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2010-2011 Hot Stove Thread

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Doris From Rego Park

I don't know how many of you listen to sports radio but WFAN is the grand-daddy of sports radio, or at least one of the first, started back in 1987.

There would be many a night in the early days when I couldn't sleep and listen to the station at night. Well, one of the constant callers was Doris Bauer, known to listeners of WFAN, whether you rooted for the Mets or the Yankees, as Doris From Rego Park. She would call very late and due to a medical condition would caught a lot. That is what, in fact, made her distinctive. Doris died in 2003 but just in time for spring training a fan has written a song about her and there is an article about his paean to her in today's New York Times. The article includes the song.

Great little article and brought a tear to my eye. This may not mean much to many of you who don't live in the New York or listen to WFAN but to those who do, it will bring back memories of Doris.

Thanks for that, Brad. I don't recall listening to her in the wee hours, but heard her call Mike and Dog a few times back in the day.

I thought you might like. She used to call into Steve Somers when he did the overnight, "talking s-p-o-r-t-s under the covers," as he used to put it.

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The Jeter mansion in Tampa, Florida. 30,000+ sq. ft.


Gosh, Derek & Minka are going to be spending the rest of their lives dusting.

I forget her name, but some actress came into Charlie Chaplin's home one day and said, it's not home, but its much!

Hey Mariner fans, you like to pick scabs off wounds that are healing, right???


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I was watching the Knicks vs Hawks game last night, and do only the most obnoxious New York fans attend road games for New York teams? I mean, geesh! give it a rest already. Reminded of some of the Mariner games I attended in Seattle with the Yankee Nation in full bloom.

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I keep hearing that Mike Cameron is going to be a trade target now that he is proving that he is over his abdominal problems from last year (and in the words of one scout, "I don't see a 38 year old") but here is hoping that the Sox hold onto him. Three lefty hitting outfielders, and one of them an injury-risk, plus Ortiz having such trouble against lefties - Cameron ought to get a lot of playing time and could be a great asset off the bench as a pinch-hitter, too. One of the advantage of having such a big payroll is being able to afford a 7.5 million dollar back up. They better be overwhelmed if they give him up, and even then I don't want to see it happen. There aren't any trouble spots on the roster so there is no reason to give up your #4 outfielder and back up DH.

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I keep hearing that Mike Cameron is going to be a trade target now that he is proving that he is over his abdominal problems from last year (and in the words of one scout, "I don't see a 38 year old") but here is hoping that the Sox hold onto him. Three lefty hitting outfielders, and one of them an injury-risk, plus Ortiz having such trouble against lefties - Cameron ought to get a lot of playing time and could be a great asset off the bench as a pinch-hitter, too. One of the advantage of having such a big payroll is being able to afford a 7.5 million dollar back up. They better be overwhelmed if they give him up, and even then I don't want to see it happen. There aren't any trouble spots on the roster so there is no reason to give up your #4 outfielder and back up DH.

I agree that the Red Sox need to keep Cameron, not only for the reasons you listed, but by all accounts I've ever read, he is just a great "club house" guy -- IMHO, he would make a great manager someday.

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Dang. Chase Utley's knee is hurting. Hasn't played at all this Spring. He had a MRI on his knee last week that revealed no structural damage but apparently he has Patella tendinitis. Right now the Phillies are just resting him hoping it will clear up on its own. But from what I hear surgery is likely. You know it has to be bad case of tendinitis because that dude always plays hurt.

Edit: he had a cortisone injection in his knee over the weekend. Hmm....

Edited by J.H. Deeley
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Seems like the Phils have some injury issues. Entering his age 32 season, is Utley starting his decline? If he misses time for knee surgery, it will be a second season in a row. I still figure him to be a force but these injuries make you start to wonder.

Plus, Dominic Brown is out with a hamate bone injury. His game isn't hitting home runs, is it? Because hamate bone injuries are well known for sapping power at least for a period of time before there is full healing.

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Seems like the Phils have some injury issues. Entering his age 32 season, is Utley starting his decline? If he misses time for knee surgery, it will be a second season in a row. I still figure him to be a force but these injuries make you start to wonder.

Plus, Dominic Brown is out with a hamate bone injury. His game isn't hitting home runs, is it? Because hamate bone injuries are well known for sapping power at least for a period of time before there is full healing.

I know the Phillies have the great starting rotation, but are they really going to be that much better than the Braves? I think the Braves are going to have a very good team this year, so it's not going to be a cakewalk for the Phillies this year.

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Seems like the Phils have some injury issues. Entering his age 32 season, is Utley starting his decline? If he misses time for knee surgery, it will be a second season in a row. I still figure him to be a force but these injuries make you start to wonder.

