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2010 MLB Season

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Well, let the second guessing begin. Pettite should have been on the mound tonight.

Coming into this game Hughes had pitched extremely well in this park--and I think Joe G wanted Andy to be the one who faces Cliff Lee. But yeah, it sure makes me uneasy about a potential Game 6 rematch. Yet another reason we simply need to beat Cliff Lee.

Post-loss consolation music, just picked up today at Landlocked Music in downtown B-town:


Edited by ghost of miles
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I can't watch the NLCS- my cable provider is Cablevision and they are having a dispute with Fox about retransmission fees. Fox got peeoed and pulled their channels off Cablevision. This will end like all other disputes between multibillion corporations, I will pay more for cable. I know it will end like that, so just give my game/bread & circuses.

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I can't watch the NLCS- my cable provider is Cablevision and they are having a dispute with Fox about retransmission fees. Fox got peeoed and pulled their channels off Cablevision. This will end like all other disputes between multibillion corporations, I will pay more for cable. I know it will end like that, so just give my game/bread & circuses.

Man, sorry to hear that. Yeah, I've read about the dispute. Hope you you get to a bar to watch your team. If Yanks make it to the WS are they not going to show it in NY. There will be he'll to pay.

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Can't blame Ron Washington, did everything possible...G

Rick Fucking Aguilera made a career out of doing it.

Are you EVER gonna get over '86?

Are you EVER gonna get your head out of your ass?

What would my comment possibly have to do with 1986?

From 1990 to 1994 Rick Fucking Aguilera made a living retiring three, and only three batters, and never ever coming into a situation with runners ready on base or being asked to get more than three outs. Living proof that on average, a major league pitcher can get three outs before blowing a one, two or three run lead. Living proof that the save is a worthless statistic.

Yankee starting has been truly terrible. Maybe there's hope for Texas yet.

Anyone else laughing over the fact that Joba is the first guy out of the bullpen in both games? This was the guy who was supposed to dominate the eighth inning and instead he's one of the scrubs who comes in when they're losing. And the first one at that.

I'll bet you Joba is wondering where the hell is mojo went.

And that 2007 was a long time ago.

Dan, you keep proving yourself to be a Grade A asshole OVER and OVER!

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Like I said it's going to be a Texas/SF World Series this year.

Actually, that would be quite enjoyable to see. They're the character/narrative teams this year, while NY and Philadelphia are the behemoths.

Kind of weird that after 100+ years of sucking Philly is now considered a behemoth after only 4 straight years of playoffs, but whatever. I guess from a purely "fan of the game" point of view a Texas/SF match up would be interesting. Although I think the TV ratings will take a huge hit. Dang, I was so looking forward to a rematch w/ the good team from NYC this October.


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"Powerhouse," maybe? "Juggernaut"? ^_^ I don't mean "behemoth" in a bad way--simply saying that Philadelphia has been a superlative team for several years now, perhaps the best in baseball over the 2008-2010 span. They and NY are the two old-school East Coast heavyweights. Anyway, I certainly wouldn't give up on Philadelphia just yet (and despite all of my pessimism about the Yankees, I think they still have an almost 50-50 chance of taking the ALCS). So we could still see that rematch.

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After we beat the Rays and got that monkey off our back, I - and many others - were saying that whatever happened against the Yankees would be ok, that just getting to this level was a major milestone for the franchise, and even if we got swept by the Yankees again, that it would be ok. Not as in "oh well!", but as in "let's build from this and keep growing".

But to blow that lead the way we did, to just have a complete meltdown comparable to every other mentally dysfunctional Metroplex sports franchise, was painful to watch. These guys, I was hoping, were not the head cases that everybody else was. But there it was. For 1/18 of a game, they were the old Rangers, the Cowboys, and the Mavericks all rolled into one. And 1/18 of a game was all it took.

Hopefully the guys will remember how this felt, and hopefully they will resolve to never feel that way again. If they lose the series, they lose it. I was expecting them to, to be honest. But dammit, lose it honestly, don't just give shit away. Lose with pride, not shame.

