Ibuchreitz Posted September 30, 2010 Report Posted September 30, 2010 (edited) Hey guys, I own this record with "The Contemporary Jazz Quintet", no title except the groups name and "SDEB 151", released in 1968. The thing is, that I know this record is super-rare, and very desirable for many collectors, but I've no clue whatsoever what it's worth. It is so rare, that it has never been sold on ebay which also means that it cant be found for reference on sites like popsike. I might try and sell it on ebay, but I'd be interested to know what it's really worth and don't really trust the collectors of jazz I can find here in Denmark - they're like vultures those people. I hope somebody here can help me out... Best wishes, Ibuchreitz. Edited September 30, 2010 by Ibuchreitz Quote
ejp626 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Posted September 30, 2010 According to this site: http://www.discogs.com/Contemporary-Jazz-Quintet-The-Featuring-Sunny-Murray-The-Original-Debut-Recordings-1964-1967/release/1033789 the tracks have been released on Steeplechase for those interested in the music solely. I don't see a price for the original LP. Sorry. Quote
Victor Christensen Posted September 30, 2010 Report Posted September 30, 2010 What kind of vultures BS, you are just trying to make a bundle. Vic Quote
Christiern Posted September 30, 2010 Report Posted September 30, 2010 ALLE DANSKR SUPERMARKEDER BESKYLDES FOR PENGEAFPRESNING Det gælder måske også pladesamlere? Quote
clifford_thornton Posted October 1, 2010 Report Posted October 1, 2010 (edited) If it's clean, I'll buy it. For a bundle. Edited October 1, 2010 by clifford_thornton Quote
brownie Posted October 1, 2010 Report Posted October 1, 2010 A pretty rare item. Should be worth a couple of hundred dollars at least. I have it on the Steeplechase CD reissue (I also have the Debut vinyl Action with Sonny Murray. Quote
Ibuchreitz Posted October 2, 2010 Author Report Posted October 2, 2010 What kind of vultures BS, you are just trying to make a bundle. Vic I can tell you in all honesty, that I've nothing against collectors of records at all... after all, I've been one for a long time myself. The people I'm not so sure about, are the people who drive around the country and buy peoples whole collections from them for a lot less than they're probably worth. I've tried to sell my collection to three different people who weren't interested as soon as they discovered I had researched prices on ebay and elsewhere. I can see, why that didn't come across in my original post, as it was poorly written and I was in a hurry. And obviously, I'd like to make a little money as I'm selling the collection I spent 40 years obtaining. If a record is worth $1000 I wont sell it for $200 unless it's in auction and I got unlucky. I don't know if that makes me a bad person. ALLE DANSKR SUPERMARKEDER BESKYLDES FOR PENGEAFPRESNING Det gælder måske også pladesamlere? Nej, det var en rigtig ringe formulering... Jeg mener de mennesker der opkøber og videresælger samlinger. Jeg kan ikke rigtig se, at sådan en person nødvendigvis kan bruges som en troværdig kilde til at fastsætte en plades værdi - det vil altid være i hans interesse, at sige pladen er billigere, end den er. Men det er et sjovt cover. Det er fra Ekstra Bladet i 60'erne. If it's clean, I'll buy it. For a bundle. The vinyl is flawless. It hasn't been played more than five-ten times, so it is close to perfect. The cover is great, in my estimation. I don't know what it's worth, so I'll probably investigate it further for a while before selling. I would gladly sell it to you, once I get a better idea of what it's worth. How much is a bundle? Quote
Christiern Posted October 2, 2010 Report Posted October 2, 2010 Many years ago, when it was clear that CDs were replacing LPs, I sold 18,000 of the latter (many still skin-wrapped) to my friend, Karl Emil Knudsen for $1 each. I knew, even then, that many of the LPs were worth a great deal more and that few, if any, were worth less than a buck, but we were both happy with the deal. So, my LPs are probably still in Copenhagen, stored away with Karl's enormous collection. Yes, ibuchreitz, that Ekstra Bladet cover is an odd one. Quote
Big Beat Steve Posted October 2, 2010 Report Posted October 2, 2010 (edited) Nej, det var en rigtig ringe formulering... Jeg mener de mennesker der opkøber og videresælger samlinger. Jeg kan ikke rigtig se, at sådan en person nødvendigvis kan bruges som en troværdig kilde til at fastsætte en plades værdi - det vil altid være i hans interesse, at sige pladen er billigere, end den er. Men det er et sjovt cover. Det er fra Ekstra Bladet i 60'erne. Jag vet verkligen inte var problemet är med en sådan affär. Det är helt normalt att proffssäljare som köper hela samlingar betalar inte mycket per skiv. De vil också tjäna pengen på det. Om du vill inte sälja allt i klump så bör du sälja allt separat - skiv per skiv - en efter annan. Om du vill sälja allt i klump (något som du troligtvis kan endast göra med en vidaresäljare) så naturligtvis blir det MYCKET lägre per varje skiv. Men du får pengen direkt utan att göre dig besvär med att sälja varje skiv separat - något som drar mycket tid! (Som du vet säkert ...) Men tänk just en moment - när du vill själv köpa en skiv från en annan samlare, skulle du inte också göra sådant att säljaren vet INTE alls vad FULLT värdet av skivan är? Skulle du inte ville forsöka att få skivan för lägre (mycket lägre) belopp? Är det inte helt normalt? P.S. to all others: Sorry for this O.T. in foreign tongues but the ramblings about pricing of wholesale selling of collections to dealers vs individual selling to final customers/collectors is a pretty well-covered topic anyway, ain't it? Edited October 2, 2010 by Big Beat Steve Quote
Christiern Posted October 2, 2010 Report Posted October 2, 2010 Stop it, Steve! Or I'll chime in in Icelandic! Quote
