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just wanted to mention


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this is something I am convinced of after having spent a few hours recording with the man on Saturday. Buy his CDs. He is truly the last of the great jazz charismatics.

there is nothing like his SOUND anywhere else.


not to mention that he is one of the nicest people on the planet.

I am going to sleep now because I am very tired.

Edited by AllenLowe
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went very nicely; we had Matt Shipp on Farfisa organ, I played guitar and sax. Of course, playing sax with Rudd is like playing in the midst of a (friendly) hurricane. I always feel that I am not worthy. Got 5 tunes done, about 12 separate takes; just did some rough mixes and I'm very happy about the whole thing.

the project is basically variations on blues forms (I have a good working title for the CD, but want to hold off revealing it until nobody else can borrow it) - one piece is a replication of a street preacher; another is a ballad; another is a "moan"; another is just a nice real slow blues; another an Ayler-esque blue variation.

we had fun. Roswell is truly one of the finest people on the planet.

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Roswell is a national treasure! And a helluva nice man.

I had the pleasure and honor of interviewing him as the basis of a paper I was assigned to write in a Jazz history class while working on my MM. (I talked the school into letting me use their phone)

It took awhile to convince his now-late-wife Moselle that I wasn't intending to profit financially from any contact, but once I won her over, she allowed me free access to the Man.

He has such a humble and self deprecating approach to life. And I sense a deep spiritual essence to him too. He is a wise old sage, in my opinion.

I would love to jam with him! We have talked about getting together the next time I am back east. That is on my bucket list.

Thanks for posting this thread Allen!

Edited by slide_advantage_redoux
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sorry Pete! I sent you a PM through the board on Friday with all my contact info - I don't know if there were problems because of the board change -

the thing of Matt playing Farfisa, though somewhat of a risk, turned out to be the best idea I had - given that there were only three of us, it just filled everything out and darkened the sound - Matt was very laid back, but his accompaniments were quite smart and musical.

and yes, Ros is amazing - full of surprises, a mute, an incredible Ellingtonian wah-wah, a growl, a shout - I'm trying to convince the record company to finance a second recording, as I love writing for him.

some mixing issues, but I should have everything ok to go soon, I hope - doing a little recording up here in January, I hope, also, to fill everything out (I also did a nice session with just me and Matt, in October, which is also part of the project.)

I tell you, my dream horn section would be Ros, Randy Sandke, and Scott Robinson, plus me on alto and guitar; and a rhythm section with a quiet drummer - just don't think there will be enough cash, unless there are some investors out there -

we shall see.

and the best part of it was that I drove to NYC and back, Friday and Sunday, and hit no traffic -

Edited by AllenLowe
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this is something I am convinced of after having spent a few hours recording with the man on Saturday. Buy his CDs. He is truly the last of the great jazz charismatics.

there is nothing like his SOUND anywhere else.


not to mention that he is one of the nicest people on the planet.

I am going to sleep now because I am very tired.

The greatest alive, ok, I'll give you that one, but, the greatest ever. Mr. Johnson hasn't been dead that long has he????????
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surely you're not comparing Ros to the guy whose playing was likened by one critic as sounding like someone "reading stock quotations"?

hey Jason! took me a minute to figure this one out - will send you a mix - send me a pm with your mailing address-

Edited by AllenLowe
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surely you're not comparing Ros to the guy whose playing was likened by one critic as sounding like someone "reading stock quotations"?

hey Jason! took me a minute to figure this one out - will send you a mix - send me a pm with your mailing address-

J.J. Johnson was the greatest trombone player EVER, accessible, consumer friendly music. If you want out of the ordinary, play some Grachan Moncur.........

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