Plus, Dominic Brown is out with a hamate bone injury. His game isn't hitting home runs, is it? Because hamate bone injuries are well known for sapping power at least for a period of time before there is full healing.

Utley has been injury prone the last couple of seasons. I'm starting to think that he could be another Nomar. A great, great player early in his career but one that was slowed by injuries as he entered his 30's.

Brown's injury might be a blessing in disguise. He's not ready for the big leagues. Before he got the hit that he injured himself on, he had gone 0 for 15 this spring w/ 9 strike outs. Yikes. This way he get's to heal, go back to AAA ball and get some much needed experience(he hasn't played 175 games yet in the minors, and most of that was in A or AA), and correct his swing - which would have been impossible to do in the Bigs. The raw talent is there in abundance. He just needs to learn the game.

Seems like the Phils have some injury issues. Entering his age 32 season, is Utley starting his decline? If he misses time for knee surgery, it will be a second season in a row. I still figure him to be a force but these injuries make you start to wonder.

Plus, Dominic Brown is out with a hamate bone injury. His game isn't hitting home runs, is it? Because hamate bone injuries are well known for sapping power at least for a period of time before there is full healing.

I know the Phillies have the great starting rotation, but are they really going to be that much better than the Braves? I think the Braves are going to have a very good team this year, so it's not going to be a cakewalk for the Phillies this year.

Oh it will definitely be a fight. I still think the road to the NL East crown goes through Philly.

Edited by J.H. Deeley
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Actually, Nomar's prime was really stolen from him by the wrist injury which happened at age 27. The three seasons before he slugged .584, .603 and .599. After he lost all but 21 games to wrist surgery in 2001, he slugged .528 & .524 in his last two full seasons (isn't that astounding that his last two full seasons came at 28 and 29?) and then aside from one good season in L.A. that was it.

Pretty sad - if he hadn't gotten drilled by that pitch and managed to stay in Boston his entire career, he'd surely end up as the second greatest SS in the Nomar - A-Rod - Jeter triumvirate. In fact, given that A-Rod became a third baseman, he might have come out at the best since Ripken for offensive force at SS.

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Pretty sad - if he hadn't gotten drilled by that pitch and managed to stay in Boston his entire career, he'd surely end up as the second greatest SS in the Nomar - A-Rod - Jeter triumvirate. In fact, given that A-Rod became a third baseman, he might have come out at the best since Ripken for offensive force at SS.

His most similar player in his prime years was Ernie Banks. :tup He was getting wonky in the field though and probably would have been moved out of SS fairly soon (though maybe not as Jeter never was.) I've always felt though that even without the "clubhouse cancer" mentality of '04 that if he isn't traded the Red Sox don't win the World Series that year as Cabrera was a whiz with the glove that year.

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"non-operative" yet "additional opinions" are being obtained. Has to give Phils fans a little pause. Three years/45 million left on his contract. That's a lot of money for a middle-infielder if he stops performing like he has in the past or starts to average 100 games a year rather than 150.

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Word is that Greenberg went rogue too often. Anecdotal evidence seems to support this.

Sorry it came to that, but this is the guy that (allegedly) freelanced the last trip to Arkansas, delayed JD's contract renewal, and meddledin the Michael Young affair to the detrement of all. Ryan/JD, otoh, were through pursuing Lee & were ready to shop young earlier than later. Plus, Nolan stood up to his money guys, who expected Wash & JD both to be gone as soon as they took the reigns. So Nolan will not be arbitrarily pushed around by big buckage, not at the expense of his baseball instincts. But he does have his limits, & apparently Greenberg went over them.

The last thing we need is another Jerry Jones/Mark Cuban type, especially one who doesn't really control the purse strings. Greenberg was a delightfully convivial "face" of ownership, and darn it, too bad how he was always upsetting those poor, put-upon Yankees, but I do believe that his departure leaves the ownership/management group in better, more capable baseball hands now that a proven freelancer/probably ongoing distraction has left.

For better coverage than a mere NYT article, here's where to begin: http://www.lonestarball.com/

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Speaking of Michael Young, did anyone see the video of the three year old boy who idolizes Michael Young finding out from his Mom that Young might be traded away? Seems a bit early for the wagon of love to break under the baggage of life, but kids grow up faster these days.


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The Yankees' spring training has made me a bit more optimistic that we'll be a solid contender for the wild-card. Still can't see Boston being anything but a runaway favorite to win it all this season. But looking forward to seeing Jesus Montero getting some MLB playing time, and really looking forward to the day that Manny Banuelos comes up (though not likely this season), among other things.

