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How is she doing this????

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From 1935(as it says when the clip starts) So, no CGI. She has no sleeves on. Don't see her do anything with her left hand. Don't see how they could be lit, in his jacket....






Hmm, watching that a 2nd time, full screen...perhaps they are hidden on him. Seems like smoke starts coming out of his jacket as she's about to grab one...but how do they get them to light seconds before she smokes them???

Edited by BERIGAN
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From 1935(as it says when the clip starts) So, no CGI. She has no sleeves on. Don't see her do anything with her left hand. Don't see how they could be lit, in his jacket....






Hmm, watching that a 2nd time, full screen...perhaps they are hidden on him. Seems like smoke starts coming out of his jacket as she's about to grab one...but how do they get them to light seconds before she smokes them???

I value my magic circle membership too highly to respond.

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Don't think so. That's Suzy Wandas, "The Lady with the Fairy Fingers". I think she's palming some stuff, and really well.

Look at how close to the lit end she's holds those "cigarettes"...you'd not do that with a real lit cigarette.

The questions are - what is she throwing down? I don't think it's a lit cigarette. And where is the smoke coming from? Her exhale sometimes seems disproportionate to her inhale.

I really dig illusionists...

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ohhh...my bad, sorry.

But probably not Suzy Wandas (of whom I had not heard of until today...what a great time waster this thread has been!) http://www.geniimagazine.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=155687 which also offers this suggestion:

The girl does not smoke as she only puffs on the cigarettes. She produces 6, plus the one she starts with, given to her by Cliff. It is likely that she had a holder taped or gummed to the palm, keeping the back of her hand towards the camera at all times. Her thumb is loose enough to show that she does not thumb palm them.

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