Ibuchreitz Posted October 2, 2010 Author Report Posted October 2, 2010 (edited) Jag vet verkligen inte var problemet är med en sådan affär. Det är helt normalt att proffssäljare som köper hela samlingar betalar inte mycket per skiv. De vil också tjäna pengen på det. Om du vill inte sälja allt i klump så bör du sälja allt separat - skiv per skiv - en efter annan. Om du vill sälja allt i klump (något som du troligtvis kan endast göra med en vidaresäljare) så naturligtvis blir det MYCKET lägre per varje skiv. Men du får pengen direkt utan att göre dig besvär med att sälja varje skiv separat - något som drar mycket tid! (Som du vet säkert ...) Men tänk just en moment - när du vill själv köpa en skiv från en annan samlare, skulle du inte också göra sådant att säljaren vet INTE alls vad FULLT värdet av skivan är? Skulle du inte ville forsöka att få skivan för lägre (mycket lägre) belopp? Är det inte helt normalt? P.S. to all others: Sorry for this O.T. in foreign tongues but the ramblings about pricing of wholesale selling of collections to dealers vs individual selling to final customers/collectors is a pretty well-covered topic anyway, ain't it? Hej Steve, Jamen jo, det er absolut normalt. Jeg forstår godt, at de skal tjene penge på de plader, de køber, således de kan sælge videre med profit. Jeg siger bare, at jeg ikke kan bruge en vurdering af en plades værdi fra en sådan person. Den person er ikke uvildig/neutral og derfor er vedkommendes udgangspunkt garanteret, markant lavere end pladens reelle værdi. Derfor kalder jeg dem "vultures" i min indledende post. Jeg forstår godt, at det er sådan, de tjener deres penge. Derfor har jeg ikke mulighed for at forhøre mig blandt disse proffer, hvis jeg vil kende det eksakte værdi af min skive. Edited October 2, 2010 by Ibuchreitz Quote
Big Beat Steve Posted October 3, 2010 Report Posted October 3, 2010 Stop it, Steve! Or I'll chime in in Icelandic! I'm afraid neither Buchreitz nor me will understand ANY of that - nor will anybody else. Whereas Swedish/Danish/Norwegian are lumped together in MANY printed media, for example, in Scandinavia where readers' contributions come into play (as you undoubtedly know ...) . OK, just to round off the debate and get back to Lbuchreitz's latest post (this time in English so Chris will spare us an avalanche of Icelandic ): Of course I see your point and I agree. But neither will you get a totally realistic appraisal from any moderately sharp-witted collector either who would be interested in BUYING these records himself. If he is to pay the items FULL PRICE that's not exactly an incentive to buy because it is not really a good buy (much less a bargain) for him. In short, try to get an appraisal of the value from an impartial third party (if there is anybody like that). But moaning about the fact that dealers (and even the keener type of collector) will not provide you with the info that will enable you to push up the prices of the items that THEY might be interested in buying from you is just natural. It has always been like that and is something to be reckoned with at all times IMHO (in EVERY part of any market where the price is dictated by collectability criteria). Good luck! Quote
Ibuchreitz Posted October 5, 2010 Author Report Posted October 5, 2010 Stop it, Steve! Or I'll chime in in Icelandic! I'm afraid neither Buchreitz nor me will understand ANY of that - nor will anybody else. Whereas Swedish/Danish/Norwegian are lumped together in MANY printed media, for example, in Scandinavia where readers' contributions come into play (as you undoubtedly know ...) . OK, just to round off the debate and get back to Lbuchreitz's latest post (this time in English so Chris will spare us an avalanche of Icelandic ): Of course I see your point and I agree. But neither will you get a totally realistic appraisal from any moderately sharp-witted collector either who would be interested in BUYING these records himself. If he is to pay the items FULL PRICE that's not exactly an incentive to buy because it is not really a good buy (much less a bargain) for him. In short, try to get an appraisal of the value from an impartial third party (if there is anybody like that). But moaning about the fact that dealers (and even the keener type of collector) will not provide you with the info that will enable you to push up the prices of the items that THEY might be interested in buying from you is just natural. It has always been like that and is something to be reckoned with at all times IMHO (in EVERY part of any market where the price is dictated by collectability criteria). Good luck! Right, we can't risk a wave of Icelandic gibberish so let's take the threat seriously and switch to English :-) I agree with you completely. The thing is, I've never really paid any interest to the value of my records before now. I've only treasured them for the music that's on them and didn't really care if they we're worth any money before now. I was hoping somebody in here, would know more about the value of this particular record as I can't find any price-references anywhere on the internet. I have a feeling this record could be so rare, that someone might pay around $1000-$2000 or even more for it, but I've no way of establishing that and I want to take a price for it, thats both realistic and fair. I called a record-shop who was willing to pay me $800 on the spot without having seen the vinyl or cover. I don't know, but I'd like to find out what to expect people are ready to pay. Quote
clifford_thornton Posted October 5, 2010 Report Posted October 5, 2010 Yeah, that is a good offer. You might be able to get over $1000 for it, but it's hard to tell because the sellers on eBay who consistently get four-figure prices have also been selling for a long time, have a solid customer base and significant positive feedback. Start the bidding low, set a reserve of $1000 and you might get what you'd hoped for. Quote
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