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More goddam computer problems

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Apple does not make hard drives. Their products usually use Hitachi. Apple has an external hard drive on the market called Time Capsule. It encases a Hitachi 1TB Deskstar. It suffers from the same issues that any hard drive is susceptible to.


No matter what your brand loyalty, back it up.

I am currently using a Buffalo Linkstation Pro NAS which runs Linux. Windows PC and Macs read/write to it every day.

*lovingly typed from a MBP.

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Oh well, I spent a lot of yesterday making sure I had backups of the most important stuff (which I always do) and also the less important stuff, which I often can't be asked to backup. Every time I got the error, I had to turn it off and restart. About three quarters of the way through, I went down to make a cup of tea while it was rebooting and found, when I got back, that a startup checkdisk utility that only appears once in a blue moon had started and was finding - and trying to repair - all the errors. So when that was finished, and of course it hadn't repaired all the errors, I worked out that I'd lost very little interesting stuff and backed up the bits that I hadn't already covered and which I hadn't lost and decided to let the rest that hadn't been lost lose itself when I reformatted.

I reformatted this morning. Then, before I started writing data back to the hard drive, ran a virus scan, just in case - but it was OK. And after lunch started putting data back on the external. It takes bleeding ages to reorganise stuff. Just finished. Will order a new external hard drive, in view of what you all say. I shan't junk this one - I'll use the two together, one backing up the other.

Thanks for all your advice, folks.


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  • 2 months later...

No, other than when I go to cduniverse the browser crashes every time. That's the only site it happens with. Weird.

Yeah--same thing was happening to me with Newbury Comics Saturday night! I placed the order the next day on my computer at work (which hasn't received the latest Firefox update yet) and it went through fine.

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At the risk of stating the obvious (I'd better say that), you need an external hard drive though. I lost a lot of precious data when my computer had to have: a new motherboard, processor and main hard drive. (And all because some foreign geeks are clever at making viruses etc.)

The Gestapo took a friend's computer away, based on a faked accusation. If they take mine, they won't deprive me of diddly squat of any value, because all files of value, none illegal, are on a hidden external drive that a sniffer dog would have trouble finding. So, I hope that that drive isn't unstable. (Maybe I should back-back-up everything onto a second external drive. This kind of issue makes one appreciate even more the scripture "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24:35))

Edited by Shrdlu
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