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Hi everyone,

I'm compiling a list of "Jazz Tribune" reissues (RCA/BMG France) and have a few questions for those of you who have either the LP reissues from the late 80s or the CD reissues from the middle 90s onwards.

Am I correct in assuming, ...

  1. that the original reissues were published both as LPs and cassette tapes?
  2. that the LPs/cassettes are from around 1987/88 and the CDs from 1992 onwards?
  3. that there were 76 LPs/CDs reissued (first: "Hodges, Johnny and Davis, Wild Bill. Johnny Hodges and Wild Bill Davis, Volumes 1-2 (1965-1966)" and last "Peterson, Oscar. The Complete Young Oscar Peterson (1945-1949)") and that all of the LPs were in fact reissued as CDs as well (Hodges to Peterson), or were there more that weren't reissued on CD?
  4. that jazz reissues had black covers and (the few) blues reissues blue ones?

Other questions:

Even the most intensive research has not been able to unearth the contents of

  1. Jazz Tribune #3
  2. Jazz Tribune # 12
  3. Jazz Tribune #66
Right now I assume there were LP reissues with these numbers, but no CD reissues?


In case anyone has any info on the 3 that I'm mssing in my list, does anyone have a cover scan of any of them (no matter what quality, as most of the ones I have are crappy to begin with (from Amazon and other sites, besides my own copies).

Thanks for your help.

P.S.: When done, I will publish the list on my website sometime in the future. Right now I've put the info I have together for myself because I was interested in what else was available since I have quite a few of these.


though this was not a question that was asked, the CD issues of these were a disaster, sound-wise; bad noise reduction clipped and destroyed the high end on every one of these that I heard. Horrible and harsh stuff.


Will check the LPs from that series that I have (far from exhaustive but quite a few) tonight to see if the sleeves contain listings of the entire series as released up to that time.

BTW, is that you??


Nope, not me.

I have had a look at it and it helped me with 5 or 6 of these.

Thanks for looking at the LPs to see if they have more info.

though this was not a question that was asked, the CD issues of these were a disaster, sound-wise; bad noise reduction clipped and destroyed the high end on every one of these that I heard. Horrible and harsh stuff.



Fact is, I have lots of this material in other formats and none were that (!) much better. Not worth investing all the money to get 5% better sound.

I even thought the Joe Newman Mosaic didn't improve that (!) much on this material (The "Basie Days" RCA/BMG towfer)

It must be my ears ... or my system (which I wouldn't call spectacularly bad) [Marantz, Dynaudio) ;)

Posted (edited)

I disagree, the old French Black and White Lps were in generally good and sometimes excellent sound, and the difference was substantial; I have the Memphis Blues one, which is nice; the Original Memphis Five which sounds like it was from direct masters; lots of excellent-sounding Moten/Basie, fine Whiteman and Jack Teagarden, Fletcher Hendersons, lots of Fats Wallers in terrific sound (early stuff with Thomas Morris); good Bix, an old Ragtime comp which is fantastic (James Reese Europe, Eubie Blake, Victor Military Band). Fair to good-sounding J.R. Morton (in this case not as good as the BMG box). Great Don Redman. I have more, but doing this all from memory.

the CDs were simply a mess, horrible mastering. A/B 'em and you can hear the added dimension on the LPs.

Edited by AllenLowe
Posted (edited)

I disagree, the old French Black and White Lps were in generally good and sometimes excellent sound, and the difference was substantial; I have the Memphis Blues one, which is nice; the Original Memphis Five which sounds like it was from direct masters; lots of excellent-sounding Moten/Basie, fine Whiteman and Jack Teagarden, Fletcher Hendersons, lots of Fats Wallers in terrific sound (early stuff with Thomas Morris); good Bix, an old Ragtime comp which is fantastic (James Reese Europe, Eubie Blake, Victor Military Band). Fair to good-sounding J.R. Morton (in this case not as good as the BMG box). Great Don Redman. I have more, but doing this all from memory.

the CDs were simply a mess, horrible mastering. A/B 'em and you can hear the added dimension on the LPs.

I'm not comparing LPs with CDs but CDs with CDs.

The Newman material I have on those twofers isn't that much worse than the Mosaic; I also have the Glenn Miller Army stuff and can compare it to the (now OOP and really expensive) complete set. In both cases, the sound improvement is marginal, at best.

Chalk it up to shitty CDs and much better LPs.

Edited by neveronfriday
Posted (edited)

sorry, I misunderstood - I just remember being so annoyed by those Tribune issues - it was nice to see them on CD, but they were so badly done as to make one wonder if anbody was listening.

Edited by AllenLowe

sorry, I misunderstood - I just remember being so annoyed by those Tribune issues - it was nice to see them on CD, but they were so badly done as to make one wonder if anbody was listening.

