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FaceBook along with MySpace and Twitter are a pretend sanctuary for their users.

In my business, it would be absolute death to post on any of these sites.

The place is a free-for-all.

You're repeating yourself now.

And just because you consider it a "pretend sanctuary" (whatever that means), doesn't make it so for everyone else.

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Read  this about anonymity on facebook ...  

Mike, if you surf the web and don't have a good firewall up, you're going to be vulnerable to evil-genius hackers no matter what you do. However, if you pay attention to your privacy on Facebook, you can set it up to be pretty safe. Your Organissimo account is probably a hacker's paradise, however. ;-)

Tim, you could set up a Facebook account so that no one could see it except the select few whom you choose to trust with it. In other words, you could be sure your students and colleagues would get no results through either a Facebook or Internet search, and you could set it so that only your "friends," or better yet, only select groupings of your "friends," could see any content that you post. Whether or not it's worth the bother to do that is up to you, of course, but you can make a Facebook account pretty damn private if you want to.

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Is there a way to close a Facebook account?

You can "deactivate" it (Settings > Account settings, at the bottom of the page). I think they "deactivate" rather than "close" so that comments you have posted on other people's profiles remain there. Just speculation, though.

Thanks Tom. I'll give it a whirl.

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FaceBook along with MySpace and Twitter are a pretend sanctuary for their users.

In my business, it would be absolute death to post on any of these sites.

The place is a free-for-all.

I don't have much use for Facebook (I have an account there, but have really never used it for anything) or MySpace, but Twitter is an entirely different thing from the others, and we've only just begun to glimpse some of the ways its effects are being felt. Yes, there's a bunch of inane crap on there, but the same thing can be said of many other online communities, and anyone who's spent any amount of time online has surely developed the ability to filter wheat from chaff by now.

Anyone who has dismissed it as yet another faddish internet phenomenon should read these articles:

How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live

Why Twitter Will Endure

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FaceBook along with MySpace and Twitter are a pretend sanctuary for their users.

In my business, it would be absolute death to post on any of these sites.

The place is a free-for-all.

Damn, you can be one paranoid fool. I'm "friends" with many of my kids teachers and, when they're old enough I'd have no problem with my kids friending them as well. What you don't seem to understand is that nobody is forcing you - or any teacher! - to be a FB "friend" with anyone, adult, student, teenager or otherwise. It's an all "opt in" process. :rolleyes:

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FaceBook along with MySpace and Twitter are a pretend sanctuary for their users.

In my business, it would be absolute death to post on any of these sites.

The place is a free-for-all.

Damn, you can be one paranoid fool. I'm "friends" with many of my kids teachers and, when they're old enough I'd have no problem with my kids friending them as well. What you don't seem to understand is that nobody is forcing you - or any teacher! - to be a FB "friend" with anyone, adult, student, teenager or otherwise. It's an all "opt in" process. :rolleyes:

Fool, through careful analysis of your profile page I have figured out your old 8th grade gym locker combination. When I finish building my time machine and travel back, boy are you going to be sorry!

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