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Posted (edited)

Please. You asked a clearly loaded question and now you're calling me bigoted without the slightest bit of evidence. What - actually knowing what the fuck I'm talking about now counts as bigotry?

Why do I suspect that one of the reasons musicians liked working with you was that you knew that it wasn't your place as a writer or producer to attempt to meddle in things you barely understood, like which upper extensions they should be playing on that F7 chord in bar 9? That same attitude would better serve you on threads like this.

Edited by Big Wheel
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Guest Bill Barton

Here's something that my dear friend (yes, in "real life") Tasara posted on - gasp! - Facebook that I thought you'd appreciate, Chris. She gave me the okay to share it.


Facebook: Psychic – Socio – Political Intrusions

Yesterday at 4:04pm

(Written by someone who has real live friends who tease her about the fact that she won’t accept their “Friendship Invitation” on Facebook.)

[[[[NOTE: OK maybe I've finally gotten this out of my system with this, maybe not.. time will tell.]]]]


People have been having a field day lately with Facebook and it practice around violation of privacy. They are slippery around how they design the UI, ever changing, ever deceptive, hard to find controls..

There is another, even more elusive aspect, which I think also needs to be noted.


We sit at our computers, seemingly alone, or next a handful of people. This physical reality makes it natural to put our guard down. But we are not alone. We are connected with hundreds, thousands of breathing, living humans on the other ends of their computers. Because everything happens in cyberspace, cyberspace becomes

an extension of our minds. We are quiet, typing away, our bodies unmoving, information and emotions rushing through us like the natural conduits that we are.

It is the last frontier, our minds. Everywhere you go there is some sort of marketing trying to influence your mind. It’s either politics, religion or open your wallet. First, foremost and always, it’s open your wallet.

Facebook is the pop culture of online social networking systems, designed to create and maintain shallow relationships temporal, fleeting messages that one must keep up with in order to not miss a thing. We are addicted.

Facebook is the physical manifestation of Addiction, designed and controlled by people who want something from you. Everything about it designed to hook, hook, hook and keep you there. Mind-numbing games, hope of lost or new love, a platform for attention and countless emails in your box bringing you back, one click away.

Finding the many little preferences that turn off all these various features with hooks takes far more thought and time than most people are willing to spend. That is the whole point. You are not thinking. Actually, you are supposed to be focusing on something else (like your job). You are not thinking, so it is easy to let seemingly unimportant things slide… or slip in. Facebook is not important, we know but then why do we allow it to occupy so much of our minds? It blows me away that there are human beings paid to use their precious passion and creativity to come up with such endless ways of generating community spam.

Never forget. The goal of Facebook is not to create community, to enhance culture, to support the arts ..it is to make money. Never, ever forget that. It is no big brother.


One classic aspect of addiction is lack of boundaries - in relationships with addicts or use of mind-numbing operatives. The entire premise of Facebook is to have lots of people we barely know in our intimate mental space as much as possible. In some ways it's like become a psychic overnight and becoming barraged with information that may or may not be meant for us. We are privy to things we don't want to be privy to, things that may upset us or bore us or make us want to respond. The point is, we are wasting energy on things that are not life sustaining.

We also have access to the movements of people's activities, events, rsvp's.it's kind of like sanctioned open snooping. It's not really snooping because people are sharing. Some things could not be turned off if we wanted to turn them off. This takes away from our precious energy, time and creativity thinking about things that we truly care about, preventing those good things in life from being able to grow. Like weeds in the garden.

In normal human relationships and daily existence, there are lots and lots of people that we don't really want or need to think about every day. But on Facebook, there they are. They wanted to “connect” and now they are in our field as often as they post. If there are unresolved issues with that person, there it is. If they narcissistically talk about themselves all the time without commenting on anyone else's posts, there they are. If they are people best left in the past, the past comes back. We are being encouraged to have unwanted and often inappropriate intimacy. Why do we keep these people on?, we ask ourselves and go back to our coffee.


