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Well, it's official. Hadn't peeked into the BNBB all day until just now (about 10 at night my time.) I know it's been said...but it's downright creepy over there. A week ago it was thriving, tonight I had to step over a few of the dead and dying.

I wish I were a fly on the wall in Tom's office. Was it a gameplan gone horribley wrong, or one that succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. There was no middle ground taken. The place IS vacated, bomb-out and destroyed beyond recognition. It makes me sad, and I wonder if it makes Tom and the few in the BN offices sad too? I don't know. I'm sure Bo would be bummed that all his hard work has been wasted.

Sometimes, it's good to talk about death.(I think that's a Dr. Phil... ;) )


I feel sad that all the valuable jazz knowledge maintained at the BNBB is now gone. Mixed in between all the political rants, discussions, etc.. there is some GOOD jazz information. I've done many searches and answered many of my own questions, then made purchases of Blue Note product.

Yes, I know... I could probably still do searches with a little tinkering around the old BNBB links. However, that's not the point. Who knows how long till the links are deleted? And, there will be nothing new added.

There are alternatives. AAJ is available and Organissimo is available. However, the vast BNBB knowledge base of posts has yet to be recreated.

Once the 'excitement' of the closing of the BNBB calms, most posters will probably be back to the discussion of the music. It's too bad the data base of answers & topics no longer exists.

Jeez, what about all those RVG vs. McMaster discussions? I'm not claiming the RVG vs. McMaster topics were necessarily intelligent but they did open my ears & mind to the nuances of each man's efforts. If it weren't for the discussions at the BNBB I'd probably always wonder who Ron McMaster was.


It's weird. I've been at the BNBB almost every day since June '99 (though I didn't post that often). What a waste. I wish there was a way to take all the threads and move them somewhere safe. I know there isn't and it's a drag. I guess I thought it would always be there. This makes me feel like I need to get off the computer and do something that will last.


Well, I can't believe that Tom is pleased by what happened. I also can't believe that he ordered the "hit," though he might have botched the "execution." He took enough interest in some of the misc. threads in the past and he seemed to generally like us. I think, though, that he may have been surprised at the current state of the board, and especially the misc threads. He sort of trusted us to police ourselves, but then he went away, we threw a wild party, and the neighbors called the cops. It was handled badly, and he probably realizes that now, in retrospect.



I really can't see a case of the animals taking over the zoo! They had the option of warning us. Impotent as he(she) was, there was some sort of Board Admininstator who chimed in infrequently. I am very saddened by the demise of the Blue Note Board, it was part of my daily routine. I will still check in there from time to time with kind of a dulled interest. I am still very curious to see if Tom will re-instate those fourms that he talked about in his last post and if they will return some of the features that have been discontinued in the past couple days. In the meantime, my head is spinning from checking out these new boards.

This board is very user-friendly and many familiar names are turning up. It looks like safe-harbor for a weary traveler.


i never thought i would leave the bnbb, but here i am. i didn't post much, but i was there every single day. this and the all about jazz site look promising. i honestly believe that the increased traffic to the blue note site caused by the norah jones phenom did us all in. they did not want the rest of the world to see all of the crazies and get scared away. next year at this time when norah is on emi or her new album has flopped, they may see the error in their ways.


Wingy posted a really obnoxious tasteless post on Alexander's " To is a Prep..." thread

If the board doesn't delete that post, or the whole thread, or even shut down by Monday morning, I will be really upset.. it's far worse than any of our jokes. about Norah etc.

If they don't trash it.. they are blatant hypocrites, and I'll believe tall the Norah infuencing the board lines that we madeup were the truth.

Wingy is over at AAJ now with a new but easily recognisable name.. wonder hoe they'll take

No doubt he will come here too, but we are used to his bullshit( its not bullshit when he talks about jazz) and his infantile terminology.

I',m looking forward to checking out BNBB tomorrow to see what they do... actually if they were hip, it would have been done already.


I thought Ed's post were right on. It's really a ghost town and it's very saddening to think that only one week ago it was a thriving place. However, I think that is what management wanted. They didn't want the hardcore fans like us dissecting everything or analyzing this or that. They want people who will come there because of Norah and buy their new stable of artists and some of the new RVGs, etc. they put out. It wouldn't surprise me if the RVGs and traditional pre-70 jazz doesn't get issued as much as it did in the last few years. The one thing is that the hardcore of us that came to be BNBB have found this new home and AAJ to go to continue.


It wouldn't surprise me if the RVGs and traditional pre-70 jazz doesn't get issued as much as it did in the last few years.

I have a bad feeling about this, too.

I wonder if the connoisseur series will continue.


Yeah, here we were all thinking Norah's success was going to fund a healthy reissue program. When in the end, it may have crippled it somewhat. Why does the obvious almost never happen in life?


All that money might be going into A&R for the "NBFS" (Next Big Female Singer). It will really be a bad sign if we see a lot of vocals coming out on Blue Note later in the year -- not that there's anything wrong with that ;) .


