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It's like Viet Nam over there. jungle warfare. The imperialists won't win, they have the might and power but not the heart. God bless Alexander and all the rest trying their best to get off one last bullet before being gunned down.! :ph34r:


It's like Viet Nam over there. jungle warfare. The imperialists won't win, they have the might and power but not the heart. God bless Alexander and all the rest trying their best to get off one last bullet before being gunned down.! :ph34r:

"God bless Alexander"

He might not like that.... :D


Short history of my dust-up with Wingy (this is my first post here, and the last one where I will ever discuss this troglodyte).

Someone asked for an opinion on Jackie Mac's Tippin' The Scales. Wingy stepped in, ranting and raving and being abusive. So he doesn't like the record. Big deal.

But then he came in and started saying that Butch Warren had a urinary incontinence problem and making fun of him for it. Now I've known Butch casually for a few years, and I know he is not mentally 'all there' (I've heard stories of electro-shock therapy in the sixties and what-not). For me, making fun of the mentally ill is beneath contempt. So I criticized him for it (using one of my favorite lines from the book The Glittering Prizes: 'When all else fails you in life, never try to rely on your charm'). Of course, at that point, I'd made an enemy of him. The rancid postings continued, so eventually I started a thread to the board monitor suggesting some policing of vituperative threads. No banning of wingy, just policing.

Of course, this earned some backlash from some who deluded themselves into thinking I wanted him banned. Birdistheword was the most hostile, and now he's out there on the board claiming things are much cleaner now. What a joke. Harold_Z, an otherwise super-nice guy, puzzled me by defending wingy based on his musical abilities. How is that relevant? Miles was a killer musician, but based on the many reports of his behavior, I would never have hung with him.

Anyway, later the stream of pathetic fart-jokes started. Calling them sixth-grade level is an insult to sixth-graders everywhere. I ignored them, since they were addressed to 'Bert', which is not my name.

The ultimate irony of all this is that I might have been a potential buyer of wingy's records. Now, forget it. It's like reverse-advertising for your product.


This guys been around since the ol' Jazz Central Station days. Called himself DEEP in those days. Deep he definately is not. At least when he's posting.

The shame is that he DOES have an encyclopedic knowledge of this music. And he is a really good player. But he's a total shithead too.

Oh well. I'd much rather have you here, Betrand, than him! :)


Yes, he's the worst PR guy for his own music. I've heard from reliable sources that he's a very good musician, but I picked up a CD of his (in the dollar bins of all places; glad i didn't pay more) and have absolutely zero interest in giving it a spin. I usually try to separate the art from the artist, but his posts are so detestable to me that I refuse to play it. Oh well. My loss. I guess...


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