Those who become enchanted with the specter of real human connection with more people may find themselves over-sharing. They may be over-sharing for other people’s taste but more importantly, they are over-sharing for their own self comfort as well. Over-(self)-exposed creatures tend to go through period of cutting tons of friends out to gain a sense of psychic privacy....which leads to another thing.


Is that a question that you ask people you don’t know very well? They why are we answering it to a platform of hundreds of people? And why that question? What other questions could there be? How would it shape the communication and human interaction that happens up there? How about “What do you love to do?” “How are you going to save the world?” “What are you working with?” “What do you need help with?”


Words have power. Over history, governments and political parties have misused.. twisted words to change public consciousness and response to those words and ust them in a different way. During times of war, words are often stolen from the peace movement and redefined and deployed to mean something else. This weakens the original use of the word. Peace-keeper, friendly fire, collateral damage, preemptive war.

This is not new stuff. This is marketing. Take an image or word that invokes human emotion or attachment to and attach it to something else.. a product. Embed both deeply into the subconscious.

This "Friend" thing is the trophy hook of Facebook. To use the word incorrectly is the first and most powerful way of bending one's consciousness to being fooled in some subtle way that all these people are actually friends. But deeply, we cannot change the meaning of the word Friend. Which makes these connections seem so .. personal in some hard-to-put-your-finger-on, creepy, subtle way.

Some people have a hard time saying No in real life. This can get out of control with friend invitations on Facebook. For me, if someone has 2000 friends, I’m like – no way. If they look interesting and are in my town, I refuse their friendship but ask them out for tea. I’ve had plenty of people get upset with me but no one has come out for tea.


The HOOK is the guilt about letting go. We let go of people all the time in our minds but on Facebook it is not silent. It’s public. Eventually the other person knows and even though it's not personal, it's personal. So rather than being honest about who we want in our cyber-consciousness, we let them hang on.

Hence the Hide button. You can hide those annoying people who are constantly on the verge of reporting their next nose picking but they still pop up! Everytime one of our other friends comments on their post, there they are.

Why don’t we have control over what and who pops up? Why?

There are solutions. Read ahead.


OK, Facebook is a big sucking psychic octopus...of time, energy, thought, creativity and focus, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It can be used for community building, appreciation of our loved ones and warm regards but only if we take control of how the information flows.

I got a little freaked out with too many connections so I came up with a way to cut them down and do as much I could to not make it personal. I am a community organizer and wanted to push all the wider connections to my Facebook “pages” where the information flow has to be more intentional. Hey, maybe people will actually talk about the things we supposedly have in common with somewhere! Let’s see. I posted a warning that I was cutting community connections. Then after I did, I put on my profile the following:


If you want to follow my work, thanks! See pages (list of Facebook pages with my public activities). If you want to be my friend, call me, meet me for tea or be a pen pal. Love Is Stronger Than FB.”

Shortly afterwards one person removed themselves from both of my pages, I assume upset that they had been “defaced” but it was only one. That seemed pretty good. Anyone who is really my friend would have called if they were upset.

What else happened? My world instantly gained a mental and psychic peace I had not felt in a while. I am infinitely grateful to myself for taking care of myself and not looking for approval or asking permission first.

I’ve spent a few hours in the FB account settings, too, really thinking about what I want to be public to whom. It’s worth it. I found that we DO have control over which of our own interactions pop up on other people’s walls. Look up Settings>Applications>Wall>Advanced


OK you know this but maybe it’s time to pull out of our subconscious the fact that everything posted IS saved. And don't fool yourself thinking that the company does not use, sell and lend that information to all sort of parties, including the gov't. To delete posts on your wall through history, you have to do it One by One. I am a moderate poster, averaging one a day and it took me an hour or so to wipe my wall.

So if you ever want to cancel your Facebook account (which is a feat of it’s own if you can find the preference), you might want to delete your stuff. If you don’t, they won’t. That’s for sure.


Thanks for sharing that, Bill. I still hate the bastards. Two weeks have passed since I thought I had severed any connection I once might have had to these people. They said to wait two week for my dismissal of them to take effect. Well, I did not even come near that snake pit, but today my e-mail turned up another damned request for"friendshio", Why do these MFs still have my e-mail address? They have it because they continue to be dishonest and greedy.