They (i.e. the "Tribune" CDs) were one of those cases that really left me wondering if collectors really felt like they'd dump (or were expected to dump) their vinyl THAT fast. I mean, the "Tribune" LPs had hardly disappeared from the FRONT rows of the jazz corners of the record stores (but definitely still were around for those who were prepared to look) when the first CDs of that very series were already all over the place.

O.K. - end of O.T. ramblings ;)


Even the most intensive research has not been able to unearth the contents of

  1. Jazz Tribune #3
  2. Jazz Tribune # 12
  3. Jazz Tribune #66
Right now I assume there were LP reissues with these numbers, but no CD reissues?


In case anyone has any info on the 3 that I'm mssing in my list, does anyone have a cover scan of any of them (no matter what quality, as most of the ones I have are crappy to begin with (from Amazon and other sites, besides my own copies).

Jazz Tribune #3 Paul Whiteman 'Jazz à la King' (1920-1936)

Jazz Tribune #12 The Memoirs of Willie 'The Lion' Smith

Don't know about #66.

I have a French RCA catalogue from 1983 that lists all the Jazz Tribune LPs up to #39.

Email me your current adress and I'll part sadly with the catalogue (with the happy feeling that it will be in good hands!).

The catalogue has vignette images (and track listings) of all the vinyls and cassettes releases. There does not seem to be many cassettes...

I still have some of their twofer LPs although I preferred the previous French RCA Black and White single LPs.

A splendid collection from producer Jean-Paul Guiter.

A lot of research went into that series with excellent sound out of transfers from the original RCA Victor material).

Never bothered with the Jazz Tribune CDs.


Even the most intensive research has not been able to unearth the contents of

  1. Jazz Tribune #3
  2. Jazz Tribune # 12
  3. Jazz Tribune #66
Right now I assume there were LP reissues with these numbers, but no CD reissues?


In case anyone has any info on the 3 that I'm mssing in my list, does anyone have a cover scan of any of them (no matter what quality, as most of the ones I have are crappy to begin with (from Amazon and other sites, besides my own copies).

Jazz Tribune #3 Paul Whiteman 'Jazz à la King' (1920-1936)

Jazz Tribune #12 The Memoirs of Willie 'The Lion' Smith

Don't know about #66.

I have a French RCA catalogue from 1983 that lists all the Jazz Tribune LPs up to #39.

Email me your current adress and I'll part sadly with the catalogue (with the happy feeling that it will be in good hands!).

The catalogue has vignette images (and track listings) of all the vinyls and cassettes releases. There does not seem to be many cassettes...

I still have some of their twofer LPs although I preferred the previous French RCA Black and White single LPs.

A splendid collection from producer Jean-Paul Guiter.

A lot of research went into that series with excellent sound out of transfers from the original RCA Victor material).

Never bothered with the Jazz Tribune CDs.

Thanks for the info Guy.

Sent you my address(es).

No time for more right now, but I'll getback to you when I get a breather here.


sorry, I misunderstood - I just remember being so annoyed by those Tribune issues - it was nice to see them on CD, but they were so badly done as to make one wonder if anbody was listening.

No problem. :)

Yes, those CD reissues aren't great, but how many CDs out of a hundred are?




I have several versions of several of these sessions to compare, and even on a better system there really are only marginal differences in many cases.

For me it's often also a financial thing: These twofers - once I hunted around long enough for them - cost me a dollar or two plus postage whereas other -newer or older reissues of the same/similar material- cost many (!) times that.

They're enough for me, especially for more of the "fringe" stuff that I don't need better copies of (Una Mae ... yes, don't shoot me, etc.)


Even the most intensive research has not been able to unearth the contents of

  1. Jazz Tribune #3
  2. Jazz Tribune # 12
  3. Jazz Tribune #66
Right now I assume there were LP reissues with these numbers, but no CD reissues?


In case anyone has any info on the 3 that I'm mssing in my list, does anyone have a cover scan of any of them (no matter what quality, as most of the ones I have are crappy to begin with (from Amazon and other sites, besides my own copies).

Jazz Tribune #3 Paul Whiteman 'Jazz à la King' (1920-1936)

Hope this pic helps you for the cover of #3:


Can try to get a crisper pic if needed.

As for #66, see here (taken from a listing on the inside cover of #72):


Hope this helps.


  1. that the original reissues were published both as LPs and cassette tapes?
  2. that the LPs/cassettes are from around 1987/88 and the CDs from 1992 onwards?
  3. that there were 76 LPs/CDs reissued (first: "Hodges, Johnny and Davis, Wild Bill. Johnny Hodges and Wild Bill Davis, Volumes 1-2 (1965-1966)" and last "Peterson, Oscar. The Complete Young Oscar Peterson (1945-1949)") and that all of the LPs were in fact reissued as CDs as well (Hodges to Peterson), or were there more that weren't reissued on CD?
  4. that jazz reissues had black covers and (the few) blues reissues blue ones?

