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Has Anyone Been "Warned" Yet?


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The saintly patricia is a blessing to all of us.

But I still love ya, LDB, you crazy guy! :w



I'll be sending you the latest Big Band Bloviation CD as soon as it's finished so you handle Chuk Niles at KLON please. You're gonna dig this one.

BTW: Are you on the left or right in your Avatar??

LDB (Little Drummer Boy) / DEEP

Randy Marsh, 4825 Chauncey, Belmont, MI. 49306 (hint hint) :rolleyes:

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Soooo.....are you on the right or left in that picture??

I'm the good loking one. Can't you tell?


The other guy is my COnquistador pal in El Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico.

Senor HOP

Well Clit, why in hell didn't you take your hat off and offer it to the "toilet seat" head on the right??


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Soooo.....are you on the right or left in that picture??

I'm the good loking one. Can't you tell?


The other guy is my COnquistador pal in El Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico.

Senor HOP

Well Clit, why in hell didn't you take your hat off and offer it to the "toilet seat" head on the right??


Speaking of toilet seats,,, this thread has become a "time toilet" ,, damn! I gotta get offline and get some schit done!!! :o

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I will make a public offer right here on this thread to CHRISTIERN!!

I would like to commision you to write the liner notes for my new CD, which includes the artistry of your dear friend, Lew Tabackin.

You have Carte Blanc as to opinions of ME and my band and especially my MOTOR SKILLS while under the influence.

In short: CHRITIERN, you have the chance to expose me for what YOU think I am and the notes will NOT BE CENSORED.

YE OR NAY (and name your price).


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Well Clit, why in hell didn't you take your hat off and offer it to the "toilet seat" head on the right??


I offfered, but he said something about warding off the blows of enemies. A man is entritled to the chapeau of choice.

I wonder what NEW YORK big band guys are wearing these days.

Hey, I heard Joe Lovano's cut of "Good Bait" with Scott Robinson, George Garzone et al and liked it a whole bunch. The chart is VERY familiar.

The "battle" with Joe and Cary Pribeck is stil my favorite of all time.

HOP :g

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In this case, it is also a self-destructive, unnecessary act, because there is far more attention to be garnered by this troll.....

I refer you once again to the rules regarding "GOADING".

If the rules are to be enforced....CHRISTIERN'S posting priviledges are to be suspended effective IMMEDIATLEY!!

Thank you for listening.


(and Patricia, I think the subtlety of this exchange is going WAY OVER YOUR HEAD....please put your glasses on and review)

No, the subtlety of this exchange is not going "over my head".

I do understand what Chris is saying, what you are saying and what everyone else is saying. I believe I addressed the "goading" situation and also the excellence of your musical and intellectual abilities. Both are considerable, hence the remark about going into a battle of wits, unarmed.

Do you understand what I am saying??

Oh, and hello to Clint. :wub:

Edited by patricia
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Here is where you were either Speed Reading, Day Dreaming, or needed to clean your glasses:

An excerpt from my post:

Just because one functions while under the influence does not mean his motor skills are impaired.

In short: When motor skills are in gear while thought processes are convoluted they can make for a misundertood personality.

DEEP (awaiting a ye or nay from CHRISTIERN re the *OLIVE BRANCH OF ALL TIME*)

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I still stand by my assessment that DoubleM and CHRISTIERN should have their posting priviledges suspended under the *GOADING* rule.

Thank you for listening.

DEEP (Still awaiting a ye or nay from CHRISTIERN re *THE OLIVE BRANCH OF OLIVE BRANCHES*)

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Here is where you were either Speed Reading, Day Dreaming, or needed to clean your glasses:

An excerpt from my post:

Just because one functions while under the influence does not mean his motor skills are impaired.

In short: When motor skills are in gear while thought processes are convoluted they can make for a misundertood personality.

DEEP (awaiting a ye or nay from CHRISTIERN re the *OLIVE BRANCH OF ALL TIME*)

Perhaps so. As you know, I walk into walls without my very chic eye crutches. :blink:

However, my comment was that [i'm paraphrasing here] just because one is under the influence does not mean that one's creative and intellectual skills are necessarily impaired. That would seem to speak to the situation in which, even while drinking, it is possible to think perfectly clearly and create beauty.

It's not true of everyone who drinks but it is of some.

But, it is also true that one's sober personality is quite often quite different from one's drinking personality. Misunderstandings of how one is perceived, can indeed be skewed by seeing only one side. No dispute there.