Time will tell.

Jim, I understand the troubled-Texas-legacy issue, but still, I’d rather lose the way they did last night than the way the Yankees did today. Last night Texas lost because of one abysmal half-inning. NY lost today because they were dominated inning after inning…pretty much the way they were last night, with the exception of that 8th inning. Texas has outhit and outpitched us, and we’re extremely lucky to be leaving town tied 1-1. I don’t like losing close games, but I hate like hell just getting beat up for several hours straight. The only thing the Yankees can be proud of is their bullpen performance--and they got their workout because NY's starters were so awful.

Gutcheck time for NY on Monday night the way it was for Texas today. Pettitte on the mound, at Yankee Stadium—they have got to beat Cliff Lee. Screw this “win four around Lee’s starts” notion (and anyway, by those lights we’ve now given away our one non-Lee loss). And congratulations again to the Rangers for showing up in a big way today.

Well, at least it’ll be a pleasure to watch Lincecum-Halladay, after two such embarrassing outings from the Yankee starters.

I don't understand your thinking at all. It's much better psychologically for players as well as fans to get blown out like the Yanks did today, than to lose like the Rangers did last night, blowing a five run lead. Today, I saw that Hughes didn't have it and that the Yanks could hardly get a clutch hit, and I was out of there after four or five innings. Just a forgettable game, we'll get 'em next time (I hope). But to be up by five and to watch your team melt in the late innings, that truly is aggravating for any fan and very disheartening to the players on the losing team.

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They didn't look too disheartened to me today. I'm simply saying I'd rather be in a position of thinking, "Man, we outplayed those guys, we were a better team than them, and they took it away from us with a lightning-stroke of an inning" than "Damn, we just got our butts kicked from one end of the diamond to the other." That, to me, is far more disheartening than being the better team that blew it with one bad stretch.

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The difference between Derryl Cousins and Stevie Wonder is that Stevie Wonder can play music. That should have been strike 3 to Burrell and inning over. Now it's probably the game.

As much as Cousins had a role in the outcome tonight, it still doesn't change the fact that the Fightin's just are not hitting the ball this season. They had their chances to knock Lincecum out early tonight and they choked. The Phillies do not have the same high octane offense that they had from 2004-09. The clutch hitting just isn't there anymore. Howard has been absent the past two Octobers. Werth had the lowest batting avg. w/ RISP w/ 2 outs in the NL this season. He was 10 for 72 for a .138 average which is why they are letting him walk. Polanco is playing w/ a fucked up elbow, courtesy of Tim Hudson, that is severely limiting his swing. And now they are facing possibly the best staff in the NL. Not good.

BUT even as bad as their hitting was tonight it was their fielding that let them down. Raul you gotta CRASH through the wall to catch that fly ball off of Burrell's bat. It's the NLCS mofo! Don't get all Bobby Abreu out there. Take one for the team dammit.

Edited by J.H. Deeley
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Cody Ross?? Twice?? WTF???

HEY! How 'BOUT that Cody Ross!?!

Cody Ross has 86 HRs for his career. 14 are vs. the Phillies, 8 at CBP.

Texas SF wouldn't be too scintillating. Giants yes but their other dance partner no.

Low scoring games play into Giants hand since they're offensively handicapped. Philly has not done too much run wise in four games. That better change soon.

Yep, to all that.

Thanks for that NYT article link, btw.

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So Halladay's hitless streak ends with a surrendered home run...but at 11 1/3 IP, is that the longest hitless stretch for a pitcher ever in postseason play?

And Halladay had chewed through the first seven hitters of the night -- running his Octoberfest no-hit streak to 0-for-34, two short of Don Larsen's all-time postseason record of 36 consecutive hitless at-bats.


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EDIT: Yankee starters in this series so far--7 IP, 10 ER given up. That's, what, an ERA of 15 or something?


I rather enjoyed today's game, particularly because, out of necessity, I had to listen to most of it on the radio (road gig, 2.5 hour drive), AM radio at that. Talk about a primal experience on all levels....

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