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In terms of results or is there some sort of secret-decoder ring to seeing the future out of how a bunch of veterans prepare for the season? In other words, I don't see how the spring makes you more confident about the Yankees (or less for that matter, in the absence of any significant injuries) or any other team, unless you think that the Rays are headed for a fall and the Yanks will have an easier time of winning the wild card.

I think the exact same issues exist for each team (Yankees - whether Burnett bounces back and how they survive having less than ideal 4th and 5th starters plus the aging of Jeter and A-Rod and Posada; Red Sox - Papelbon as closer, Beckett and Dice-K in the rotation and general lack of depth in the starters) and there are no conclusions to be drawn until they play the games.

No question Banuelos is already a polished pitcher with a bright future but if Montero makes the team he should send a thank-you card to Cervelli for getting hurt. All I've read is that he hasn't hit as advertised and his defense, which wasn't supposed to keep him catching very long, seems worse than advertised. If Girardi is serious about defense being the most important for a second-string catcher, then Montero should be sent down.

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It's just speculation, but isn't that part of the fun of spring training? Rodriguez was able to train at 100% this past winter (for the first time in two years) and has looked great so far. Jeter's hitting better too; I think they're both poised to improve on last year's performances. And yes, Montero's only hitting .212, and his defense has been getting very mixed notices, but I still think he'll be second-string until Cervelli comes back; hence my remark about seeing him at the MLB level. (And I may get to see him play in person, if he's back at Scranton/Wilkes-Barre by June 2, when my brother and I are taking in a minor-league game at Indianapolis.) Ivan Nova's looked good, A.J.'s looked good (until his most recent start); OTOH, I still think Phil Hughes is a question mark to repeat as an 18-game winner. Posada's at DH and I'm not all that concerned about him; plus Granderson, Swisher, Tex and Cano are all in their prime, and Brett Gardner may well be batting leadoff this year, which will be a very good thing.

Just nice to feel a bit more positive after the gloom-'n-doom that was NY's offseason.

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I guess I follow the pre-season about as closely as anyone and I'm with David, what I'm seeing is encouraging. Nonetheless, one thing I've learned over many years is that Spring Training is to the regular season as the driving range is to the first tee. If they can take their Steinbrenner Field game to Yankee Stadium, that would be great, but it's a tough out. We shall see. With respect to the catching situation, Montero pretty much has to stay unless you move Posada into the backup role and wait for Cervelli to get better. Since he needs everyday work, I'd prefer see him sent down. Also, while the all-around solid play of Jeter, Rodriquez and Texiera has been good to see as has A.J. Burnett's mini-resurgence, some other key components like Cano and Swisher are struggling.

Two weeks before they drop the puck. Release the hounds!

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Unfortunately, the demise of the Yankees has been overstated -- not the least of whom, by me.... Anyway, I think Hughes will have a great year, my prediction is he will win the Cy Young; CC will be CC; ARod, now that Jeter is in a steep decline, will probably have a great year, since he will be the focus of attention, the Drama Queen. Cano is looking good, Nick Johnson is off the team, to go back on the DL. wherever he may be. I would love to shovel dirt on the Yankee grave, but this looks like their last shot to me.

The team that should be really worried is the Phillies, where's their offense? I keep hearing the they will trade Blanton, maybe that will bring them something, but missing Utley, that has to hurt.

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I'll eat my hat if Phil Hughes wins a Cy Young before Jon Lester does.

Speaking of Lester, does anyone recall that troll who invaded here in 2006 talking smack about the Red Sox and then getting banned for some low-class comments about a chemo-unit in the clubhouse? Love to know what the dirtbag thinks of Lester now.

And it just occurred to me (honest!): 2006 the Sox missed the playoffs after struggling with some pretty difficult injuries, then John Henry opened up his wallet to improve the team, and the next stop was another parade. 2010, missed the playoffs after struggling with far more devastating injuries, John Henry opened up his wallet ...

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Unfortunately, the demise of the Yankees has been overstated -- not the least of whom, by me.... Anyway, I think Hughes will have a great year, my prediction is he will win the Cy Young; CC will be CC; ARod, now that Jeter is in a steep decline, will probably have a great year, since he will be the focus of attention, the Drama Queen. Cano is looking good, Nick Johnson is off the team, to go back on the DL. wherever he may be. I would love to shovel dirt on the Yankee grave, but this looks like their last shot to me.

The team that should be really worried is the Phillies, where's their offense? I keep hearing the they will trade Blanton, maybe that will bring them something, but missing Utley, that has to hurt.

Concerned, not worried. I still think they are a lock for the playoffs w/out him, barring any further injuries. As long as the starting 4 stays intact they really don't need to worry about their offensive as last year's Giants proved. I think it's between the Braves, Phils, and Giants in the NL this season. Right now I'm picking the Braves.

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