Edited by patricia
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Dough! Deep, Man...I was wrong to "goad" you, and I'm sorry. I hadn't read the rules that thoroughly and wasn't even thinking that posting that would offend you. I mistakenly thought that the "I Stay Bombed" moniker thing lent itself to a certain amount of free reign when it comes to joking about booze. If you were wondering, I like to hit the sauce at times, and...well, let's just say that among my friends we tease each other about our excesses in order to feel a "gestalt" (I know, an overused term) from our commonality w/r/t these things. But I don't know you well enough to take those liberties, and you don't know me from a Herb Alpert album at a thrift store. So, please know that I wasn't trying to get you banned, or offended. If I ever have the privelege of seeing you play, I'll introduce myself and buy you a Shirley Temple or something. B)

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Soooo.....are you on the right or left in that picture??

I'm the good loking one. Can't you tell?


The other guy is my COnquistador pal in El Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico.

Senor HOP

So much for theories. I thought you were the tall stiff one. Damn! lost my bet with Deep on that one. ;)

Seriously: great pic, Clint! :tup

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Dough! Deep, Man...I was wrong to "goad" you, and I'm sorry. I hadn't read the rules that thoroughly and wasn't even thinking that posting that would offend you. I mistakenly thought that the "I Stay Bombed" moniker thing lent itself to a certain amount of free reign when it comes to joking about booze. If you were wondering, I like to hit the sauce at times, and...well, let's just say that among my friends we tease each other about our excesses in order to feel a "gestalt" (I know, an overused term) from our commonality w/r/t these things. But I don't know you well enough to take those liberties, and you don't know me from a Herb Alpert album at a thrift store. So, please know that I wasn't trying to get you banned, or offended. If I ever have the privelege of seeing you play, I'll introduce myself and buy you a Shirley Temple or something. B)

Now there is a gentleman.

Apology accepted and I withdraw my recommendation to have your posting priviledges revoked.

Re CHRISTIERN: His "GOADING" was certainly beyond the guidlines of the board rules. I fully expect an apology to be forthcoming but until his flagrant violation of the rules is palliated...my recommendation to revoke his posting priviledges stands.

DEEP (Still awaiting a "ye" or "nay" in response to the *OLIVE BRANCH OF ALL TIME*)

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The difference has to do with malicious intent, my friend. Double M clearly meant you no harm, but was in fact paying you hommage to some degree.

People can tease me all they want as long as it's done in good fun and there's no malicious intent. (Cripe, they can probably throw in maliciousness as well, why not? ;) )

I am extremely jealous that DEEP is taking all the teasing while I sit here in the corner comprehensively ignored!

What about the rights of us SOBER people?? Don't we have the right to be teased too?

At this great banquet table of RIGHTS, I have not yet been SERVED!! :(

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People can tease me all they want as long as it's done in good fun and there's no malicious intent.

Trolling is childish behavior brought on by a need to be the center of attention. It is a selfish act. the pesky fly that eventually renders the soup unpalatable.

In this case, it is also a self-destructive, unnecessary act, because there is far more attention to be garnered by this troll ....... (Blah Blah Blah)

This *GOADING* was downright malicious.

Ordinarily (had I no black marks against me) I would have responded with "You are one jiveass retroactively persecuted piece of shit" however in the face of my *SCARLET LETTER* I'm forced to seek refuge under the GOAD RULING.

Thus my plea for, "POSTING REVOCATION", under the *GOAD ACT*.

Thank you for listening.

DEEP (Still awaiting the "ye" or "nay" re the *OLIVE BRANCH OF ALL TIME*)

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Go Deep go!! You're on a roll ..




r... :)

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I am SICK of your avatar!  :angry:


Don't care for yours either, Pete. :P

I forgot how to set and change those avatars. I have thought of changing mine but since I don't know how and people know me by this one, I think it will stick!

Feel free, Pete, to send me some avatar samples to choose from and as long as you do the work, I might consider the switch.

Edited by connoisseur series500
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Go Deep go!!  You're on a roll ..

rrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllr... :)


I prefer the single STROKE roll.

Is there a ruling on "EGGING A MARKED MAN ON"?

I mean you ARE egging me on and I could get my 7th warning as a result of my reaction.

*GOADING* is one thing but what about *EGGING*??

Thank you for listening.


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