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Akosh Szelevenyi and Akosh S. Unit

Tom Cat

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Akosh Szelevenyi an hungarian multiinstrumentalist (mostly reeds) who has blown my head with every recording he does, his music is highly influenced by central & eastern european folk, he's based on france and is one of the most recognized musicians on the french free jazz scene, don't know what to say, quietly he has become one of of my favourite artists, he's main project is an ensamble called akosh s. unit bein the regular members Joe Doherty, Bernard Malandai & Philippe Foch he has colaborated with some french bands and has a copuple of duo recordings with jöelle leandre, and few more with others.

I just wanted to know if some of you people know him and waht's you opinion and also i'll be happy if i can introduce others to his music

you can check out his site

akosh site

mostly for free & avant jazz lovers

regards to all

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Tom Cat, thanks for the intro

I was aware of the name from Leo listings but never heard his music. The website clips are very interesting - I'm tempted by the Leandre duo straight off. Which of the Unit recordings would be good to start with? There doesn't seem to be any clips from these albums

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Tom Cat, thanks for the intro

I was aware of the name from Leo listings but never heard his music. The website clips are very interesting - I'm tempted by the Leandre duo straight off. Which of the Unit recordings would be good to start with? There doesn't seem to be any clips from these albums

glad you liked the music...well don't know what to suggest you, i think vetek or kebelen are nice to start with the akosh s. unit, however you could hear a sample by clicking on the covers of the recordings, the sample is too short tough so i'll throw this names: vetek, kebelen or imafa


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here's another fan of the Akosh S Unit, have been for many years... (as an aside, i also really like his contributions to the (pop music of) Noir Desir, like the clarinet solo in Le Vent Nous Portera

nice to see another akosh fan, yeah i also like (but not as much as akosh s unit of course)his colaborations with noir desir, they were one of the french bands i had in mind while writing the first message but didn't remember the name haha, by the way this song you linked is great, this was the first song of noir desir with akosh szelevenyi i ever heard and i love it

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I never been interesting by is Unit. Some hysterico-folklo-post Aylerien free jazz with an eye on the pop music market.

But I like his duet with Joëlle Léandre (on record because live it was pityfull, The Ogresse Joëlle eat it in one bite on stage).

I also like him in another duo with a bass player (who's name I don't remember, Chevillon maybe) on a tune who was part of a collective records of duets which title escape from me too (and I'm away from home).

But to call it "one of the most interesting reeds player on the scene today" is absolutely grotesque, DD.

Edited by P.L.M
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I never been interesting by is Unit. Some hysterico-folklo-post Aylerien free jazz with an eye on the pop music market.

But I like his duet with Joëlle Léandre (on record because live it was pityfull, The Ogresse Joëlle eat it in one bite on stage).

I also like him in another duo with a bass player (who's name I don't remember, Chevillon maybe) on a tune who was part of a collective records of duets which title escape from me too (and I'm away from home).

But to call it "one of the most interesting reeds player on the scene today" is absolutely grotesque, DD.

P.L.M., my friend, even though I might miss our opinion battles of the old days, we won't have one now :). I do believe Akosh is one of the more interesting reed players today - at least in the jazz realm.

The other thing is that jazz playing field is far from inspiring these days (IMHO) so yes he might be merely a big fish in a small pond. And yes, I agree with you that Akosh's duos are more interesting than his Unit stuff - I thought his recent one with electronics player erikM was very intriguing, if not always working entirely perfectly (but reeds / electronics duos are difficult stuff to pull off).

In case you are wondering who of the current reeds players I actually find interesting, there are not that many and these are mostly people playing music beyond jazz (John Butcher, Martin Kuchen - I think his solo released this year is fantastic http://www.mathka.pl/martin-kuchen-the-lie-and-the-orphanage/, Seymour Wright, Bhob Rainey, Lucio Capece, Christine Sehnaoui Abdelnour, and a few others).

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