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New Year Resolutions:

Guest Chaney

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Like some of my first smoking experiments, as a fifteen year old in M'Babane. DON'T start OFF smoking Gitanes! Like sucking a desert wind when you're not prepared for smoking cigarettes. . .

Rothmans International were a better "starter" brand, and I discovered that pretty quickly!


Starting to smoke overseas was interesting. . . I smoked Rothmans and Dunhills,


and Sobranies sometimes (love the white ones in a tin). . . .When I came back to America I occasionally "afforded" these brands, and at the University of Chicago had a Player's Navy Cut habit,


but did Camels for a long time, straights, and then at the urging of a girlfriend moved to Marlboro reds (I don't think these were really as good for me as the unfiltered Camels) and then back to the Camels for a while, then Marlboro Lights and then finally, July 1, 1990, cold turkey and never again. . . .

Edited by jazzbo
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DON'T start OFF smoking Gitanes! Like sucking a desert wind when you're not prepared for smoking cigarettes. . .

Rothman's International were a better "starter" brand, and I discovered that pretty quickly!

Starting to smoke overseas was interesting. . . I smoked Rothmans and Dunhills, and Sobranies sometimes (love the white ones in a tin). . . .When I came back to America I occasionally "afforded" these brands, but did Camels for a long time, straights, and then at the urging of a girlfriend moved to Marlboro reds (I don't think these were really as good for me as the unfiltered Camels) and then back to the Camels for a while, then Marlboro Lights and then finally, July 1, 1990, cold turkey and never again. . . .

Too late!

and then at the urging of a girlfriend moved to Marlboro reds (I don't think these were really as good for me as the unfiltered Camels)

What was the reason for her urging you to move to Marlboro? Let me know if I'm asking too many questions.

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She just thought that I would be better off smoking filtered cigarettes, and I'm not sure that is really true, but hey what do I know. I was lucky in that I had a very physical job almost all my smoking years and also was a drummer; I never felt lack of breath or had coughing or any other effects that I know of when I was smoking. . . . I feel a lot punier now after a half a dozen years as a desk jockey.

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My one and only resolution:

Do everything in my power to prevent Bush from being elected (or appointed) to a second term as President. I don't think this country (or the world) could withstand it.

Doubt it would make any difference, Johnny.

People like you are already actively opposed to Bush and the Republicans. You're votes and actions are already tabulated in the "against" side of the ledger.

So, really, your actions don't amount to a hill of beans.

Why waste a New Year's resolution on that?

Still, I don't mean to criticize the resolutions of others, so, good luck!

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Wear more stylish shoes. I've been wearing unattractive comfortable shoes and I feel I've let down my fellow ladies, whose legs look better than mine do, even though they're not. One must suffer for beauty.

Rah! Rah! for the shoes. It's always the shoes that make the entire 'look' come together.

What types of shoes are you considering?

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What types of shoes are you considering?

Ah, a foot fetish man. :P;)

I need a new pair of sneakers and I aint paying any extra for NBA star endorsements. That means I'll wind up with something that will generate laughs at the grocery store.

I'm okay on the dress shoes for now.

Oh, were you talking to me?? :g

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Thanks for the cigar recmommendations. Unfortunately, due to financial reasons, cigars are not an option. Bought Gitanes because I liked the box design.


If you're to smoke Gitanes, don't forget to check the 'Jazz in Paris' CD series that came from Universal. Gitanes (under the guise of Gitanes Jazz Productions) sponsored the series. A saxplaying musician replaces the dancing gypsy on the logo.

Gitane is gypsy in French :P

Edited by brownie
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My one and only resolution:

Do everything in my power to prevent Bush from being elected (or appointed) to a second term as President.  I don't think this country (or the world) could withstand it.

Doubt it would make any difference, Johnny.

People like you are already actively opposed to Bush and the Republicans. You're votes and actions are already tabulated in the "against" side of the ledger.

So, really, your actions don't amount to a hill of beans.

Why waste a New Year's resolution on that?

Still, I don't mean to criticize the resolutions of others, so, good luck!

Hell, it's his hill, and his beans, so what the fuck... ;)

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My one and only resolution:

Do everything in my power to prevent Bush from being elected (or appointed) to a second term as President.  I don't think this country (or the world) could withstand it.

Doubt it would make any difference, Johnny.

People like you are already actively opposed to Bush and the Republicans. You're votes and actions are already tabulated in the "against" side of the ledger.

So, really, your actions don't amount to a hill of beans.

Why waste a New Year's resolution on that?

Still, I don't mean to criticize the resolutions of others, so, good luck!

Hell, it's his hill, and his beans, so what the fuck... ;)

Shouldn't this be on the political thread? ;)

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If you're to smoke Gitanes, don't forget to check the 'Jazz in Paris' CD series that came from Universal. Gitanes (under the guise of Gitanes Jazz Productions) sponsored the series. A saxplaying musician replaces the dancing gypsy on the logo.

Gitane is gypsy in French :P

Of course! I'll do anything to support Gitanes and the tobacco industry in general. I smoked 20 Gitanes last night - good start for a beginner, isn't it?! Can't understand why I started smoking that late (29). New year resolution fulfilled and it's still 2003 - what an achievement!

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You guys are making a mockery of my thread! :blink:

wesbed: These can be hard to find in our size but for those special occasions, they're divine!


Legs are looking pretty good for a guy my age, eh?

OH SORRY! Foot fetishist, not crossdresser. MY bad! :winky:

(Hope wesbed has a sense of humor... :ph34r: )

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Wear more stylish shoes.  I've been wearing unattractive comfortable shoes and I feel I've let down my fellow ladies, whose legs look better than mine do, even though they're not.  One must suffer for beauty. 

Rah! Rah! for the shoes. It's always the shoes that make the entire 'look' come together.

What types of shoes are you considering?

If I could afford them, Manolos, but I'll have to settle for a very nice pump by a company called "Prevata", Italian I think. Snakeskin beauties. Three and a half inch heels. Supremely crippling after a couple of hours. BUT they make my legs look like they go right up to my neck!!!!

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wesbed: These can be hard to find in our size but for those special occasions, they're divine!

k508a.jpg(Hope wesbed has a sense of humor... :ph34r: )

wesbed does have a sense of humor and is not easily offended. Along with an appreciation for stylish (shall I say sexy?) shoes.

Thanks for the terrific pic, by the way. :tup

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You know I really can relate to Johnny's resolution. Secretly I'm going to mirror it as much as having a clinically paranoid wife will allow. . . .

Sooooooooo, under cover of darkness you're gonna do something like sabotage the copy machine at your "R"-controlled place of business? They call him Bond......Lon Bond! :lol:

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My one and only resolution:

Do everything in my power to prevent Bush from being elected (or appointed) to a second term as President. I don't think this country (or the world) could withstand it.

You go girl!!! My resolution is to track down another 46 L black cashmere Ralph Lauren jacket like the one I just saw up in Boston a couple of days ago. John, they only had a 46 Reg. up there.....any chance you might pay a visit to your local Seattle store and help me out w/this? Gotta look nice when I'm dancing on Dean's political grave. B) While you're at it, pick up something comfortable for your political soul-mate Albertson....on my tab of course. When he leaves the confines of the fashionable Central Park digs and retreats to that spider hole for the next four years, he'll need some comfy threads. :g

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