Fortunately, there are some weighty detractors who seem to be doing something about it. Let the poor people who have to resort to this kind of thing to get "friends" do their thing, but leave alone the rest of us, those who value what little privacy there still is out there for us. I simply refuse to let a little pipsqueak tell me what I must do to have "friends." I realize that this thing has grown out of all proportions and that it probably is far too big to fail, at this point—but I hope it all collapses when some honest people get into the act.

Thanks for all the help, Bill, but these slime bags are not easily gotten rid of. Anything I receive via this damn thing gets bounced back, immediately, but no one should have to do that.

Is it your birthday? Well, have a great one!!!!!


Here's something that my dear friend (yes, in "real life") Tasara posted on - gasp! - Facebook that I thought you'd appreciate, Chris. She gave me the okay to share it.


Facebook is the physical manifestation of Addiction, designed and controlled by people who want something from you. Everything about it designed to hook, hook, hook and keep you there. Mind-numbing games, hope of lost or new love, a platform for attention and countless emails in your box bringing you back, one click away.

News flash: Every large website tries to do the same thing - and so does every traditional media outlet; why do you think people have trouble going without their TVs? The whole endeavor of making money on the Web falls apart without lots and lots of pageviews, so boosting "stickiness" (read: addictiveness) is always a primary concern regardless of whether you're Facebook, Amazon, Yahoo Fantasy Leagues, etc. Facebook has just gotten better at it than most (partly because their UI design and infrastructure are better, partly because the very nature of their product is highly conducive to it).

Guest Bill Barton

Thanks for sharing that, Bill. I still hate the bastards. Two weeks have passed since I thought I had severed any connection I once might have had to these people. They said to wait two week for my dismissal of them to take effect. Well, I did not even come near that snake pit, but today my e-mail turned up another damned request for"friendshio", Why do these MFs still have my e-mail address? Because you gave it to them in the first place. Deleting your account apparently will not remove the addy from their database. If they irk you so much I'd suggest dumping that e-mail address completely. I know, that's a pain in the butt, but it may be the only way out of your dilemma. They have it because they continue to be dishonest and greedy.

Fortunately, there are some weighty detractors who seem to be doing something about it. Let the poor people who have to resort to this kind of thing to get "friends" do their thing, but leave alone the rest of us, those who value what little privacy there still is out there for us. I simply refuse to let a little pipsqueak tell me what I must do to have "friends." I realize that this thing has grown out of all proportions and that it probably is far too big to fail, at this point—but I hope it all collapses when some honest people get into the act.

Thanks for all the help, Bill, but these slime bags are not easily gotten rid of. Anything I receive via this damn thing gets bounced back, immediately, but no one should have to do that.

Is it your birthday? Well, have a great one!!!!!

And thanks, Chris, yes I recently celebrated my 60th birthday anniversary/Earth arrival day on May 30th.

Here's something that my dear friend (yes, in "real life") Tasara posted on - gasp! - Facebook that I thought you'd appreciate, Chris. She gave me the okay to share it.


Facebook is the physical manifestation of Addiction, designed and controlled by people who want something from you. Everything about it designed to hook, hook, hook and keep you there. Mind-numbing games, hope of lost or new love, a platform for attention and countless emails in your box bringing you back, one click away.

News flash: Every large website tries to do the same thing - and so does every traditional media outlet; why do you think people have trouble going without their TVs? The whole endeavor of making money on the Web falls apart without lots and lots of pageviews, so boosting "stickiness" (read: addictiveness) is always a primary concern regardless of whether you're Facebook, Amazon, Yahoo Fantasy Leagues, etc. Facebook has just gotten better at it than most (partly because their UI design and infrastructure are better, partly because the very nature of their product is highly conducive to it).

Exactly. Tasara is a computer professional and understands this very well. It's not a news flash in her world, that's for sure.


