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Holy crap, what have I caused here? I'll retract everything and start over. Letterman made a joke that I overreacted to. He doesn't like jazz and has said so. To what degree this affects which artists are booked, who knows, but it's probably had a negative influence. On the other hand, Paul Shaffer likes jazz and is probably a positive influence - to whatever degree - by occasionally inviting some players in for a little camera time. I love Jon Stewart, but I don't think he ever had Sonny Rollins perform on his show either. Steven Colbert made a heroin joke that I thought was funny.

I wish this thread had taken a different direction. Michael Keaton's stand up routine wasn't a good match with jazz! How about that? 50s and early 60s jazz was a perfect match with the likes of Lenny Bruce, Mort Saul, Nichols & May, Bob Newhart. When did jazz and comedy begin drifting apart? I think even the later work of George Carlin would have gone good with bebop. And phrenetic comedians like Bobcat Goldthwait, Robin Williams or Sam Kinison might have blended well with Sun Ra or Anthony Braxton. Whadaya think? I'll buy a pitcher of beer and we can discuss it.


What I can't wrap my brain around is anyone having an exhaustive Letterman database for going on 30 years. Maybe not as sad as the Margaret thing, but dude, WTF? Are you just getting ready to write the definitive Letterman bio? And even then, you'd be missing exciting things like using the staff for his dating pool.


All I can say is this board has become so sad.

:rfr Wha ...?


Anyone with the nads to admit to compiling a Letterman database ... pass the popcorn.

And a hearty welcome to donz5 and dalemcfarland both!


All I can say is this board has become so sad.

:rfr Wha ...?


Anyone with the nads to admit to compiling a Letterman database ... pass the popcorn.

And a hearty welcome to donz5 and dalemcfarland both!

Thanks, Papsrus. The eagerness of some here to pass judgement, be it the purification of "jazz" or, in my case, me, is pretty startling. I had presumed that folks would be more interested in analyzing the facts as presented rather than try to belittle the person presenting those facts. I had hoped that, especially, jazz fans were better than that. My error.

Yes, I've been collecting data on Letterman's shows for quite a while. Those so quick to criticize what was first a hobby that long ago turned into under-the-radar access might recall a certain adage that begins with "Judge not..." Everyone has (or hopefully has) their own particular interests. Good luck to those who dare to expose theirs outside their safety zone.

Anyway, thanks again, Papsrus.

Holy crap, what have I caused here? I'll retract everything and start over. Letterman made a joke that I overreacted to. [snip]

There it is. :)


... WTF? Are you just getting ready to write the definitive Letterman bio? ...

Naw, then he would've cataloged Letterman's old magazine interviews too. ;) Hey Don, can you cross-reference your database from the NBC years for a show that had Kenny Rogers as a guest, and included an "Ask Mr. Melman" segment? A woman in the audience asked why Letterman didn't book more jazz bands. A transcript of the exchange that followed would be very illuminating to this discussion.


... WTF? Are you just getting ready to write the definitive Letterman bio? ...

Naw, then he would've cataloged Letterman's old magazine interviews too. ;)

There it is.


... WTF? Are you just getting ready to write the definitive Letterman bio? ...

Naw, then he would've cataloged Letterman's old magazine interviews too. ;) Hey Don, can you cross-reference your database from the NBC years for a show that had Kenny Rogers as a guest, and included an "Ask Mr. Melman" segment? A woman in the audience asked why Letterman didn't book more jazz bands. A transcript of the exchange that followed would be very illuminating to this discussion.

November 26, 1985. I'll have to dig out the tape.

Don't have a transcript, though. Was the exchange between Dave and the woman, or was it Calvert's prepared response, written by Dave's writers?


... WTF? Are you just getting ready to write the definitive Letterman bio? ...

Naw, then he would've cataloged Letterman's old magazine interviews too. ;) Hey Don, can you cross-reference your database from the NBC years for a show that had Kenny Rogers as a guest, and included an "Ask Mr. Melman" segment? A woman in the audience asked why Letterman didn't book more jazz bands. A transcript of the exchange that followed would be very illuminating to this discussion.

November 26, 1985. I'll have to dig out the tape.

Don't have a transcript, though. Was the exchange between Dave and the woman, or was it Calvert's prepared response, written by Dave's writers?

Both. I remember an uncomfortable moment after the prepared bit. (By stipulating "Dave's writers" I sense you're poised to defend him - are you implying he had no creative input as Head Writer?) Actually, I think it's kinda cool that you'd have this material at your disposal. I am a little worried, however, that I remember a sketch from 25 years ago, but can't remember what I just had for breakfast...


I hear that -- when time permits (which is zero at the moment), I'll look for the show and see what transpired.

Of course Dave had final say as to what went on his show. But he wasn't Head Writer; that title was designated not to Dave but to one (or, currently two) of his writers.


Well, to relieve one and all of my anonymity, my name is Don Giller, and I'm pleased to feel so welcome here.

I, for one, will be happy to welcome you when you add to the dialogues here with something other than defenses of David Letterman. Care to join in the music discussions?


Well, to relieve one and all of my anonymity, my name is Don Giller, and I'm pleased to feel so welcome here.

I, for one, will be happy to welcome you when you add to the dialogues here with something other than defenses of David Letterman. Care to join in the music discussions?

I was responding to a thread focused specifically on Letterman, but thanks.


I don't know about hostility what I find extremely odd is that first someone came out of nowhere to inform us that Letterman recently crapped all over jazz but in fact regularly does so, then someone else came out of nowhere to tell us that no he doesn't. And neither of them seem interested in doing anything else here.

The rest of it was just standard O-stuff. Debating the merits of each, with some inside-baseball type speculations thrown in, and with our own unique flavor.


Dale I can explain - he's a long-time friend, a fine pianist who back in the 70s published Texas Jazz Monthly, a superb-on-a-shoestring repository of intersting interviews with a lot of now-dead Texas jazz figures along with the usual record reviews & club reports. We see each other on gigs from time to time, and I've mentioned this board to him more than once as a place to talk about jazz & other things. So that explains that, at least to me. The guy's had a standing invite, and he finally came in the house.

The other guy, all I know for sure is that he keep a Letterman database, & has a CD for sale on CD Baby that's described as "Melodic pop-rock in a progressive mode, with tastefully fluid guitars, multilayered vocals, and intricate arrangements". What brought him here, I haven't a clue. Maybe he Googles "Letterman" in his spare time to add to his database. I honestly don't know.

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