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Matt Wilson - "That's Gonna Leave a Mark"


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I mentioned this one briefly in another thread, but it deserves its own. This is without a doubt my favorite new release of the year. Matt leads a piano-less quartet with Chris Lightcap on bass and two horn plyers, and they really kill it. I've always loved the open, freer sound of piano-less combos, particularly two-horn quartets like this one. I hadn't previously heard of the two horn players, Andrew D'Angelo and Jeff Lederer, but both of them sound very inspired here. Its a fun, hot session that reminds me of alot of the hard-blowing sessions that I have on recordings from the late 60's and early 70's, yet still sounds fresh and modern. I hope Matt keeps this band together for more recording & touring.

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Andrew was diagnosed with brain cancer early last year and underwent two surgeries to remove the tumor. Rather than undergo radiation therapy, he became deeply involved in alternative medicine (vitamins, herbs, visualization) and has been in full remission for a while now. I enjoyed hearing Human Feel (a band that also included Chris Speed, Jim Black and Kurt Rosenwinkel) when they were based in Boston, and Andrew was always fun to talk to during his employ in the jazz dept. at Tower Records.

Edited by sonnymax
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