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Crazy Heart

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I just saw it loved it. Mostly b/c of him---a role he was born to play, burnt-out country alcoholic country singer in decline. I was afraid it was going to be too close to one of my favorites, Tender Mercies (Robert Duvall produced and had a minor role in this), but it stood on its own nicely. Good acting all around on an unremarkable script, but, again, brought to life by Bridges, who shines. Also I liked that the story didn't cop out with a sugar-coated ending. Good tunes, too, selected by Bridges, I hear.

Go see this, it has a tremendous lot of heart.

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Looking forward to seeing this:

1. I'm a Bridges fan.

2. Looks like a good story, well told.

3. Filmed here in NM.

4. A buddy of mine appears as the bass player in a couple of scenes!

Besides Duvall, the guy that played the station owner Duvall's character worked for when on the lam in The Apostle has a small role.

My other favorite Bridges movie was The Fisher King, even though Robin Williams, as usual, did his best to steal it. Bridges' range is amazing, and he's a great comic when he wants to be, but he's more restrained than Williams.

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