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Fess Parker R.I.P.

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The man who singlehandedly popularized coon skin clothing passed away today at age 85. Boy do I remember those Davy Crockett Disney shows. For a kid growing up back in the '50's, it didn't get any better than that.


Edited by Dave James
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Never cared much for Fess Parker. The Davy Crockett saga went past my youth.

The only thing I really remember about him is that his name was an embarrassment in France. Fess had the same sound as 'fesse' (buttocks).

His name had to be changed to Fier Parker in France. Fier (proud) was more becoming to an American hero!

The actor Fier Parker was quite popular here after the name change!

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And those of us a bit younger had Daniel Boone (though admittedly the Davy Crockett stuff was better!). Definitely an icon of my childhood.

When I was a little kid I used to get Daniel Boone and Davey Crockett mixed up. (The former was a "man---was a big man," the latter was king of the wild frontier. That's the way to keep'em straight.)

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The last in the Davy Crockett series was called "The Riverboat Race". That one was my favorite. Davy raced pole barges against Big Mike Fink, King of the River. There's a scene in that one where he does some kind of Annie Oakley shooting by bouncing a bullet off a bunch of pots and pans. I've always remembered that. The interesting thing is that this episode was aired after Davy got killed at the Alamo. Now there's a man with staying power.

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Remember Ed Ames?...Remember his singing career?

Who will answer?

OK, I will. The Ames Brothers were MOR regulars before the show. Ed (the "handsome one") had a later solo career. His acting followed.

I remember a couple of Ed Ames' recordings from radio airplay and variety show appearances. For awhile there ('67?) we got runneth over by "My Cup Runneth Over". He also did a fair version of "Try To Remember", as I recall. The Ames Brothers were more off my radar.

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Remember Ed Ames? Remember his tomahawk throwing stunt on the Tonight show?

For anybody who doesn't... Youtube to the rescue

I may have said this before, but this clip shows you how really quick Carson was. Ed Ames' first reaction is to remove the tomahawk from the crotch of the outlined figure as quickly as possible. But, when Carson sees him start to move towards it, he practically grabs him and spins him around to keep him from doing something that would have trashed the comedic potential of what arguably winds up being THE signature moment in the entire history of The Tonight Show.

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