Not so sure about the release dates of the LPs.

No. 3 (Whiteman) - the lowest on hits list that I have - has a production (P) date of 1979 on the cover, No. 72 (T. Dorsey) - the highest No. I have - has a production (P) date of 1987.

Which ties in with the 1983 catalog that Brownie mentions.


  1. that the original reissues were published both as LPs and cassette tapes?
  2. that the LPs/cassettes are from around 1987/88 and the CDs from 1992 onwards?
  3. that there were 76 LPs/CDs reissued (first: "Hodges, Johnny and Davis, Wild Bill. Johnny Hodges and Wild Bill Davis, Volumes 1-2 (1965-1966)" and last "Peterson, Oscar. The Complete Young Oscar Peterson (1945-1949)") and that all of the LPs were in fact reissued as CDs as well (Hodges to Peterson), or were there more that weren't reissued on CD?
  4. that jazz reissues had black covers and (the few) blues reissues blue ones?

Not so sure about the release dates of the LPs.

No. 3 (Whiteman) - the lowest on hits list that I have - has a production (P) date of 1979 on the cover, No. 72 (T. Dorsey) - the highest No. I have - has a production (P) date of 1987.

Which ties in with the 1983 catalog that Brownie mentions.

Thanks so much for the photos and the info.

Very much appreciated.

The photos will do for now (I'll Photoshop around a bit).

Again, thanks for checking up for me!

I might be back with some other questions another day. I just have to put together the (little) info I have first.


Posted (edited)

Well, this is my quick & dirty scratch-pad version which I intend to flesh out bit by bit:

  • Hodges, Johnny and Davis, Wild Bill. Johnny Hodges and Wild Bill Davis, Volumes 1-2 (1965-1966)
  • Gillespie, Dizzy. "Dizzy Gillespie" (1946-1949)
  • Whiteman, Paul. Paul Whiteman "Jazz à la King"' (1920-1936)
  • Carter, Benny. Benny Carter (1928-52)
  • Hines, Earl. The Indispensable Earl Hines, Volumes 1/2 (1939-1940)
  • King Oliver. King Oliver & His Orchestra (1929-30)
  • McKinney's Cotton Pickers. The Complete McKinney's Cotton Pickers Vol. 1 / 2 (1928 - 1929) (Jazz Tribune N° 7)

  • Moten, Bennie. The Indispensable Bennie Moten Vol. 1/2
  • Morton, Jelly Roll. The Complete Jelly Roll Morton, Volumes 1/2 (1926-1927).

  • Bechet, Sidney. The Complete Sidney Bechet, Volumes 1/2 (1932-1941)
  • Morton, Jelly Roll. The Complete Jelly Roll Morton, Volumes 3/4 (1927-1929)
  • Smith, Willie 'The Lion': The Memoirs of Willie 'The Lion' Smith
  • Goodman, Benny. The Complete Small Combinations, Volumes 1/2 (1935-1937)
  • Shaw, Artie. The Indispensable Artie Shaw, Volumes 1/2 (1938-1939)
  • Miller, Glenn. Glenn Miller and the Army Air Force Band

  • Hawkins, Erskine.The Complete Erskine Hawkins, Vol. 1-2 (?-?)
  • McKinney's Cotton Pickers. The Complete McKinney's Cotton Pickers Vol. 3 / 4

  • Bechet, Sidney. The Complete Sidney Bechet: Volumes 3/4 (1941)
  • Hines, Earl. The Indispensable Earl Hines, Volumes 3/4 (1939-1945)
  • Armstrong, Louis. "The Young Louis Armstrong" (1930-1933)
  • Ellington, Duke. The Indispensable Duke Ellington, Volumes 1/2 (?)
  • Goodman, Benny. The Complete Small Combinations, Volumes 3 / 4 (1937/1939)
  • Waller, Fats. "Piano Solos" (1929-1941)
  • Dorsey, Tommy and Sinatra, Frank. Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra with Frank Sinatra.
  • Waller, Fats. The Indispensable Fats Waller, Volumes 1/2 (1926-1935)
  • Berigan, Bunny. The Indispensable Bunny Berigan Vol. 1/2 (1937-1939)
  • Basie, Count. The Indispensable Count Basie.
  • Ellington, Duke. The Indispensable Duke Ellington, Volumes 3/4 (?)
  • Morton, Jelly Roll. The Complete Jelly Roll Morton, Volumes 5/6 (1929-1930)
  • The Indispensable Fletcher Henderson (1927-1936)
  • Moten, Bennie. The Indispensable Bennie Moten Vol. 3/4
  • Waller, Fats. The Indispensable Fats Waller, Volumes 3/4 (1935-1936)
  • Ellington, Duke. The Indispensable Duke Ellington, Volumes 5/6 (1940)
  • Dorsey, Tommy. The Indispensable Tommy Dorsey Volumes 1/2 (1935-1937)
  • Goodman, Benny. The Indispensable Benny Goodman, Volumes 1/2: "Birth of a Big Band" (1935-1936)
  • Hines, Earl. The Indispensable Earl Hines, Volumes 5/6 (1944-1966): "The Bob Thiele Sessions"
  • Shaw, Artie. The Indispensable Artie Shaw, Volumes 3/4 (1940-1942)
  • Morton, Jelly Roll. The Complete Jelly Roll Morton, Volumes 7/8 (1930-1940).
  • Reinhardt, Django. The Indispensable Django Reinhardt (1949-50)