I snuck a peek at the ol’ BNBB yesterday or the day before. Jeez, what a belligerent wasteland. Some long-standing members are now trying to get booted from the board? I suppose they’re being at least a little facetious. Still, I’m surprised I haven’t seen someone change their handle to “Tomatfuckyouall” or “Toadatbluenote” and post something like:

“You ungrateful bastards! Where were you when Greg Osby needed your support at his Blue Note show in New York last year? We put a lot of time, effort and money into that talented man’s career and you all ****ed him, and me, in the ***. I’ve spent the last year kissing Nora’s *** and paying off radio programmers, and you dickwads ***** and whine for dusty old **** normal health people hate. You mother****ing ****heads! **** you all!”

The village idiot in me has struck yet again, but please, please don’t anybody get any ideas at this point.


Well Wingy's deliberate verbal shit hasn't been deleted yet Makes you wonder what really p'd them off. If they accept that kind of garbage.. then our poltical battles and baby oil covered bimbos couldn't have been the reason.

My only conclusion is thstthe changes did come from what they thought were negative comments about her musio possibly huting their sales.

I haven't seen much in the way of entralled Norah fans posting there..

I'd really like an answer that I can believe to the Question of what caused the change, and did they achieve their objective... doubt this enquiring mind will ever know.


I was just over there a few hours ago, and I see a lot of new names. Doubtless, these are people who have changed their handle, and a re more comfortable shouting insults because of it! And this, of course, just grossly increases my admiration for Ed Swinnich, who isn't going down peacefully!!

Go Ed! :g


I was just over there a few hours ago, and I see a lot of new names. Doubtless, these are people who have changed their handle, and a re more comfortable shouting insults because of it! And this, of course, just grossly increases my admiration for Ed Swinnich, who isn't going down peacefully!!

Go Ed! :g

I would never do such a thing....strange, at one time, there was this member, #2931 who was "sterile serenity is fun", on one thread, and "Norah Jones and her breasts" on another, I don't know how that happened...no longer the case


I'd really like an answer that I can believe to the Question of what caused the change, and did they achieve their objective... doubt this enquiring mind will ever know.

Some people know, though we never will. But here's a guess for what it's worth. Anybody who's worked in a corporate environment can probably relate to this:

One day a bigwig at Blue Note/EMI decides to check out the BNBB. He/She is horrifed at what they see and read.

The crisis of the day ensues. Phone calls, e-mails, lots of raised voices, weight and authority being thrown around. "CLEAN UP THAT **** THING BEFORE IT WRECKS OUR NORAH SALES." Everybody runs likes frightened rats to do the "suit's" bidding. And so it is done, as down the ladder people deal with the fall-out from the bigwig's blow-up. As usual in these cases, the whole thing is a train-wreck.

Meanwhile, if you ask the suit today what it was all about he/she wouldn't remember a thing about it. Probably give you a blank stare if you mentioned the Blue Note Bulletin Board. "Uh, what's that? Gee, I didn't know we had one."


I just tried to go to BNBB and it has a message up that it will be closed until May 1. The BNBB is dead indeed.


That was probably a good move.

Though, where am I going to converse with my fellow Norah Jones fans and what is going to happen to Greg?

Somebody must have really PISSED them off.


Well, Blue Note did the right thing on this, they had so screwed things up they needed just to shut down and start over again. Well, it was truly fun for three years of daily visits, I learned tons about jazz. Too bad Blue Note never realized what they had in the board. :(

Never to be JuJu again.

Posted (edited)

One day a bigwig at Blue Note/EMI decides to check out the BNBB. He/She is horrifed at what they see and read.

The crisis of the day ensues.

About a year ago I browsed the addresses on the Links section of Blue Note website. One URL pointed to a porn site! I think it was www.bluenote.co.uk , they probably had forgotten to renew the domain registration, and a porn webmaster had taken it.

Two weeks later, the link was still there and still leading to that sex site. I sent Blue Note a message through the feedback page, and the link was removed a day later.

My feeling is that Blue Note does not care much about their web presence. The site isn't really great compared to what other labels have. Maybe they only have a part time webmaster, who also has to be board administrator. No surprise they don't notice when something goes wrong.

Edited by Claude

Remember the guy who had posted a rather - shall we say 'unorthodox' - review of Birth Of The Cool? it gave new meaning to the expression 'sharing bodily fluids'. It took 'em a few days to delete that one.


Well, Blue Note did the right thing on this, they had so screwed things up they needed just to shut down and start over again. Well, it was truly fun for three years of daily visits, I learned tons about jazz. Too bad Blue Note never realized what they had in the board. :(

It's such a shame that they did not realize what they had. If they did, they would have done their cleanout in an organized and meaningful way. Instead they chose to throw us all out - lock, stock and barrel.

Their loss, in more ways than one. I know my buying habits. Not having the constant banter about releases is going to put them back into the mainstream of my consciousness - competeing for my dollars with the rest of the labels out there instead of getting first crack at my wallet.

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