Yes. I would have to see more details of your specific case to hazard a good guess at what happened with the person you didn't know, but it's definitely likely that Facebook is storing non-members' email addresses somewhere, the same way they do with people they identify as Facebook members.

If you appear in 8 Facebook members' address books, when clicking a link from your email to a "join Facebook" page, the system is probably going to point out to you that joining will allow you to connect with those 8 people.

Thanks, BW. This message really didn't seem to originate from an individual, based on the address. Also, another thing I didn't mention is that they addressed me as "Jim" in the body of the message. Not sure I can make sense of that, if they only harvested my e-mail address from other members. If it happens again, I'll be more careful about saving more details.

So, I got one of these myself for the first time just now. My best guess is that the person who is sending these things through Facebook is either just sending out a huge number of requests through lots of bogus profiles and is randomly guessing emails, or is nabbing them from people's compromised email accounts. They could be vacuuming up email addresses off the Web too, but my email address isn't too many places on the Web (doesn't appear to be indexed by Google) so that seems a little less likely.

This email definitely confirms what I was told: Facebook's system is putting together that "other people you may know on Facebook" gallery in the email from the address books of people who have your email address. Jim Alfredson was in that gallery of the email I got, but Jim isn't connected to me on Facebook and the email address of mine that Jim (and the spammer) have isn't even the same email address associated with my existing Facebook account. So the only way Facebook could have connected me to the people in the gallery was through all of their address books.

BTW, I noticed that the bottom of these emails carries the following message:

If you do not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future, please click here to unsubscribe.


This may drive Chris crazy but I was just looking at Facebook and it said "Chris Albertson: Add as Friend."

Sorry Chrismellow.gif

I was thinking of sending him an invite, but if he's on FB...I should friend him.


This may drive Chris crazy but I was just looking at Facebook and it said "Chris Albertson: Add as Friend."

Sorry Chrismellow.gif

Brad, it doesn't drive me crazy but it confirms what I have been saying all along. These people are crooks and their alleged safeguards are just so much jive. They give you steps to get out of their clutches, I followed those steps very carefully and waited more than the 14 days they claim it will take to get rid of them. You see, it doesn't work. I really hope that at least one of the anti-FaceBook individuals or groups (there are several) succeeds in suing the as of that guy. It really is an outrage that such bastards are allowed to invade people's privacy with impunity.

See what you did, Brad? You got me started again. I HATE FaceBook.


Facebook has just gotten better at it than most (partly because their UI design and infrastructure are better, partly because the very nature of their product is highly conducive to it).

So how does this site do it? :lol:


Great commentary by Bill's friend Tasara. People are always trying to get at your money. To me, that is the whole evil purpose of advertising and marketing: to make you purchase things you don't need. Not all advertising and marketing is evil but most is.

Posted (edited)

Yes. I would have to see more details of your specific case to hazard a good guess at what happened with the person you didn't know, but it's definitely likely that Facebook is storing non-members' email addresses somewhere, the same way they do with people they identify as Facebook members.

If you appear in 8 Facebook members' address books, when clicking a link from your email to a "join Facebook" page, the system is probably going to point out to you that joining will allow you to connect with those 8 people.

Thanks, BW. This message really didn't seem to originate from an individual, based on the address. Also, another thing I didn't mention is that they addressed me as "Jim" in the body of the message. Not sure I can make sense of that, if they only harvested my e-mail address from other members. If it happens again, I'll be more careful about saving more details.

So, I got one of these myself for the first time just now. My best guess is that the person who is sending these things through Facebook is either just sending out a huge number of requests through lots of bogus profiles and is randomly guessing emails, or is nabbing them from people's compromised email accounts. They could be vacuuming up email addresses off the Web too, but my email address isn't too many places on the Web (doesn't appear to be indexed by Google) so that seems a little less likely.

This email definitely confirms what I was told: Facebook's system is putting together that "other people you may know on Facebook" gallery in the email from the address books of people who have your email address. Jim Alfredson was in that gallery of the email I got, but Jim isn't connected to me on Facebook and the email address of mine that Jim (and the spammer) have isn't even the same email address associated with my existing Facebook account. So the only way Facebook could have connected me to the people in the gallery was through all of their address books.

