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Have You Ever Won Anything From A Radio Station?


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Years ago, when I was back in high school, I answered some Jimi Hendrix trivia question right on the local classic-rock station (K-SHE), and I won free tickets to see the band America play live (in St. Louis, at the Fox Theater). Yikes - America!!! :o

(I think the question was, what Hendrix song does this line come from: "Not necessarily stoned, but beautiful"??? -- Answer: "Are You Experienced")

Well, at least Graham Nash was the opening act (solo, backed by his band at the time) -- and as I recall, he was pretty good. (America was pretty lame as I recall.)

This would have been circa 1986 or maybe early 1987.

PS: Nash was probably out in support of this solo album of his, from 1986...


Innocent Eyes (Atlantic, 1986)

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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Considering that at that point America was an oldies act, I'm not terribly surprised.

I've never won anything but certainly gave away a lot when I worked in radio. The worst was probably at the last station I worked for, Mello 105. The owner decided to try to promote the station through a series of games for the Morning, Mid-day and Afternoon Drive shows in which the "jackpot" would grow with each wrong answer.

The problem was, the owner was such a tightwad he made the base amount all of ten dollars and fifty cents-Mello 105, get it? So, the poor jocks had to sound excited when we were giving away enough to take yourself to the movies with! You can't imagine how many people never bothered to come by the station to pick up their stinking $10.50 check.

We did try to run a series of contests that would be extra hard, to try to build up the jackpot, but even then the biggest jackpot was still less than $100.

So, there we were trying to promote the station, $10.50 at a time, while other stations were running contests for new cars, thousand dollar vacations and everything else you can imagine.

Just pathetic.

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Over ten years ago when I still lived in NYC I won tickets to jazz concerts several times from the jazz station WBGO. If I remember correctly one of those concerts was a Stanley Turrentine show with Cedar Walton's trio at Fat Tuesday's. My brother and I sat right in front of Billy Higgins and every time he hit those drums hard we felt it.

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I once won an album for being the "third caller" or something of that sort. Had to travel downtown and pick the thing up. It was used, and the music sucked. <_<

I normally don't win things because I don't even enter my name into contests. I don't think I've ever bought a lottery ticket in my life. Wouldn't know how to.

Maybe I should... :blink:

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Over ten years ago when I still lived in NYC I won tickets to jazz concerts several times from the jazz station WBGO.  If I remember correctly one of those concerts was a Stanley Turrentine show with Cedar Walton's trio at Fat Tuesday's.  My brother and I sat right in front of Billy Higgins and every time he hit those drums hard we felt it.

From a Jazz program on a now gone FM station then owned by the University of the District of Columbia I won 2 tickets to the Wolf Trap performance for Dizzy's 70th Birthday. The radio show was Felix Grant's.

From what I've read later this was the concert where the the United Nations Orchestra was formed.

Included among many others, James Moody, Sam Rivers, Pachito, Arturo Sandoval, Flora Purim.

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My sister won tickets to see Jean-Luc Ponty at the Felt Forum from WRVR in the '70's. She took me along, part of exposing me to culture (almost 30 years later and I'm full of culture, she only listens to music if she can dance to it). Special musical guest Ambrosia opened. Why? We didn't know.

I won a Sony Seals blues LP off of Rutger's WRSU back then too.

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About 10 years ago I won dinner for 2 on the Odyssey, out onto Lake Michigan for a meal cruise. Big question - do you tip the waiter on the value of the meal or the price of the tickets? I gave the guy a tip (20%) based on my estimation of the meal/service and the guy sneered at me. I thought I was being a good guy.

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I've won twice, the same contest, using the same method. 96 Rock in Atlanta used to do this thing called "The Perfect Album Side" where listeners would send in a list of 5 or 6 songs and they would get played (if the DJ liked them) and the winner would get a $50 gift medallion thingamabob for the local record chain. Some people went with themes, other just picked their favorite songs. But it helped to have some sort of angle to make your choices stand out.

I got sent to a small town in Japan (my first plane trip ever) for about 5 weeks. The day before I left Japan I dropped a postcard - featuring sumo wrestlers - in the mail. The songs I picked all had a Japanese connection: "Turning Japanese" by the Vapors, "Tokyo Storm Warning" by Elvis Costello, "Discovering Japan" by Graham Parker and so on. About a week after I got back I got a call at home from the DJ saying that he was playing my perfect album side and he put me on the radio. I spent the $50 on Herb Ellis and Joe Pass CDs.

On my next trip - about a year later - I got dropped in the same small town - all alone - for 7 weeks. Again, the day before I left I mailed a postcard to the station, this time with a theme of home/homesickness/being on the road with all songs performed by Georgian artists - some Allman Bros, ARS, etc... I won again - and bought more Herb Ellis and Joe Pass CDs.

But the greatest contest I ever won - a contest that didn't even exist - was a few years ago. I recorded a CD of my own instrumental music, performed to the best of my own limited abilities, designed the film noir artwork, the whole magilla, and printed up a thousand copies. Mailed off to every college radio station I could find. Not a single response. Two years later, on a Monday, around 5AM, I was scanning the radio dials on my way to work when I heard something that sounded familiar. I thought "that is the worst sax I've ever heard". It took maybe 30 seconds to realize that it was me. WREK in Atlanta was playing one of my songs - followed by another one. And another one. They played my entire CD! The CD was an hour long and it only took 45 minutes to get to work so I drove around the office park waiting for the CD to finish so I could hear the DJ announce my recording. After the last song - silence. Dead air. As sometimes happens on college radio, the DJ either wandered off or fell asleep. After 15 minutes of hiss I had to give up and go into the office. Here's how it adds up: Avant Garde College Radio + 5AM + snoozing DJ = only one person in the world heard that broadcast - ME! What are the odds? Sorry for the length of the story - I just love telling it.

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Thanks - I just wished I'd had a witness to hear it being played. A friend of mine who played in a band that was once signed to a small label (very little airplay) was driving across South Carolina in the middle of the night and he heard a song from their new release - and it was the only song he wrote and sang lead on. He said it was the coolest feeling ever. I remind myself of that everytime I see the 900 leftover CDs taking up a third of my CD racks. :D

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My one of many radio scores happened to extrapolate into a bigger deal...

I won some tickets to see an "Evening of Windham Hill Artists" at the Berklee Performance Center... free tickets! score!!...so I finally called this woman (as I had been hounded by co-workers to do so) to go to the show. She agreed and fifteen years and two daughters later the prize is still paying off. Granted I will never set foot into an "Evening with Windham Hill" (yawn smiley here) ever again but just that once... :wub:

I still get grief from her for nodding off during the first date festivities but never ever give her a hard time for heading to the exits of the same venue months later when Ornette pulled out the violin (another freebie).

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  • 4 weeks later...

My wife once won Hall & Oates tickest and dinner for two at a local restuarant. Keep in mind this was LAST SUMMER! Needless to say, we didn't go see Hall & Oates. But we did partake in the dinner and the restuarant SUCKED. It was new at the time and had all this hoopla around it but the food was horrible.

Oh well... at least we didn't pay for it! :)

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The biggest thing I ever won from a radio station was two tickets to a Knick playoff game along with a limo ride to Madison Square Garden. I'm not a Knick fan, and they were playing someone like the Cavaliers - it's been a number of years since then, and I can't remember for sure - but I still had a pretty good time.

Also won dinner for two at a Japanese restaurant. That wasn't so great, since the food wasn't.

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