  • Moten, Benie. The Indispensable Bennie Moten Vol. 5/6
  • Barnet, Charlie. The Indispensable Charlie Barnet, Volumes 1/2, (1935-1939)

  • Various Artists. Ragtime (1900-1930)
  • Armstrong, Louis. Louis Armstrong at Town Hall: "The Complete Town Hall Concert 17 May 1947

  • Waller, Fats. The Indispensable Fats Waller, Volumes 5/6 (1936-1938)
  • Teagarden, Jack. The Indispensable Jack Teagarden (1938-1957)

  • Bechet, Sidney. Complete Vol. 5 (1941-43, & Mezz Mezzrow 'The panassie sessions 1938-39)
  • Goodman, Benny. The Indispensable Benny Goodman, Volumes 3/4 (1936-1937)

  • Beiderbecke, Bix. The Indispensable Bix Beiderbecke (1924-1930)
  • McKinney's Cotton Pickers Vol. 5

  • Miller, Glenn. Glenn Miller and His Orchestra: "The Swinging Mr. Miller"
  • Various Artists. Memphis Blues (1928-30)
  • Hawkins, Coleman. The Indispensable Coleman Hawkins: "Body and soul" (1927-1956)
  • Dorsey, Tommy. The Indispensable Tommy Dorsey Volumes 3/4 (1937-1938)
  • Armstrong, Louis. Louis Armstrong: "From the Big Band to the All Stars" (1946-1956)
  • Ellington, Duke. The Indispensable Duke Ellington, Volumes 7/8 (1941-1942)
  • Barnet, Charlie. The Indispensable Charlie Barnet (1940-1942)
  • Berry, Chu. The Indispensable Chu Berry. Featuring: Roy Eldridge, Gene Krupa, Benny Goodman, Fletcher Henderson, Cab Calloway, Wingy Manone, Lionel Hampton, etc … (1936-1939)
  • Calloway, Cab. Cab Calloway & Co. The Complete 1933-1934 Cotton Club Orchestra Sessions, the 1949 Sides plus Rare Items by Blanche Calloway (1931) and Billy Banks (1932)
  • Waller, Fats. The Indispensable Fats Waller, Volumes 7/8 (1938-1940)
  • Ellington, Duke.The Indispensable Duke Ellington & Small Groups Vol. 9-10 (1940-1946)
  • Hampton, Lionel. The Complete Lionel Hampton, Volumes 1/2 (1937-1938)
  • "Chicago Blues" (1935-1942). Sonny Boy Williamson. Big Bill Broonzy. Jazz Gillum. Washboard Sam. Joe McCoy. Johnny Temple, Tampa Red ...
  • Dorsey, Tommy. The Indispensable Tommy Dorsey Vol. 5/6 )

  • Carlisle, Una Mae. The Complete Una Mae Carlisle (1940-1942) and John Kirby (1941-1942)
  • Goodman, Benny. The Indispensable Benny Goodman, Volumes 5/6 (1938-1939)
  • Nichols, Red and Napoleon, Phil. Red Nichols and Phil Napoleon
  • Shaw, Artie. The Indispensable Artie Shaw, Volumes 5/6 (1944-1945).
  • Hawkins, Erskine. The Complete Erskine Hawkins, Vol. 3-4 (1940-1941)
  • Ellington, Duke. The Indispensable Duke Ellington, Volumes 11/12 (1944-1946)
  • The Complete Original Dixieland Jazz band
  • Waller, Fats. The Indispensable Fats Waller, Volumes 9/10 (1936-1938)
  • Dorsey, Tommy. The Indispensable Tommy Dorsey Vol. 7/8
  • Williamson, Sonny Boy. Rare "Sonny Boy" 1937-1947

  • Hampton, Lionel. The Complete Lionel Hampton, Volumes 3/4 (1939)
  • Newman, Joe. The Complete Joe Newman RCA Victor Recordings (1955-1956): "The Basie Days"
  • Peterson, Oscar. The Complete Young Oscar Peterson (1945-1949)


Edited by neveronfriday

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