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DROID by Verizon- I picked one up.


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I recently got a Blackberry Storm 2. The first generation Storm I had was pretty lame- bad sound, bad controls. I traded it in after a week and got the Storm 2, which is a MUCH better product.

I've been curious about the Droid- I'm wondering what it has over the Storm 2.

I agree, vaj, these high tech phones are pretty cool! I really don't even need to take my notebook anymore when I travel.

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Congratulations, and welcome to the confusing world of apps. I would suggest that you take it slow in adding apps, because so many sound cool, but once you add them, you never use them. I must admit though, I love these high tech phones. I have a Blackberry Curve 8900, and it does the techie stuff so well, that like FFA, I no longer have to take my laptop with me when I travel.

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I have the HTC Fuze, which is a pretty amazing device, but now seems a little outdated even though it came out just a year ago. It has Windows Mobile 6.1, which, unfortunately, is slow and buggy. I intend to try an Android next. I couldn't imagine not having one of these little minicomputers (the phone part seems almost an afterthought) with me everywhere now. It's great being able to email and check anything on the internet wherever I am.

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I held out for a long time, but I caved. My wife has a Storm and she loves it- I slowly warmed up to having a lot of features on the phone. We want to lose the landline and use google voice so this is the first step. The apps are overwhelming- I downloaded Pandora, Google night sky, USA Today and a few others.

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I may very well have chugged an entire pitcher of the Kool-Aid, but after replacing my 9-year-old Nokia with an iPhone 3GS several months ago, I am convinced that the iPhone is probably the most significant development in personal technology since the PC and the Internet both entered the mainstream. There are the obvious limitations that go with a pocket-sized screen, but the tradeoff is that it is a truly portable computer.

No doubt other phones/mobile OSes will catch up eventually, but right now the iPhone is at the top of the heap.

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