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The New Wave In Jazz (Impulse!)


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It seems the CD of the New Wave In Jazz compilation on Impulse! has a different track order than the LP, probably to accomodate the bonus tracks.

Can anyone confirm the LP track order below that I found on the web?



Nature Boy (John Coltrane)

Holy Ghost (Albert Ayler)

Blue Free (Grachan Moncur III)

Hambone (Archie Shepp)

Brilliant Corners (Charles Tolliver)

Edited by bertrand
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Not sure what the bonus tracks are on the CD, but I would highly recommend seeking out the Impulse! Dedication Series 2xLP that has extra tracks by Tolliver and Moncur on it.

Those are the two extra tracks: 'The Intellect' by Moncur, and 'Plight' by Tolliver. They probably reordered the CD to keep the sets together by artist. I'll have to check the liner notes, it's possible the artists played in the CD order: Coltrane, then Shepp, then Tolliver, then Moncur (not sure where Ayler fit in, since his tune was dropped). The LP was probably sequenced to accomodate roughly the same amount of music on each side.

Moncur and Tolliver's sets that night were brilliant, with Bobby Hutcherson a big asset in both cases. I just wish they had done more than two tunes each, but such was the nature of that particular concert.


Edited by bertrand
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I saw this LP a few days ago. Is this previously released material? I figured it to be a sampler, but the Tolliver material made me think otherwise.

Amazon.com just answered my question:

"The New Wave in Jazz" is not an Impulse compilation as the album cover may have you think. It's actually a live concert from 1965 featuring four Impulse groups. The Classic Coltrane Quartet contributes an outstanding live version of "Nature Boy," and Archie Shepp contributes a septet version of "Hambone." But the album's real treats are two tracks each from Charles Tolliver and Grachan Moncur III. Both of these artists were fantastic, under-recorded players best known to this point for a few appeaerences on Blue Note -- Tolliver most notably appeared with Jackie McLean, while Moncur, in addition to appearing with McLean, recorded two excellent albums as a leader. On "The New Wave in Jazz," Tolliver, with the awesome band of Bobby Hutcherson, James Spaulding, Cecil McBee and Billy Higgins, plays Monk's "Brilliant Corners" brilliantly, and his own "Plight." Moncur's group also features Hutch and McBee with Beaver Harris added on drums, and they tackle two of Grachan's compositions, "Blue Free" and the indefatigable "The Intellect." It's too bad Tolliver and Moncur couldn't have each recorded an album with these lineups, but at least you can get this."

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