie hall gig 1976 (at Bradley´s where he sat down to play a few tunes), it´s more than possible that the Baroness managed to persuade him to go along with her, when she visited the nite clubs where the great cats that were still alive, had their gigs. Monk sure didn´t decide things himself then, maybe some day he felt a little better and Nica persuaded him to go along with her and maybe he really sat in with Blakey.

But as I said, something had hurt Monk too much to continue as a performer.

I still want to say that I´d gladly exchange my impressions about the mentioned last recordings with some fans, as I mentioned two days ago.

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