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Jazz Fugues


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I have the feeling I posted this before, but it may have been on another board.

I remember hearing some absolutely awesome jazz fugues on vinyl at the listening center at college. Unfortunately, I absolutely cannot remember the name of the combo or the album. Does anyone know of any jazz musicians or groups that have done entire albums (whether vinyl or cd) devoted to the jazz fugue idea? Thanks in advance!

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Don't believe that there are many (if any) literal, fully worked out fugues on Duane Tatro's marvelous "Jazz For Moderns" (OJC) but Tatro's writing is full of fugal textures, handled with a organic inventiveness and air of necessity that is rare in jazz writing IMO. By contrast, check out the contemporary work of Tatro's fellow West Coast-based composer Jack Montrose, which is not without interest but where the fugal textures too often seem like bids for classiness and/or extra credit.

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  • 4 years later...

Just happen to have picked up Warne Marsh - Lee Konitz Quintet Live at the Club Montmartre, Vol. 2 (Storyville), and this album has short excerpts from two Bach Two-Part Inventions (fugues): Two-Part Invention No. 1 (BWV 772) (Allegro), and Two-Part Invention No. 13 (BWV 784) (Allegro Tranquillo). Just over a minute each, played by alto/tenor duo.

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Guest Bill Barton

Check out "Fuga Bembe" from Daniel Barry's Walk All Ways CD on OA2. As you might guess from the title, the fugue gets cross-pollinated with the bembe rhythm. The very brief "Pastorale Zipoli" from this disc is also somewhat fugal.

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one to add to the list:

Peace Fugue by Fred Wesley and The New J.Bs, from the album "a blow for me and a toot to you" on Warner. it's a george clinton/ funkadelic linked project. Peace Fugue is quite lovely, and not like anything else on that record. Seen them play it live a couple of times as well.

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