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i was hoping for some good deals on those DVD-recording camcorders, but didn't find anything enticing

I don't think you'll see anything too enticing on those for a while. If Best Buy is any indication of how things are going, these camcorders aren't being manufactured fast enough. We're having a very difficult time keeping them in stock.


I went into Best Buy Friday morning to get a camcorder on sale. There was a huge line outside even though the sale was set to end at noon and it was already 10:30. We got in eventually and all the camcorders were gone. We looked for some DVDs and computer games; saw the incredible line at the cashiers which wound snakelike around the building, and just gave up. We walked out emtyhanded. No shopping for me after Thanksgiving.


I went into Best Buy Friday morning; saw the incredible line at the cashiers which wound snakelike around the building, and just gave up. We walked out emtyhanded. No shopping for me after Thanksgiving.

I wanted to get a emachine at Best Buy for $300 (after rebates) and then add the $80 DVD-writer (after rebates). But I didn't get there till 7AM.



you know the trick to shopping after Turkey day is to shop at night! Many stores stay open late, and don't even advertise the fact! Drove me nuts at Borders to be open til Midnight the week before Christmas, and only a dozen people would be in the store that last hour, because Borders didn't believe in advertising! :angry:


I'm surprised nobody has cracked any jokes about the great $29 DVD player they got at the Walmart stampede. :(

Walmart said they would save the lady a DVD player.

There was only a small crowd at the Circuit city nearby. Several DVD players for $30.

(I already have one for every TV)

Told my neighbor to get a $30 DVD, but she said it was too much trouble. Now, she wants a plasma TV. Go figure? :rolleyes:


I'm surprised nobody has cracked any jokes about the great $29 DVD player they got at the Walmart stampede. :(

How? By the time I got to the table, they only had one left, and then gave me some stupid excuse about it "being on hold for some flat woman". I mean reallY! :angry:

(Yeah, like I'd shop at WalMart! :lol: )


you know the trick to shopping after Turkey day is to shop at night! Many stores stay open late, and don't even advertise the fact! Drove me nuts at Borders to be open til Midnight the week before Christmas, and only a dozen people would be in the store that last hour, because Borders didn't believe in advertising! :angry:

Hey Beri,

Was in Ann Arbor, Mi on Saturday and noticed a large contingent of Union employees yelling and waving "on strike!" placards outside of Borders. I didn't go into the store, but I wonder if this was just a local issue or whether this was going on in all the Border's outlets.

Does this have anything to do with their decision not to hire any extra Christmas help?


Man, I hope Borders isn't on strike too! I didn't know they had unionized employees.

Out in California we're about eight weeks into the grocery store strike (I haven't crossed the picket lines). This just seems like a bad time of year for a strike.


I'm surprised nobody has cracked any jokes about the great $29 DVD player they got at the Walmart stampede.  :(

How? By the time I got to the table, they only had one left, and then gave me some stupid excuse about it "being on hold for some flat woman". I mean reallY! :angry:

(Yeah, like I'd shop at WalMart! :lol: )

:lol: Thanks Moose!

It's amazing how bad customer service has gotten. In the old days (of customer service - I know they didn't have DVD players then :P ), if a women was trampled in a store trying to buy something, I would have believed that the store might have done the generous thing and GAVE her the DVD play plus a TV to watch it on.

But, I guess offering to put it on hold is as good as you'll get. Heck, the box of the player is probably crushed anyway, so they figured they had nothing to lose. :tdown

Posted (edited)

I frankly hate going shopping the day after T-day. So after I got a haircut on Friday morning, I went over to Best Buy to pick up the expanded edition of the Lord of the Rings for my son. No bargain but just one thing to get out of the way. The store was mobbed but what surprised me is that there was no waiting at the check out. This was around 10:30. I guess there were more lookers than actual buyers.

Edited by Brad

Was in Ann Arbor, Mi on Saturday and noticed a large contingent of Union employees yelling and waving "on strike!" placards outside of Borders. I didn't go into the store, but I wonder if this was just a local issue or whether this was going on in all the Border's outlets.

Does this have anything to do with their decision not to hire any extra Christmas help?

The people at that downtown store seem to go on strike every few months, and they annoy the hell out of me because I can't get into or out of the damn store unaccosted!!! Last time they got in my face, asking me to sign some stupid petition that I don't even remember the details of. The other Ann Arbor store, however, is never on strike, at least not that I've seen. I think it's just the downtown one. People even have "Boycott Borders!!" signs on their lawns over this. If I had any cash right now I would proudly walk into that store, buy something and walk out in front of the strikers.

Posted (edited)

If you don't wish to be bothered, then here's what you do:

As soon as you see one of them making a beeline for you, draw yourself up to your full height, shoulders back. Widen your eyes a bit (just a little, not like a maddog). Start walking towards them. Loosely clinch your fists. When they ask you or tell you something, respond with something polite, like "excuse me?" or "I'm sorry?" but say it with a slight edge in your voice. If they don't give up right away and say something else, firmly say "I'm not interested". Usually they'll immediately give up.

I usually only react this way when it seems apparent that they are going to be antagonistic. If they approach in a friendly manner, then I'll just be just as friendly. Hope that helps!

*edit - by loosely clench your fists I mean leave enough space in your hand so that you can put them up to your eyes and pretend you have binoculars (something I do on a regular basis. TANGENT!!). This is so the shape of a fist is apparent, but it is impossible to actually hit someone and not break your hand. You don't want anyone to jump into self defense mode!

Edited by Jazz

Was in Ann Arbor, Mi on Saturday and noticed a large contingent of Union employees yelling and waving "on strike!" placards outside of Borders.  I didn't go into the store, but I wonder if this was just a local issue or whether this was going on in all the Border's outlets. 

Does this have anything to do with their decision not to hire any extra Christmas help?

The people at that downtown store seem to go on strike every few months, and they annoy the hell out of me because I can't get into or out of the damn store unaccosted!!! Last time they got in my face, asking me to sign some stupid petition that I don't even remember the details of. The other Ann Arbor store, however, is never on strike, at least not that I've seen. I think it's just the downtown one. People even have "Boycott Borders!!" signs on their lawns over this. If I had any cash right now I would proudly walk into that store, buy something and walk out in front of the strikers.

I would happily have entered Borders if that was my intention, Greg. I was too busy checking out Encore and Wazoo.

In general, I'm not afraid of striking workers making it difficult to enter doors. I get all feisty about people trying to determine my shopping habits. I just happened to notice all the noise and stuff while I was on the opposite side of the street.


I would happily have entered Borders if that was my intention, Greg. I was too busy checking out Encore and Wazoo.

Do you check out SchoolKids too when you are in Ann Arbor? He has some great prices on new and current releases. He had the Miles Jack Johnson box priced lower than anywhere else I could find, among lots of other good deals. The only problem is finding parking on a weekday!


I would happily have entered Borders if that was my intention, Greg.  I was too busy checking out Encore and Wazoo. 

Do you check out SchoolKids too when you are in Ann Arbor? He has some great prices on new and current releases. He had the Miles Jack Johnson box priced lower than anywhere else I could find, among lots of other good deals. The only problem is finding parking on a weekday!

Sounds vaguely familiar, Greg, but I'm not sure I know where Schoolkids is. What street is it on?

Used to visit the Allied Record Exchange there as well but stopped since they suck as far as jazz holdings go.

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