Just got another one. This time, no "gallery", only photos/links for two people (both old high school friends) who have invited us to join in the past. The e-mail is from a facebook address (update+2sskkrsn@facebookmail.com), and they created a phony character ("Mood Booster") as the person inviting me, complete with a thumbnail photo of an attractive young brunette. She's pretty foxy, actually... I'm still trying to decide if it's worth clicking on the link to see if I can find a larger photo of her. :wub:^_^

BTW, I noticed that the bottom of these emails carries the following message:

If you do not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future, please click here to unsubscribe.

Maybe this is a dumb question, but is there any risk in clicking on that unsubscribe link? Might they be able to detect that I opened the e-mail that way, and zero in on me even more? At any rate, for now I'm just going to go to our mail server and label this as spam.

Edited by Jim R

I like Facebook; I have flurries of activity, but was able to locate, recently, 2 long-lost cousins - and though they may have been long-lost for good reason, one of them is like a double for my dead father. This kept me awake last night, I must admit, searching for a wooden stake -


Maybe this is a dumb question, but is there any risk in clicking on that unsubscribe link? Might they be able to detect that I opened the e-mail that way, and zero in on me even more? At any rate, for now I'm just going to go to our mail server and label this as spam.

No. The email is sent by Facebook's system, not the random person who initiated it. They don't have any way of telling that you opened this email any more than you can tell that your aunt opened the email when you use a newspaper's "share this article with a friend" button to email her an article. They also have no control over how that link is built, just as you have no control over how the link is built in the newspaper article you emailed to your aunt.


Maybe this is a dumb question, but is there any risk in clicking on that unsubscribe link? Might they be able to detect that I opened the e-mail that way, and zero in on me even more? At any rate, for now I'm just going to go to our mail server and label this as spam.

No. The email is sent by Facebook's system, not the random person who initiated it. They don't have any way of telling that you opened this email any more than you can tell that your aunt opened the email when you use a newspaper's "share this article with a friend" button to email her an article. They also have no control over how that link is built, just as you have no control over how the link is built in the newspaper article you emailed to your aunt.

Thanks BW. I followed the link and opted out of further e-mails. Hopefully it works.

  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

extinguished my acct there - very liberating.

eta: guess i'll just have to brag to you guys that i sat next to albee at the pinter plays i saw tonight...

Edited by Elissa
Posted (edited)

When I type "Chris Albertson" into the Facebook searchbox, I only get Chris' entry from Wkipedia, but no option to ask for friendship etc. - if he still gets e-mails I would smell some hack.

I hate to see someone adress Chris the way BW has done - I see BW's point and all, but asking Chris to grow up is not nice. Please, gentlemen ...

That said, I never had any trouble with Facebook, but I think twice before I do anything there ...

Edited by mikeweil
Posted (edited)

I hate to see someone adress Chris the way BW has done - I see BW's point and all, but asking Chris to grow up is not nice. Please, gentlemen ...

How would you like it if someone spuriously called your integrity into question?

The insinuation was that I must have some ulterior motive in "defending" Facebook (which I wasn't doing). In other words, because I presented a contrary point of view to Chris's, it must somehow follow that.....I'm failing to disclose that I am a Facebook employee (nope, not one, and no plans to be one, although I have acquaintances who are), otherwise professionally affiliated with Facebook (sorry, not that either) or simply a hopeless Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook fanboy (anyone who knows me would collapse with laughter if you seriously suggested this).

This baseless smearing is the reaction of a child and is beneath an adult. Sorry if observing that seemed harsh, but I call 'em as I sees 'em.

PS: This happened 5 months ago and I've since forgiven Chris's youthful indiscretion. ;)

Edited by Big Wheel

1) I like Facebook and I like all the little emails I receive; keeps me on top of certain threads, and makes me feel like I am popular.

2) I have met and spent time with Chris, and he is very mature.

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