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Dennis Hopper has died

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Cinema a part, I, (and bikers all over the world should too IMHO) wish to thanks Dennis Hopper for Easy Riders. Got the bike's fever when I saw the movie in my youth, and it has been a source of happiness for my whole life since I rode the first one.

So long Billy.

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Damn, this one hurts. What I loved about Hopper was that he never used a net, he just tightroped his way through his career...sometimes falling to the ground, sometimes soaring above the rest.

One of his must enjoyable recent performances is the crazy billionaire who owns the exclusive condo complex in George Romero's Land Of The Dead.

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Just a month ago I thrilled myself watching Easy Rider for the first time in a decade. Was really something to be able to turn the system off at the end and go for a ride on my Harley!

What an actor Hopper was. I really enjoyed his work on the first season of Crash (I haven't yet seen any of the second season, will rectify that when the dvd set is released). He's almost like a Jungian archetype to me, sort of a Henry Miller-esque raw catalyst and wound-up commentator from the gut and fevered brow. Rest in peace. . . if that is even remotely possible.

Edited by jazzbo
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